User Reviews: Before Your Eyes

Top reviews

  • Sobbing like a big baby

    Never thought a game on my phone could make me ugly cry, but here we are. Interesting concept, beautiful heart wrenching story told in a unique way.

    As an adult now, I can understand both perspectives; the parents’ and the child’s. As someone with far too many similarities to Benny, this story struck a nerve.

    Minus a star because the blinking mechanism didn’t seem to work properly at times, like when trying to answer the phone but time skipped forward instead. It could be very finicky. Also a lot of the story gets missed if you’re unable to refrain from blinking for long periods of time. Wish there was a way to see all the parts I missed. Beautifully captures life; and the loss of it.
  • Thank You

    I want to thank the authors for this beautiful piece of art. This is more of a story than a game. It speaks highly of the emotional intelligence of the authors. I cried partly die to sadness but mostly because I was moved. The game simplifies life choices and made it very clear to me I have been too focused on my career. It is unvelievable that someone found a way to summarize life so eloquently, in a way that made me rethink my own. I want to thank the authors for being so thoughtful in making this art.
  • Awesome experience

    This game was an emotional rollercoaster. Having your eyes guide you throughout the game made the experience personal. It’s about how the life you live doesn’t have to be great to be proud of it. Your ordinary experiences like playing piano with your mom, getting a pet, and your first love all makeup who you are and that’s enough. It’s a beautiful message about being yourself and being happy with the life you have lived. Yes it was difficult at times to have your eyes open for long and sometimes you would skip scenes if you didn’t hold your eyes open. But that’s the point. Memory isn’t perfect. There are things that are harder to remember because of the emotional connection you have with said memory. That’s what makes it real. Also, how we tend to underestimate our lives. Every second counts because you are alive. I felt very connected with the character, and I’m sure everyone can, because it shows how quickly time does pass by.
  • just finished the game, currently happy crying

    I downloaded this game off of netflix thinking it would be cool and immersive, and it was. but it was also so much more than that. to anybody considering downloading, DO IT! and play the entire game all at once. the storyline is truly beautiful, with lots of twists and turns, but at the very end you see the whole story from a different yet just as beautiful perspective. I may just be a little emotional but the ending made me overwhelmed with how much I appreciate my life. it tells a beautiful story and I would recommend this to anybody.
  • Wow.

    Honestly, this game is so beautiful, from the art style, to the plot, to the premise. Even the game mechanics; if you can’t keep your eyes open for long enough, you miss it. And that’s one of the ways it’s so beautiful. You only have one chance for a scene, and that’s it.

    The reveal at the end was a bit jarring, but the good kind of jarring. I’d suggest playing it to really find out. Originally, I came into it thinking: “Oh, this game seems fun, let me try it out!” and I came out of it full on crying. It’s a touching story with such good writing, it gave me literal chills.

    As I am typing this, I’ve finished the game about five minutes ago. I truly cannot express (without spoiling) how absolutely incredible this game is. I’m not a big reviewer and I don’t usually play these types of games but I know I’m going to play this game over and over until I get tired of blinking, because it’s just that good.
  • Mesmerizing

    This is absolutely stunning. It has got me in tears. The plot, the story, the meaning. This is a work of art. A beautiful tale. The designs are brilliant and pop out. The emotions that I have experienced playing this is unbelievable. It deserves a 5 stars. I wish there where more heart-touching games like this. I did not regret any second of spending an hour and a half out of my day to play this. I love the voice acting too. This game is super well written and deserves more recognition. I would like to end this off with a farewell. 10/10 will play again.
  • Crying currently

    This is in fact my first ever review I’ve wrote it kind of shows how much I love this game already. I really love this game because whenever I think about this game I cry. Which which shows how much this game left the impact on me. People are saying that the mechanic is hard to use and I Kinda do have to agree, the story most definitely makes it worth it. I can’t even show how much the story is worth it. So I HIGHLY suggest playing this game not just for the interesting mechanic, but also for the story.
  • Honestly, I never felt the need to write a review, but this deserves one

    This game should be shared with others. I love the message it portrayed throughout the game. I came to tears and I thought this game was wonderfully made. I would suggest this to everyone. And it’s kid friendly :) Thank you so much for making this game! You guys should do like a part two. I don’t know the story would be, but the concept of this game is awesome.
  • Heartfelt

    I never do reviews, rarely at least, but this game touched my heart. I even cried through it and once it was over.
    It’s genuinely such a good concept, even thought the art and style is so simple it conveys enough emotion through choice of color.
    The story was good, and it’s interesting making your own choices. The actual blinking use was super cool and worked really well.
    Well done, thank you.
  • A real review

    This is review is about one of the many story games I’ve played in my life and one of the top ten it has a very impactful story behind it and a very important lesson too. Sometimes in life you won’t always have an important story or some big fantastic extravagant story to tell everyone when the reaper knocks on your door. This story shows us that none of that matters in the end and that all we will have when we shake hands with death is the loving memories of the people we were close to. And it shows how life goes by fast and sometimes you can’t catch everything. The blinking mechanic shows that if you don’t pay attention you won’t get to see the full side of things and that’s the whole point is to try and see the full thing. I know some people are critiquing the blinking mechanic but it’s crucial in teaching you a lesson it’s there for a reason. If you don’t have that mechanic it’s just some other boring story game where all you do is point and click on stuff to get everything you could possibly need at your fingertips. But this mechanic teaches you to actually be invested in the story enough to keep your eyes open the whole time and you need commitment to know the story to be able to accomplish that. And yes I get that’s hard when you have a waterfall of tears coming out of your eyes but I promise pick this game up and you will not regret anything.

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