User Reviews: Nespresso (New)

Top reviews

  • New app good vibes

    New app is way more user friendly and makes setting up a subscription super easy
  • Terrible app and no ability to force machine firmware update

    Same old sad story from Nespresso. Please fire your software engineers and product management teams. Start again. This app is terrible and you should be fixing the broken apps. You can’t update the firmware on the machine thanks to silly (stupid) decisions by your app teams. Shame!
  • Duplicate App

    I agree with the other posted review. No need for another duplicate app. The efforts should be directed in fixing the previous app rather than creating a shopping app.
  • It’s Visually better but still limited

    Visually I like this better, but it’s lacking so much. I do like the improvement of the previous order design. I wish there was more info and recipes. Plus, how do you connect to the machines through this app??
  • Useless

    Useless and buggy. Doesn’t allow filtering of searches for pods, doesn’t stay logged in. Doesn’t show recent orders accurately. A completely unnecessary app, poorly implemented. And no bluetooth at all, so: false advertising regarding machine features.
  • Terrible app

    It is unacceptable the lack of transparency in this app for the payment process for shipping and try to enter/know offers.
  • Paid Shipping Default

    I don’t understand why Nespresso felt they needed to create a new app — the old one worked perfectly well. That said, I don’t hate most of the features, but it’s completely unacceptable that when you checkout now it defaults to paid shipping instead of free shipping. Is Nespresso so hard up for profit that they hope to trick us all into paying for it? This adds an extra click and requires unnecessary vigilance when placing an order to change it back. Nespresso should fix this immediately.
  • At least the last app worked.

    Downloaded the app. Made my my first purchase with it. Just went back to check on my auto shipment date I had selected and I can’t open the app anymore.
    Just keeps saying something went wrong…retry won’t work either. So frustrating. Deleted app. Reinstalled. And same thing. No change. At least the last app worked.
  • Not synced with website

    The shopping basket in the app is not synced with the website. I put what I wanted in the basket but could not get the sampler because there was no promo code. So had to put everything into the website basket again and placed order there. Even now the order placed via the website does not show up on the mobile app. Maybe they use some antiquated batch processing-who knows? But for now the website is the better choice.
  • It’s Visually better but still limited

    Visually I like this better, but it’s lacking so much. I do like the improvement of the previous order design. I wish there was more info and recipes.