Incredibly useful but won’t receive updates on iOS 14 anymore
Response from developer
Hi. Thanks for using this app. Pizza Helper series are built on SwiftUI. Apple has an aggressive attitude on how they maintain the SwiftUI framework: It receives the annual updates, but only the latest macOS and iOS can benefit from the updates. Some updates of such are crucial, and we developers have to give up the old system versions in order to use the latest SwiftUI framework. If you do really have budget issues with the latest iPhone, you can buy an iPhone SE3 instead. Sincerely, -- Shiki Suen (Pizza Helper team).
Help, The app has been great and super helpful but
Response from developer
Contact us in discord with further information plz
Wow, this amazing!
Response from developer
Yesli problema vse yeshche sushchestvuyet v tekushchey versii etogo prilozheniya, svyazhites' s nami na nashem ofitsial'nom kanale Discord po povodu problemy, s kotoroy vy stolknulis'. // (EN: If the issue still exists in the current version of this app, please contact us in our official Discord channel regarding the issue you have met.)
An Absolute Must-Have
Response from developer
comming soon