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The problem is, that you can’t even use the app whatsoever without a Subscription! The Subscription Screen (with the above noted message) will not disappear to access any content, and thus it’s a paid app, without any content use without a Subscription. It’s sad b/c I actually have other apps by this Developer.
Response from developer
Hello JesusLoverRN, thanks for your feeedback. There were already some other user that requested a change about the subscription handling. I will take your comment into account. I will try to find a better solution in the next 2 updates. Right now I am working on a new topic which will come with the next update. Sorry for the delay. At the moment it is followed by Apples recommendation. So how can you handle the subscription in Apples way: 1. Subscribe the app for 1 month with 1 week free trial. 2. Go to your device settings 3. Tap your name on the top 4. "Subscriptions" 5. Kill the subscription You should not be charged that way as long as you use the monthly subscription and revoke it within the first week. Should a problem occur you can refund it this way: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204084 Kind regards