User Reviews: Autopilot

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Top reviews

  • It’s like Betterment for Stock Trading

    I use Betterment to invest in mutual funds, but when it comes to stocks, I have no clue what to invest in nor do I have the time to keep up-to-date with all the things going on in the stock market. This app is great because it helps me trade like the best, like Nancy Pelosi, who somehow has a really high performing stock portfolio. It’s pretty easy to set up, just put money into a Robinhood account, connect it with the app, select a portfolio, and BOOM! that’s it. Easy investing, and high returns. Also, for all the people complaining about subscription fees, make sure you invest enough money that obviously your returns are higher than the subscription fee. Also, I don’t expect to see much activity in trades, maybe once a month at most. It’s following a portfolio after all.
  • Neat idea, integration needs work

    Been a subscriber since the ChatGPT portfolio, and paid for the quant add on subscription. Loved it with Webull or robinhood or td ameritrade. The problem is Webull and robinhood are kinda crappy brokerages, and ameritrade is now Schwab. Autopilot has been excruciatingly slow adding additional banks to integrate with.

    I Was very excited by beta Schwab linkage - but it’s garbage and doesn’t work at all - sometimes it knows my account balance, sometimes not, I open a position and it buys some of it, meanwhile in the app it lists everything as pending, and doesn’t report the balance for the pilot that it’s tracking.

    I’ve been on for about a year now, and it’s really lazy that the brokerage support has actually decreased since I started with it. Works fine on robinhood and Webull - but they're both using you as the product. The more robust brokerages all have themes that effectively accomplish the same thing as the pilots and are just infinitely smoother.

    Developer Response

    Hey! Chris here, one of the co founders of the app. We apologize for this as we know of the frustration here. TD forcing everyone to merge over to Schwab definitely wasn't ideal. We have been working on getting the new Schwab integration up and it should be in a constant state of improvement. The GPT portfolio also will be coming back relatively soon (we hope). With regards to the slowness of the new brokers, we have the Schwab & Fidelity integration in private betas. We are hoping to get a more formal integration with them soon too, but again I understand the frustration. If you have further questions, shoot me an email:
  • App is fun, support not great, and memes FTW

    When I watched the GameStop debacle and afterwards saw Autopilot in build going full bore on memes, I jumped in around launch. The congress critter trackers didn’t do well for me, but the meme trackers are doing well. That memes are the winning investment strategy right now should be terrifying since fundamentals don’t matter like they did, but it’s exciting to be sure.

    One issue I had was being in a tracker that was retired (a bit less than a year ago). Positions were not closed out (confirmed by Chris @ autopilot), I asked for a listing of the tracker’s positions at time of close, no reply. I don’t follow the market too closely or use autopilot enough to identify bugs, but they should do better taking care of their customers and not leaving stale positions out there forever.
  • Learning AND earning

    I’m newish to investing. Anytime I’ve ever tried before my portfolio tanked because of timing. It’s happened 3 times in 3 decades. I put money in. I watch it go down. I pull it out because I’m scared. This time was no different. I added money 2 days before the market had its worse crash in decades. 😩

    But this time was different because I was able to read about trends, watch what successful portfolios were doing, and this time I didn’t get scared and pull my money at a loss. I stuck it out and now I’m up. I love this app because the info is digestible and informative. I’m actually excited about my choices. I’m making educated decisions (instead of emotional ones). Anything that is above my head, I ask ChatGPT and it explains it to me in a way I can understand. I’m loving it now. I feel like I’m learning and earning.
  • Been good so far

    I’ve been using this for almost a year. I tossed in $1500 and am up 15% currently. If you take away the charges I’m probably up 7%…a little better than a savings account. At one point I was up to 30% but that’s how it goes and the market crashed in the past week so it is what it is. I’ve been with the Burry tracker the entire time.

    As a whole, it does what they say it will. It’s easy to use, easy to see what’s happening, and connects easy enough to my Robin Hood account. There have been a few times the connection dropped, but just quickly entered info again and it’s all good. They are good about letting you know.

