A lot of potential but definitely needs some refinement for use in cockpit.
Second, the white print on grey background very difficult to read in my house, if I was in flight on a sunny day, I would not be able to read the METARS or TAFS.
3rd, print far too small in landscape mode, borderline in portrait mode. With the color theme in place, it would be very difficult to read. Need a settings button to set color scheme as I like white print on black and other pilots I have flown with like black print on white background.
4th, all of my experimentation was done in the comforts of my couch. A flight with any turbulence could make the navigation a bit difficult with the small navigation buttons.
Down the road development I would like to see is sectional/IFR routing map. As things are now and it’s no biggie since stage manager days, is that I would need 2 apps open as this app would not be in my path of checklist items on my descent and landing profiles. Hope this feedback helps.