User Reviews: Wise Mind Nutrition

Top reviews

  • Wise Mind has changed my life

    I’ve struggled with an eating disorder for over 50 years and have tried all kinds of diets and therapy. Dr. Wiss’s approach is changing my life. For the first time I’m finding healing in my relationship to food. I’m no longer binging or purging. I’m eating healthy, well balanced meals that are satisfying and enjoyable. I no longer feel guilt or angst about what I eat or don’t eat. I’m learning so much about nutrition, my body, and mental health. This is amazing and I could not be more grateful!
  • When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Appear

    After decades of dieting and weight cycling and a self-diagnosis of food addiction, I was finding that past and current solutions had a shelf life and were either leaving me feeling self-defeated and/or was more triggering to compulsively eat and overeat. I was realizing that highly restrictive structures were no longer serving me. It was becoming very clear that one size does not fit all when it comes to a person’s biochemical and psychological response to food and nutrition. The student was ready and Wise Mind Nutrition and Dr. David Wiss appeared to help me find the teacher in me! While Dr. Wiss does NOT promote himself as your next guru, he has created the space for me to be my own teacher and the results have been SO freeing! Joy rises with in me each day!

    In using the Wise Mind Nutrition app/method and some counseling with Dr. Wiss, I regained my own agency with food, nutrition and my body. What a gift! While I thought I adapted other programs/structures to fit me, I didn’t realize how much I was still tethered to the rules of others rather than understanding the depth and breadth of the uniqueness of MY body, MY mind and how it operates on food. Fear has lifted. Other processes/structures always had “failure” looming out there. Wise Mind Nutrition has created a safe place to experiment, make mistakes and learn. I am free from food thought’s and food compulsivity. Daily, I confidently enter into the gift of awareness and action for my wellbeing. My OWN discerned plan. I always knew I had that teacher, guide within me. Thank you, David for helping me find her!
  • Wise Mind is assisting me in creating healthier relationships with food

    I have developed and awareness and sense of accountability with my diet and the relationship I have with food. I have been able to maintain a healthy weight and have also begun placing a value on food, I rarely eat mindlessly and when I do I am able to track it and see where my mental state is. I have developed a new respect and value for the art of eating and have learned about mindful and soulful eating as well. There is information about mental health and how to best manage it from Dr. Wiss. This app is a great tool on your nutrition journey wether you struggle with mental health, addiction, or would just like to build a healthy awareness with the food being consumed and how to improve your diet and overall health. The nightly review allows you to review your food intake for the day which has led to great, long lasting changes for me. I highly recommend this app.
  • This is a new and more advanced nutrition app

    This app is amazing! It helps me to address the real issues that come up on my persons weight loss and health journey and is packed with useful information that isnt easy to find elsewhere. The most useful function for me is the nightly review which allows me to critically review my days nutritional intake and set intentions for the next day. This app masterfully guides me through my health and wellness journey. Which is incredibly useful with so much confusion and misinformation on the topic of nutrition. This app is in a league of its own! Worth the download and subscription!
  • Life Changing App!

    Wise Mind Nutrition has stabilized my weight at a healthy place, helped me eat in a balanced way with food that is both delicious and nutritious, improved my mental health, and took away the miserable obsession I have had with food for 20+ years.

    In using this app, I have resolved many of the issues in a very short time! The information contained in the app is incredibly informative. I have stopped, micromanaging my food intake, using old, outdated ways of counting calories and macros that have always lead to a lot of weight cycling, obsession with food, over restriction and binging, and periods of weight gain.

    I cannot recommend it enough. It has been a miracle for me!
  • Absolutely Incredible

    This is a priceless resource. David was able to help us resolve inflammation issues by studying our diet and suggesting better habits for both food consumption and sleep!

    We are so appreciative.