User Reviews: Vendoo

Top reviews

  • First cross listing app

    I use my phone for most of my reselling needs. I had heard mercari wasn’t compatible with the mobile app but to my surprise it worked perfectly! What a huge time saver. I wish I would have used this much sooner. My only gripe is that you can’t edit your photos once you upload them. I just make sure my photos are good to go before uploading now and it’s a piece of cake!

    Developer Response

    Thank you! We will be adding enhanced photo editing in the near future.
  • This App Needs a LOT of Work

    Difficult to use and half of the time the capabilities of Vendoo do not work on the app. The app should be renamed Vendon’t because I wouldn’t recommend using it.
  • Doesn’t update listings

    I tried out the unlimited plan this month and was initially thrilled at the ease of cross listing. I downloaded the app, because I prefer to do my listing on my phone. This app doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t update listings even though it says it did, and takes soooo long to upload pics. I have been a seller since 2016, utilizing only my Phone. Quite frankly, it’s 2022. You should be throwing more resources to phone and iPad apps. I don’t have the time or the patience to sit down and log into my computer every time I need to update a listing. I am going to cancel my subscription. When the app is up and running the way it should to provide the tools we need as sellers, I will most likely come back. The services you provide on pc are excellent, but it just doesn’t work well with the way I operate.

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your feedback. We completely understand the importance of having a fully functional mobile app as a reseller. It is very convenient to be able to list and delist on the go. We will continue to make improvements to the app and we look forward to seeing you again!
  • Took forever to set up

    I downloaded this app so I could
    Cross post across all my marketplaces. I’m the process of checking out multiple apps I disliked that you could “add” listings to vendoo which is useless unless you can post marketplaces which you need a subscription for. I would have been mad had I spent the time making those listings and not been able to post to the let place. I looked at another subscription which was more up front but decided against it because you had to start on a desktop and not all the features were usable on mobile… I use my phone for everything.. so o came back to this app. Once you do get a subscription… it is such a pain for Iphone users to get access to import your current listings for Mercari and Poshmark… and guess what.. you need an extension for chrome which you need a laptop for… 2 hours of work later (I requested desktop site.. changed cookie settings.. privacy settings everything) this is what I find out. I’m beyond annoyed and feel they aren’t very up front.

    Developer Response

    We appreciate you for sharing your experience while using the Vendoo app. We still do not have the ability to import items on the mobile app. This can only be done on a desktop. However, these are all features that we are going to add to the app, and many more improvements to the current UX/UI. Good news! You actually do not need to install an extension in order to list, delist or relist items using the Vendoo app. All of these actions can be done by simply downloading the app and connecting onto your marketplaces accounts. We hope that you get to test out the app once again. It has been modified since our initial release earlier this year.
  • Just ok

    Needs a Mark As Sold button! Also, when something sells on one platform it needs to auto delist on the others to prevent duplicate sales. Import feature on the app? I’d like to just use the app as I don’t like working on the computer. Needs some work but it’s ok
  • App is not ready, needs tons of improvements

    When I create a listing , sometimes it takes too long to be saved and other times it gets stuck on saving and doesn’t save. Three hours ago I tried to list something to eBay marketplace and it’s still loading… there is something wrong with the app it is not functioning properly. I tried to update it, delete and reinstall it, but the issues are still there.

    Developer Response

    We were having a lot of issues with listing on the mobile app, and we are still making many improvements to ensure that listing and delisting are working properly. Please feel free to use the Vendoo app once again and let us know about your experience. We have made many changes since June. Thank you!
  • Not Impressed

    I have now tried to use it four times with no success. You fill out all the information then it wants you to fill it out over and over. Also I can’t even scroll down to what I need in categories it doesn’t let me scroll that far on mobile app. Was really hoping to like this to make cross listing better but it makes more work than less
  • Finding the start of this good

    It’s just started in mobile form and seems to be decent to better. I will be happy when they add Mercari.
    I will review again as I see improvements. Ty for a mobile cross list way
  • A must for larger Mercari sellers

    The “delist and relist” is a time saver and essential to keeping items moving. It’s also good to know that they have great customer service. I had my question answered within 2 minutes by Natalia
  • It’s a start…

    I really like Vendoo as a company, and I’m excited they now have an app. However, after any amount of use of the app, you’re sure to run in frustration. I’ve been using this app for the first time for about 2 hours now doing the sole activity of uploading pictures to my listings. Just with this singular activity, I’ve run into three standout issues, including:

    * [The most frustrating thing by far] my pictures don’t save! I’ll upload the pictures from my phone, wait the (super long) time it takes for Vendoo to show all pictures as loaded, and hit Save like a banshee maniac since there is nothin to actually validate that the save went through (The “last saved x minutes ago” thing at the bottom of the page is (1) far from the actual save button so you’d have to scroll to see one or the other and (2) is unreliable since time after time it’ll show as my listing being saved but I’ll go back to see that the pictures I added pre-save are missing) and refresh the page to find that the pictures have disappeared. Now I have to go back and check after every photo upload if it saved with my listing, and in the 30% of the time when it hasn’t successfully saved, go through the frustrating process of having to reupload photos and check again.

    * I keep getting this really annoying and cryptic Media not Present error every 15 minutes or so, which prompts me to restart the app. Not sure what it even means or why it keeps happening, but it’s annoying and keeps catching me mid photo-upload. Maybe it was meant to be an edge case that customers run into rarely, but it happens really frequently for me.

    * It seems the search feature isn’t as accurate as on web. E.g. I was looking for an Old Navy brown dress in Size 4X (all specs included in listing title), but when I searched “Old Navy 4x” while this pulls up the dress on Vendoo web, within the app it did not. It seems sporadic as with most items the search works fine, but seemingly not for a select few items.

    Apart from this there are just things that aren’t issues but also don’t lend to a world-class customer experience. (I’m being super nitpicky here and at the end of the day, I don’t think any of these things are pressing.) Things that make me wonder…”but why is it like this?” Like I wonder why is there a separate pane to upload photos that you have to click into to both upload and rearrange photos? Why does the Upload Photos pop-up not disappear after I’ve uploaded photos (what are the odds that I’m going to upload more photos to a listing after I literally just uploaded a batch of photos to the listing); why do I have to manually click out of this pop-out? Why is this pop-out so hard to click out of? Again, not issues per se, but just random things as such that could be optimized to better the customer experience.

    I work in tech within customer experience for a Fortune 50 company’s site and native app, so I’m all too familiar with breaks in app/site functionality and I realize even the best apps have things breaking all the time. But the frequency and inconvenience of the issues on Vendoo at present is a bit much. Here’s to even better future version releases of this app.

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