User Reviews: Quit Weed

Top reviews

  • Helped me quit.

    I do not even pay for the full thing, however just seeing the countdown and seeing the health timers countdown is really satisfying and accomplishing. I get a little bit of a dopamine rush at achievements. Haven’t felt better, I am a whole week sober.
  • Review

    Has a list of date, time, facts helps me stay on track
  • Excellent Free App with sources

    This app has loads of health data points to track and encourage progress as well as source citations for those of you who want to know where they’re getting their information from. It works better than apps I’ve paid for. I highly recommend it!
  • A valuable (collection of) resources

    I've written 3 reviews of this app. After the developer responded, they fixed the issues that I had a problem with (typos, broken links). This app helps me stay accountable to myself and gamifies the quitting process by providing progress bars and what to (more or less) expect within that time frame. While it's a personal journey for everyone, this app provides a LOT of external, medical resources and is an essential companion in my efforts. Thank you again.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the honest review man. This is actually a very good point and I will take a look at that. I am not a native English speaker and I think I forgot to proof-read some texts. I will make the app better based on your feedback. Thanks a lot and good luck!
  • Decent app; needs some proof-reading/QC.

    Update: The developer responded, noting that their first language isn't English, so now I feel like a jerk. I also think my original 3-star review may have been too harsh. If you're serious about quitting the dirty tree, this is a great resource to start with.

    Once the minor typos are fixed, full marks.
    (Day 12 😰)

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the honest review man. This is actually a very good point and I will take a look at that. I am not a native English speaker and I think I forgot to proof-read some texts. I will make the app better based on your feedback. Thanks a lot and good luck!
  • Decent app; not worth the Pro price

    First of all, you have to close the app for it to update. It is also riddled with typos, and grammatical errors. It's a relatively good source of information that is consolidated and accessible from on place. Maybe it's just the irritability speaking, but for $10, I would expect the dev team to do at least one round of proof-reading.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the honest review man. This is actually a very good point and I will take a look at that. I am not a native English speaker and I think I forgot to proof-read some texts. I will make the app better based on your feedback. Thanks a lot and good luck!
  • So validating

    I just decided to get sober and a huge part of that for me is joining a 12 step program. Although I’ve been going to meetings since I quit/got clean, there’s still a little (addict) voice in my head saying “you aren’t addicted, it’s just weed” and “you don’t belong in a 12 step program it’s JUST weed!” But the intro of the app ALONE is incredibly validating!! The confirmation that weed addicts ARE drug addicts brought tears to my eyes. All of those feelings of not belonging and not needing to quit are melting away 🩷 thank you for this app. It’s saving my life.
  • the "health" tab is great

    quitting is so easy when i'm maxing out my stats and seeing how it's benefitting me!!
  • Only one 9.99$ life time payment

    Other apps will bleed you every month, they actually care about us , that’s love fam thank yall so much
  • Kind and encouraging

    I don’t usually write app reviews - not sure I’ve ever written one tbh lol - but I saw this app recommended on a Reddit thread for people trying to quit and decided to try it. Whomever wrote this app is amazing. Maybe it’s cause I’m in my feels thanks to withdrawal lol but sometimes the way they phrase things makes me want to cry (in a good way). It’s kind, gentle, and encouraging. It’s been so helpful for me, and being able to see where I am at in the process scientifically is incredibly calming and reassuring (I am a healthcare professional with health anxiety 🙃).

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