    I do like when I see big changes happening and I get a ton of trading info in my email…kinda feels like I just hit a jackpot.

    I’m going to keep it going and probably add a few more thousand with my next bonus now that it’s a vetted app.

    If you are only going to throw in a small amount, the fees are going to kill you at about $10 per month. I suggest at least $1500 to not lose all your money on fees.
  • Customer support???

    I would rather go through customer support for this problem, but I can not figure out how to contact them without also accepting a condition which apparently gives autopilot full access to information on my email. This is NOT EVER going to happen. I’m pretty sick of companies acting like they have any right whatsoever to have or view my information outside of exactly what they need to provide their services. Please rectify this so customers can contact you in the future.

    Now, on to the problem. This week, after 6 months of working flawless, my autopilot app stopped connecting to my brokerage. Sometimes I get a wrong password message (the password is input correctly), and sometimes I get a message about plaid. I have heard of plaid but never used it, and know next to nothing about it. I assume this is a change from my brokerage, not autopilot. Could you please give some guidance on what to do about this? If autopilot cannot connect to my brokerage it serves no purpose. I will wait for a week to either be contacted or see an update in the app which helps customers figure out what to do in this situation. If I cannot connect by then I will have to ask for a refund and cancel my account.

    Developer Response

    Hey! Apologies here but this sounds like confusion as to the error which I'd be happy to help with! Can you shoot me an email ?
  • Transparent

    I’ve read some negative reviews and most of them seem like their people who are broke.
    This is not a savings account. This is for people who have disposable income that they can afford to lose.
    What did you think you’re gonna get for $30 a personal investment advisor ?
    I think the overall strategy is solid and like any other investment, it will go up and it will go down, and you could potentially lose every last cent.
    If you have $100 to your name and you’re hoping this app will make you rich I’ve got news for you. You’re going to be disappointed.
    Like any other long-term investment plan it requires commitment over a long period of time and even then there is still no guarantees.
    I like it because at least it gives me an opportunity to make a respectable profit and not have to sit in the office of some high-pressure investment sales person. I don’t know about you, but I don’t care to pay for an investment sales person’s next car or their sons college education.
  • Download the app!

    Hello all, I definitely think you should checkout the app but with a minimum of at least a $2000 deposit into your account so that your money actually does something. I invested $7500 in the middle of March and am up almost 13% percent on the account completely off of the Pelosi tracker. I think what could be done to improve this app would be averaging into the pilots position. I’m not sure if that’s the best term to use so let me explain. Initially when I deposited my money and used the Nancy Pelosi tracker it went all in. So some of the stocks that she is invested in might have been a little higher than normal which means I quite literally bought at the highs, so as the time passes I’m not making much on the position. That is probably the only real issue that I’ve came into, other than that so far so good. I also have one more thing to say, MAKE HIGH DIVIDEND PILOTS PLEASE!!!! ❤️
  • Awesome concept and easy to use!

    The idea behind this app is such a simple but smart idea. For those who can’t be looking at a ticker all day, this takes all the legwork out of buying and trading stocks! I will mention that if you don’t have at least $500 to invest, you can’t use this app. But I’d recommend putting at least $1,000 in and picking two different funds.

    Again, this is not for those looking to invest $20 here and there - this is a real investment app where you have to invest real money to get real returns. If you do, then the $10 monthly fee is nothing compared to the returns.
  • Broken unusable app

    The dialogue tree to add money to an account is broken, will return you to the home screen if you elect to continue with the free plan. I can't use the app if you don't let me.
    You cannot view the trade history of an account you are already following, making reviewing potential future purchases using this service impossible.
    You cannot remove and reset bugged "pilots" without first selling all the associated investments, so trying to troubleshoot is out of the question.
    Just a broken useless app if you aren't the sort of patsy that thinks the subscription fee is worth it. If you have enough investments for this reoccurring cost to make sense, you are well beyond getting any utility from this app anyways.

    Developer Response

    Hey! We will look into this now. If you still have questions feel free to shoot me us an email

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