User Reviews: Dust & Neon

Top reviews

  • Great game, major flaws

    This game is good but layered with a lot of poor design. The main issue I have is that the game crashes quite often and I lose all my guns. That’s completely making me stop playing. The reload mechanic is unnecessary so I’m glad you can disable it in settings. When you kill all of your nearby enemies, the game should just reload all your guns, stopping to make sure they are all loaded is a nuisance. Also the music is cheesy and repetitive. This was a good try but at level 30 I’m stopping to even try anymore. It’s been fun.
  • Late Game Basically Unplayable Due to Bug

    As other reviews point out, there’s a bug that causes the game to crash occasionally when you enter a room in the fourth area. It makes the game next to unplayable once you get to the point where it shows up because you lose all of your guns when the game crashes.
  • Love the game, one issue could use fixing

    Enjoying the game so far, the people whining about losing their guns when you die don’t understand the concept of a rogue-like. The only issue I’ve run into is when I get to close to a gun crate in the middle of a fight, it goes into the gun stats menu and I end up dying. It’s pretty frustrating, but could be fixed by just making it so that you can’t open a crate during combat maybe? Overall, it’s a fun game though!
  • Great game that needs polishing

    Love the aesthetic and once you get into the gameplay loop it becomes very engaging. For mobile some things need to be adjusted. For one allow us to move the buttons, I always want to swap weapons with my right hand but its on the left, it means I have to stop moving to swap bruh. The lasers on boss 3 and boss 4 are very annoying since mobile doesnt have that precise moment control making the fights feel unfair and tedious to get through. At the very least make the laser walls that have a health packs just normal walls(for both fights). Lastly, I also experienced crashes specifically entering the 2nd bar in the last boss
  • Constant crashes

    I could deal with the crashes if you only had to restart the game, but you also lose all progress in the level and even worse—you lose all your weapons, and the buyback rack won’t have them. Way too harsh of a penalty for a mistake on the developers end. Fix and I’ll switch my rating. So close to being a great game…
  • Fix the bug plz

    When you gonna fix the bug???????
    It freeze every time and all my items are gone!!!
  • Fix the crashes

    I finally reached the last region, but the game crashes at random points and you lose all your guns which is very annoying!
  • Meet a BUG

    In Stage 4
    Entering any door in the level in the stage, the app has a probability of crashing, and lost all guns.
  • Awesome game

    It took me a couple of tries to get a feel for the gameplay loop, but once it clicked, it became all the more fun. The game heavily reminds me of Borderlands and Diablo. Though, the focus is more on cover shooting and less on run&gun. It also is a bit more on the grindy side but I definitely welcome this more than having to worry about micro transactions, to progress and unlock items and features. There are 2 skill trees for the character you’re playing. 1 tree is dedicated to weapon and damage skills. The 2nd tree consists of health and damage reduction skills. You’ll also be able to upgrade your home base with various vendors that supply weapons and limited boost mods for your “dungeon” runs. When you die in a run, you lose everything including your weapons. However, you can upgrade your home base with cores collected in your runs to have your regenerated clone retain the weapons and items you collected. Missions consist of various tasks such as taking out marked targets on a map, destroying a number of radiation barrels, sabotaging enemy facilities, destroying a number of enemy robots, and boss fights. Missions also come in various difficulties (easy, medium, hard) and are randomized, including the maps, each time you load up the game. I can certainly say that Dust & Neon scratches that Borderlands itch for me. Being able to carry a premium game like this in your pocket, without micro transactions, is definitely something I have been waiting for. I play with the onscreen virtual joysticks in static mode. I found that this was the best way to play if you can’t play with a controller. The non-static modes can easily make you trigger other buttons you didn’t intend to press. The virtual sticks are a bit on the small side but they work just fine for me. Others may opt to play with a controller instead.
    I’m certainly interested to see what this game will evolve into. I would love to see more selectable characters, armor/gear/character customization options, deeper “dungeon” runs, new locations (such as facilities/buildings that run deeper), new and more varied enemy types, in future iterations or maybe in an update. I think Dust & Neon is off to a great start in its current build. I’m having blast playing it, working on a high damage build for my character. We need more premium games like this on the App Store.
  • Opinion of my

    Over the course of playing the game I found the gun play is really good and art style.

    However, when ever you die you lose all your guns then pay a huge amount of money just to get them back.

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