User Reviews: Logic Pro for iPad

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Update

    This is not beginner friendly at all. I enjoy the DJ APP far more as it’s easy to just insert my own tracks and sample. This is not what I call Apple simplicity. The Final Cut Pro app is enjoyable because it’s a nice cut from the imovie app which was easy to understand without the need of tutorials. I did not enjoy this app at all just way too many things going on for me just seems extremely bunched up I thought it would be a different more enjoyable experience compared to the Mac version since it’s on an iPad but I was wrong,incredibly frustrating app with preinstalled things I just don’t need

    After spending more time with the app it’s not so bad at all but I just still feel like the simplicity is not there. Just to insert your own tracks is cumbersome..I have to drag from my files according to the steps in the Logic Pro manual. I get it it’s an iPad so it makes sense to do that but even dragging it into the app is confusing if you’re a beginner all I wanted to do is sample vocals I wish it moving around the app was a bit more simple for hobbyist. Not a producer by any means but the way I can fly through Final Cut pro but not this app is frustrating
  • It’s a real DAW with everything I need

    I quit Cubase 10.5 a few years ago. You can’t even do proper ducking with it. Ditched the pc laptop for a much faster M-1 iPad Pro with 16g ram. Tried Cubasis 3 which is absolutely Stone Age compared to the advancements from Logic Pro for iPad. It’s absolutely legit and I’m able to do all kinds of fun things with it I could never do with any iOS 3d party product. Which I can still use with logic. The price for subscription is worth every penny…you could pay for 10 years before it’s as much as Cubase, plus it doesn’t go obsolete on you, while you pay to upgrade Cubase to the next version. If you don’t wanna spend the price of a single cup of coffee and doughnut once a month for the full time use of this superior app…whatever. I’m having too much fun to waste time convincing you. Except for writing this review obviously.
  • ...

    I hate GarageBand for 2 reasons and this is just like a more messed up, more noisier, more annoyingly little buttons to touch and screw you up not knowing whats going on with your song...

    1st - missing on the actual keyboard semitone transpose option! Its got octave transpose why not add the more needed option and transpose semitones? Apple thinks every one who make music plays % 100 accurately and comfortable in any key? Yes some midi keyboards got that option but why this app its called "professional" if its missing such a simple option? Or this is just a rebadged GarageBand? Which is not bad but at least its free and doesn't pretend to be called "professional".

    The 2nd thing I hate is even more annoying because apple seems to care for loud noises with their AirPods and loud music in headphones and healthy sleep and making you get up and exercise but when it comes to "dark" "theme" in GarageBand AND THIS APP they totally forget their care of the peoples eye? The app is mostly light gray and dark gray texts on black background then hits you with white options and such white piano keys that you need a couple of minutes to get normal vision. Why????? Why no one gets annoyed by this??? In dark mode there should never be black tex on white background!!!!!! This hurts peoples eye!!!!!!

    I hate the fact that apple invented the dark theme or night mode and didn't bother to make it good at least in their factory apps the once that comes with their devices ☹️
  • Excited to see Apple innovate in 2024

    Hey guys, the app is not perfect but it’s one heck of a start in the right direction.

    My suggestion is to start working with plug-in manufacturers so the people who’ve already bought a Mac version of an audio plug-in. Ken request a validation key to a little checkmark in Logic Pro for iPad, which will automatically down from within the app.

    If we have not purchased the Mac app, we can rent or purchase a plug-in from within the app without needing to close the app or install other apps which add complications and crashes.

    If anyone can solve this problem, Apple can make away on the iPad pros.
    Keep that API internal so performance isn’t based on a third-party plugin developer

    You guys could be the ones to democratize plug-in manufacturers that are so outrageously overpriced, shutting out a lot of potential customers.
    This could be a new stream, a financial income for the manufacturers of the plug-ins. Like free money left on the table will encourage them to obey your API laws and extra work to make their plug-ins compatible with your strict guidelines to work flawlessly inside of iPad Pro..

    I think when you call this logic for iPad, you just have to have plug-ins and external plug-ins. You just gotta have them to be taken seriously.

    Furthermore, you would dominate tablet sales because there’d be nothing like it on any other platform, another way of customer lock into the ecosystem.

    Your welcome now please execute 😁
  • From someone who spent more than 30,000 hours on Logic!

