Warcraft Rumble User Reviews

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  • 100% Pay to Win in later levels

    Most of the good reviews are from folks that did not get to later levels. Albeit it’s a great game at start but then it’s just gets ridiculous fast. Ex. A blackrock level starts with 24 coins worth of minis already on the board for AI. Another near undercity starts out with around 18 coins of mini on the board. Not to mention both start the board 4 levels above me. Only way to level? Beat new zones and areas. The only way to do that once your at the above section - you got it - the store. But what irritates me the most - let’s not make it challenging because we have folks on the payroll that have played this game to the point of being masters and make a really good go of it, but instead let’s just make it completely unbalanced so that you have to spend cash to go any farther. IMHO you can’t get any lower than that. Blizz has gone from a group of gamers that have become developers making great games to accountants that have become developers who are in it for the money and that is it. Activision actually started because developers who were gamers did not want to end up corporate machines and also wanted to get credit for their work - it was a passion then and the games reflected that. Now’s it’s an ATM - such a shame to see something so great fall so far.
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  • Fun game. Runs poorly.

    Very fun game. You can play for a very long time without having to feel like you need to buy anything. If you ever give them money go for the arclight booster (it continues to give benefits the more you play). I’ve played over a year and never felt like I was not able to play the way I want because I haven’t given money. They also do a very good job of introducing new units and adding new features.

    This game runs VERY poorly. On my much older iPhone (XR) this game turns my phone into a heater. It gets extremely hot (which is just wasting battery life). This runs well on a 4th generation iPad Air. This runs incredibly poorly on an 2021 M1 Max MacBook Pro with 32GB RAM. It will heat up the laptop, turn on the fans and the laptop will recognize that the cause is this silly little game. Sometimes the game will chug and the framerate will drop to single digits. Sometimes the game just doesn’t recognize clicks (as the framerate drops happen). Also on the phone the game crashes pretty often.

    If the issue was ONLY that my older iPhone XR runs poorly I feel like that may be understandable. The fact that it also runs poorly on a MUCH more powerful laptop shows that they’re not putting enough effort into optimizations.
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  • Great game, when it works

    First, very much enjoy the game. I primarily play PvE. The guild system works, could be a bit better with slightly larger guilds. To the “when it works” Several members of my guild as well as myself had trouble logging in for several days during the recent event, missing out on individual rewards as well as collecting rewards for the guild as a whole. The fix was completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Not a complete fix, still have loading issues occasionally. We noticed this after the most recent update. The raids can be hit or miss as to whether or not you raid invite shows in the guild. Much better than when they first released, but still glitchy. For now, I cannot play against Heroic Inquisitor Whitemane, it just fails to load. Which is a problem, as an Undead victory is all that is needed to complete Lordaeron. 3 stars seems fair. If they fixed a few of the more prevalent issues, 4 stars easy. Possibly 5, if they can stop introducing bugs with large patches.

    *Edit: Recent update fixed some of the issues. Adjusted to 4 stars.
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  • Can’t get past loading screen

    This game is very fun. There is a paywall, sure, but if you love Warcraft or WoW then you can get past it. However, there is a bug that Blizzard hasn’t addressed with iOS version of this game. The bug is you get stuck at the initial loading screen of the game and it loops the loading screen back to back. It’ll load, get to 100%, then go back to loading the game from the beginning, as if you reopened the app or something. I have the latest version of iOS, as well as the latest version of Warcraft Rumble. I haven’t been able to play for weeks and this issue has been all over social media pages for this game, so the game developers certainly know about it and haven’t commented or addressed the issue.

    ALSO, if you decide to play and can get past the loading screen…MAKE A BLIZZARD ACCOUNT AND/OR LINK WARCRAFT RUMBLE TO YOUR ACCOUNT! I haven’t had this issue, as I linked it right away. However, I have heard many nightmare stories about people having to delete the app, reinstall to fix the bug, and they lose all their months and months of daily progress, as well as losing all the hundreds or thousands of dollars they spent on the game. Nothing the game developers can do to recover your account if it’s not linked.
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  • Cool game! But extremely frustrating.

    Updated Review: still buggy from time to time but at this point my main gripe is the exp farmers in pvp. The match making system is quite awful as it’s based solely on your skill not levels accrued as well. There are certain matches you go in where you have no shot because your opponent far out ranks your units. This is the only game I’ve ever had make me mad enough to throw and break my phone. I’ve never experienced this kind of frustration in a game due to poor design. The pay to win on top of the farmers just makes pvp quite unplayable at times!

    Original review:
    Very Grindy if you’re not going to spend $ on it. The pathing is horrible at times. Units ignoring monsters to mine gold thus dying in the process or trying so hard to kill a threat that it tries futilely to walkthrough your minion mean while ignoring the tower shooting it or finding a way around to the side. The app has a tendency to crash as well especially in a loading screen which makes the loading process which is already annoying twice as long if not more. Hard to learn how to strategize as most PvM content can be beaten easily with a high enough level. All in all cool concept but severely lacking.
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  • Do not get this game unless you love spending money.

