User Reviews: Spotlight X

Top reviews

  • Forced restart multiple times

    I have this issue on both this game and the original Spotlight Escape. I will exit and return only to see that all of my progress from unlocking levels is completely lost and I need to start from the beginning. It has happened at least 3 times on the original and just happened again. The graphics and puzzles are great, I just wish the game weren’t so buggy.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, please send an email to with more information about your iOS version and device model so we can look into the solution. Thank you!
  • We’ll put together game.

    Fun game. Challenging but not too hard. I have one small complaint. If you figure out a clue, you still have to go through the correct sequence. Spoiler alert🚨 For example, when I saw the numbers behind the painting on level one then saw the computer graph I entered the correct numbers of briefcase, but it didn’t open. I had to go click paper on computer after wasting 3 hints. I then changed numbers and then put them back to where I had them and it then worked. Thanks:) changing to 5 stars due to developer responding and showing they care.

    Developer Response

    Hello. Yes you must collect all clues first, before you can continue.
  • Frustrating

    Not a very intuitive game. Objects are not always obvious, and how to use them is even less. I have had to watch so many commercials just to figure out the most mundane way forward.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your review. We are aware of working of several mechanics being unclear at the very start, we are looking at improving this.
  • Fun Game but has issues

    Puzzles can be fun and challenging, but there is a major issue with trying to select levels and items when the inventory is longer than screen length. Never can select items if I have to scroll down. Also level select constantly increases in size, but does not select the level. Incredibly frustrating and haven’t found a fix.

    Developer Response

    Hello, several users described this problem. We will try to find the issue and fix it, thank you for your feedback!
  • Anti Biden ads

    I deleted this game when I saw the anti Biden ads. Too bad. The game was fun.
  • Most excellent game!

    This is truly for the die hard puzzle fan. I have multiple compliments and only two complaints. First, love the concept, complexity, creepy theme and entire series. Graphics have really improved over the years!
    My biggest complaint is that I want a button that prevents you from accidentally going back during a complex puzzle…too many times I have had to walk away ( like answer a phone call) and my screen saver pops on and when I go to return to the game I now have to start the entire frustrating puzzle all over again because there was no way to save progress while you momentarily stepped away from the screen…in Some of the longer, multi step puzzles I have actually stopped playing the game for a week or so because I got so aggravated to have come so far and then had to start all over with an accidental hit of the back button or a screen time out!
    Beyond that I absolutely love these games and await the next chapter!
    The other complaint is really minor…different creepy music….I think the point may be to give you strange vibe with the music….but it becalmed a bit over the top after about three minutes!
    Some of the puzzles border on obscure and I have to admit I need some serious explanations and help now and then, but that is what keeps me coming back!
  • Nice

    I like it, Picasso…😆
    But really I’ve only played the first level so far with not too much difficulty. Hoping it amps up as it goes. I like that it gives you a time and somewhat of a rank —makes it feel more competitive.

    The only thing that frustrated me (hope I can say this without giving too much info) is:
    Even if you have all your codes, you can’t unlock certain things unless everything you need is in the inventory. There was something in the way so every time I tapped on an item the thing in the way would move back. This had me thinking I couldn’t pick it up, however I could still read it. I had figured out the right code, just had to acquire that item in order to “enter” it. 😩 Wasted a hint just to tell me that I *could* pick it up. I wonder if this is just to prevent cheating. I hope I get a better score on this next part!
  • My finger hurts

    Freezes requiring rapid constant tapping before being able to select an item… but if you press too fast youll unselect and have to repeat until it reselects. By the time this is fone youve forgotten what you were doing or are in too much pain to continue. No its not my phone, i have other games. The concept is cool tho im going to try a different version by the same creators hopefully i dont encounter the same issue.

    Developer Response

    Hello, several users described this problem. We will try to find the issue and fix it, thank you for your feedback!
  • Incredible, as usual!

    This developer has always done an amazing job on creating these games, coming up with new and interesting puzzles, love it!
    Couple little things:
    1: The introduction and use of Easter egg achievements is wonderful and such fun!
    2: The soundtrack is lovely, for about two rooms, and then it gets repetitive. I think it would be great to put one or two more background tracks to alternate between.
    3: I had no idea you could pick up the glass on the "Shadows" level, I had to look up cheats for that, and before I did that I tried to use the key to slice the tape and open the box, which I think makes sense. So perhaps let the box be opened in that way as well, to avoid people wasting their hints on a difficult to see object? Or automatically add the shard to the inventory when the window is smashed, either would work.
  • Amazing!

    Great game with great puzzles ! Hope there will be new levels soon

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