    I too wanted to like Logic for iPad. I bought the M4 iPad the day it came out and spent days trying to record. I give up and going back to my M1 MacBook for Logic (Keeping my iPad for DaVinci Resolve though!) I been on Logic since it was on PC in 2003! And I just simply wanted to record some plain vocals. I watched many tutorials. Read a bunch of stuff on this.. there are many positives but here are my complaints 1. LATENCY when recording vocals is by far the biggest problem! Even when its set on 64 or 128 the latency is impossible to record vocals to a beat with. (PROBLEM FIXED! HAD TO GO TO LOW LATENCY MODE) 2. Create my own shortcuts! Im not even sure if Pressing Command & LEFT (or RIGHT) to zoom in & out tracks is a shortcut that I created but I need that! 3. The COMMAND CLICK TOO & RIGHT CLICK TOOL!. The one I mostly use is the cut tool and that cut tool from GarageBand is not cutting it no pun intended. I use the cut tool like every 3 seconds when mixing and its really the deal breaker for me.. I just can’t with how slow it is and how much time it takes to cut! So many positives though but just can’t currently.. not yet!
  • Over all pretty good

    Logic Pro is a great alternative for people who use garage band but want a over all better tools to make music. Although one problem I have is that a lot of the instruments in garage band aren’t in Logic Pro. To name a few jet stream, mechanized bass, fuzz sweep bass, the list goes on. Also I can’t seem to find the LFO rate thing, but that might just be me being dumb. Also I have some ideas for sound packs you can add to logic and garage band. First of all a Brostep and classic dubstep would be nice. Also maybe add a tropical house pack. And please change the sound of the screech bass. It sounds like you mixed the sound of nails on chalkboard and a metal pipe. Search up long bass tutorial and click on the first short you see and you’ll see the type of sound I’m talking about. But over all this is rlly good.
  • Cash grab….

    Deleted immediately after opening and being prompted to purchase a subscription package. A one time purchase I could have considered but a subscription?! Are you insane Apple?? Y’all barely support garage band as it is, we’re lucky to see 2 new releases for garage band a year and you think the community is just going to fork over their money every month/year in the hopes that support and updates continue regularly. If I’m paying monthly I expect new content/product improvement monthly as well. Why would I continue to pay money if nothing has changed in the software of the app? I get so tired of companies wanting people to subscribe to products that get very little support/improvement. This app will be the same I’m sure, it’ll get somewhat regular updates until it’s considered stable and have just almost as many features as the Mac version but not ALL the features of course because as apple loves saying “it’s a iPad not a mac” because Apple totally didn’t harp on how powerful the new ipad pros are… so powerful yet Apple won’t let us take full advantage of its hardware… people should realize by now their iPhones and iPads are easily capable of running full fledged pc programs even console games, there’s no excuse for not providing the same functionality as the original computer version.
  • Unintuitive, crashes, tedious to use on iPad. Bloated Garageband.

    Like many other logic users, I have been waiting a long time for this app. Really, really wanted to like this. I just can't. I hate using it. It took me three months to be able to open logic files from my Mac on the iPad. Total nightmare compatibility. The user interface is just confusing, and aggravating. It's like the unwanted combination of GarageBand for the iOS and logic. it takes three steps to do the simplest things, that only take one click on logic for the Mac. And what is with that arrangement window always coming back? Why is it so hard to work with plug-ins from the mixer? Why is everything jumbled together in the finder? Where are all the amp simulators? Are they called patches now? I'm so confused. There's basic functions I still can't figure out how to do, it's completely unintuitive to me. And I've been recording since the four track days. I haven't even gotten to the subscription payment model- Just totally aggravating, and totally lame. I will not be continuing my subscription. Boo
  • Functionality issues abound

    Lots of complaints here about missing features and, ridiculously, the subscription model. The price is the price.

    The biggest issues concern basic functionality. Moving regions is sometimes very difficult. Moving regions will sometimes create an additional identical region where the original region was. Selecting and then working with multiple regions is often an exercise in utter frustration. The icons for selecting and then working with multiple regions make no sense. The “handles” on regions block visibility, particularly against the black background. The toggle between “trim” and “loop” is un-intuitive. Why would anyone think those two concepts have any relationship to each other? Why even call something “trim” when it involves basic functionality that is much more than “trimming”?

    Part of Apple’s brilliance over the decades is the relationship between design and functionality. Products typically are designed to relate intimately to how people use the product in the real world. This, though, fails pretty badly on that score. The features, particularly new ones like “beat breaker” and “sample alchemy,” are really great. The experience is marred significantly, however, by weird design choices, odd labeling and impediments to work flow. Hopefully these things can be fixed.
  • What Version, apprehensive?

    I’m only reserving my mid score of 3 stars because I am unable to find the version number of Logic Pro for iPad. Albeit I don’t agree with it, I understand the monthly subscription but “I ain’t cool with ya’ll telling us it’s for ongoing future developments without revealing a version number to signify and announce an update! Why?!!” All the other apps on here don’t hide it, why are ya’ll? Other than that, it seems pretty cool and powerful for an iPad app. I am happy with it somewhat but still, I like looking at version numbers to tell exactly what’s been done and how often they are being worked on and released. So far, my only gripe. Will upgrade my score when I see a bit more, starting with that version number.