    I’ve had this game roughly since launch and I would absolutely not recommend it. The game seems flashy and fun at times, and it’s exciting to win, but the more you play, the less you win, and by wider and wider margins. The AI opponents in this game are overwhelmingly difficult, even when you’ve played a long time. Strategy completely goes out the window when the game sends endless waves of enemies at you (Blizzard claims the AI has the same amount of money you do, but with five seconds of observing the game, you’ll see the AI has a limitless gold supply). The game starts out feeling a bit like a puzzle game, finding the best strategies to beat bosses and work around other players in PvP. But this drops off after a certain point and players are actually punished both for trying new teams and for sticking to their reliable teams. The game constantly gives you incentives to spend money, and I’m sad to say that I’ve spent a fair bit on this game. It seems exciting, getting that dopamine hit of leveling a leader or unlocking a new mini…until you realize that leveling up one character just makes the entire game harder across the board. Like I said earlier, this game wants players to spend money, but punishes them for getting better. I would never, ever recommend this game, based on this alone.
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  • Please make this a fun game

    I know you want to make money but man this game is not fun 50% of the time. The arc light with undead and alliance with a bunch of spells stinks! Then you throw out op decks that counter it… why? Make interesting mechanics and don’t force us to play crappy decks and then send exact counters at it. If you lose players you don’t make any money. The heroic missions are a nightmare until you are 3-4 levels higher than everything. Same goes for dungeons. If you actually used the same amount of resources as us then maybe strategy would apply but really if the ai wants to win and you are not the right level it just starts sending out super expensive tank troops like they are cycle troops…I really wish I loved this game without the hate part. It’s really a like/hate relationship. I hope that these types of “games” (really slot machines but with no way to make money.. just a place to dump a bunch of money) fade from existence and real amazing games like Diablo 2, Warcraft 3 and StarCraft 2 can be the basis for these mobile things. But that would require a Time Machine. Also man the game is a buggy mess. Mainly the menus. The game works fine but the menus have issues. I get stuck and have to restart the game so many times…
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  • Like the rest, fun at first and bam

    You start out doing good but once you get your stats to a point you get matched with people higher than you with stronger leaders and units so you get destroyed within the first set of units sent. You see your opponent sending mass units but you’re waiting for yours to slowly recharge and I’m seeing the high cost units being sent one after another. Leaders with two abilities vs a leader with one… opponent towers seem stronger too at times with bonuses. I understand there’s different abilities and things to do but being matched with someone who’s much stronger than yours ruins the experience, oh yeah a loss decreases stats and you earn less exp for units but winning increases it so if your a low bottom of the barrel payer and always being matched with someone who has 5000%+ and extras, it brings the experience down and makes you feel like saying “Yup, another pay to win game” hard work vs quick payment, companies take the bribe. “Give us money and will give you an advantage.” Kids are only gonna learn it’s better to pay to get ahead… how many universities do that…. Guess I’m just talking out my bum bum. I would love to see a game where there’s no pay for extra perks like the old days of gaming.
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  • Blizzard just trying to make as much money as possible

    The game is completely pay to win for the normal person. You can’t not play this game competitively and have the game balanced. I played a COMP GAME and the other players towers had a whole extra level on me! HOW IS THAT BALANCED. You have to either played a ludicrous amount or pay a crazy amount to unlock the talents for all your guys. I qued for a ranked comp game the other player was a higher level then me??????? How is that even make sense, competitive games are suppose to be balanced where the players have equal chance but if you don’t have anything unlocked you need to grind in a system that does not favor the better player. I’ve been playing since launch and still don’t have everything unlocked. The game plays great and has a lot of cool features but it’s clear this game is all about generating cash for 99% of the players. pVE is the only fun part about this game but I’m giving it a 1 star because blizzard takes your money from you unethically in this game. The shop is full of scams and overpriced level boosts. So lame. Please do better or just give me a job and I can fix your awful business model. L
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  • Difficulty scales too fast in the early game

    If you like the reverse tower defense kind of games you might like this just be warned the difficulty ramps excessively fast. I got to about level 10 and started having trouble so I decided to go back to the earlier levels to grind a bit. I was not expecting to steam roll them, but I was not expecting the very first level of the game to completely destroy me over and over. There are a lot of people who have come to enjoy it and maybe I’m just bad at this type of game. However, I personally found it very unenjoyable, and it felt akin to go to being pressure to look at the cash shop to buy power. Now even if you lose you still get some power but it is a slow trickle. It would be the kind of thing I would expect if I was mid game or later not very early on. Once more a more skilled player could probably do it easily, but I felt the difficulty ramps way too fast for someone in learning or a casual player. I would, however, be open checking in a year from now to see if anything changed.
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