Fav game ever
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Thank you for your great review! We are very excited. We will continue to update. Thank you!
One of my favourite games
10/10 perfect, I always play this when life gets me down.
Response from developer
Thank you for your great review! We are very happy. We will continue to update the app.
Wonderful game, could do with a bit more polish
The entire vibe of this game is so wholesome and enjoyable, and one of the best mobile games I own. However, I do have a few things that could improve it.
1. Some sort of fast-travel system. This could be essentially anything that fits with the lore and story, and would be very useful, as walking between multiple screens to reach your destination gets tedious fast.
2. A thing in the fish, insect, or wildlife tab that tells you what location they can be found. I was somewhat annoyed when I realised that I had been fishing for ages with no luck finding what I was searching for, when all I needed to do was fish in a different location, and this fact wasn’t relayed to me.
3. A way to either ‘upgrade’ or make more crop fields (potentially in a different place).
When I was trying to cook one of each dish for completion, my main bottleneck was not having enough soybeans to make soy sauce, and being unable to grow more because other fields were also being used at the same time. If there was a way to get faster farming later in the game, it would be significantly better.
Overall, I strongly recommend getting this game because of just how many gameplay aspects there are to fit any playstyle. Very good job.
Response from developer
Thank you for your great review! We will continue to improve the app with updates.
I needed this.
Response from developer
Thank you for your great review! We will continue to update and wish you the best of luck.
Sea Turtles & Late game
The late game is very boring. It’s a lot of nothing; I find myself stepping away from the game more often than not. Or I’m making pottery for the 50th time and sleep-skipping through days.
I really don’t like the save mechanic. I wish I could load at the start of the day, so that if I missed something it’s no big deal.
Now onto the turtles. Luck Must be at 100%, ok cool I can do that. I have to wait All Night for the turtle to lay her eggs, passing out on the beach. Ok cool, got it. I Booked it to the beach the next morning to watch over the eggs—didn’t take care of/look at anything else, and I have my running shoes on—I get there at 5:26am (in-game time) birds already got the eggs. Great. Fantastic. I did everything right and now I have to wait an Entire year of doing nothing, because I’m in the late game, only to hope it doesn’t glitch (?) again, or to hope for better rng. Genuinely 1/10 on the sea turtle. I also can’t progress the game until I finish the turtle quest, so it’s extremely slow.
My hope is that this game is meant to be played long-term, and that this isn’t just a quick cash grab. It feels like they put so much effort into it for it to just be that. I just really hope the devs read this and fix some things.
Response from developer
Thank you for your review! We will continue to improve the app.
Keeps getting better and better
Response from developer
Thank you for your great review! We are very happy and will continue to improve the app.
angry but i love it
Response from developer
Thank you for your review! We will continue to improve the app with updates, and we hope you will enjoy pottery too.
Embracing the slowness
I actually did delete this a while back. But I redownloaded and tried one more time.
This game has managed to grow on me. It’s very soothing.
Great work!
Response from developer
Thank you for coming back to our countryside! We will continue to update you.
Response from developer
Thank you for your great review! We are excited about your review and will continue to update you!
New Favourite Game!
Can't wait for the next update to explore new areas!