New version embarrassing, hard to navigate, simplistic & commercialized.
In agreement with cackalack007: Yes, do fix if you can that historically and still-useless search function which still but much worse is Interrupting editorial content with advertisement: that just screams “sellout.” Present offers seem restrained enough, but we all know it’s only a matter of time before detergents and acne-cures (and worse) make their disgusting appearance, no doubt complete with stomach-turning photos. The Times has finally degraded the grey lady of yesterday to just another raucous eye-popper, as if we can’t find this display anywhere on line. Perfect for a Times Square marquee, but for the “paper of record?” I’ve been a loyal subscriber since grad school, back in the 1960s. Stereotype me if you will, but it is with much regret that I mourn the loss of dignity and clarity, and the cheapening of a mature and restrained editorial voice. I may stay for a while for the Saturday puzzle, at least until that too gets a more “popular” re-make... Sadly, Don Yates San Francisco, CA
I did not write any of the above response (tho as a decades-long subscriber I don’t see any reason to disagree w/it). Big DITTO! DY
I did not write any of the above response (tho as a decades-long subscriber I don’t see any reason to disagree w/it). Big DITTO! DY
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Unfortunately, biased.
It’s a sad day when a publication that has had so much respect, gets a low one star review, from a hopeful yet continually disappointed pundit. Your coverage of the Middle East has been detrimentally lacking. And biased. You regularly omit *critical* pieces of the puzzle, leaving readers and viewers with a distorted picture of that region. It is not the West, and the incessant attempts at observing it through a Western lens has infantilised its inhabitants. Then there’s the fact, this and other publications have contributed to and played down radicalisation in the West, in support of terrorism, this endangers us all. The long term implications, your current content creators will probably not be privy to and judging by their current behaviour, if they do see the downstream effects, they’ll likely shrug. Then the ultimate betrayal of journalism (and an antisemitic act), when a woke NYT journalist shares the private information of 600 Jewish creatives and academics, without their consent, with a subject the journalist was interviewing, the content landing almost immediately into the hands of people who are relentlessly attacking Jewish people. We keep waiting to see grown ups in the room. When that day comes I’ll come back here and alter my review.
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I live in Nz and get NYT in my inbox around 2am. I love to read for a good 90 mins before going back to sleep. There’s a lot on USA politics which I enjoy.
Also plenty on the rest of the world, Nz included. I’m hooked.
Also plenty on the rest of the world, Nz included. I’m hooked.
I find that the reporting of the Israeli war very biased toward the Israel being in the right. Where are the articles about the genocide and atrocities being carried out, especially via text on hospitals and Innocent woman and children.
A view from London
America is not Britain. I, being reasonably astute, have always known this. In the past my experience of the USA has mainly come from movies, books, TV shows, music and news reports in the British media. So my idea of your country has always been a mediated, curated one. What my reading of the New York Times, and listening to the NYT audio app, has given me is access to a far wider range of American information, analysis, and creative intelligences than I have ever encountered before. And I am grateful for that. I can’t claim to understand America now, but I can claim to understand it more. But before this gets too focused on how the NYT makes me feel cleverer than I probably am I must admit to being addicted to browsing your features on properties for sale in the US. That’s bizarre because I’m never going to live in the US, and if I did I wouldn’t be able to afford most of the properties you list. But still I’m fascinated. Also love reading what I can only describe as ‘Recipes I’ll Never Cook’. No idea what that’s about either.
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My choice
I appreciate and acknowledge good and unbiased journalism ,and having done a review with other media outlets I hold bold to say the New York Times, stands out. I was born into a family that just got by as a child growing up in Nigeria, but behold I knew then ,:
Education is your touch light for the future and therein lies: My choice of this news paper, is educative and refreshing ,it speaks the truth and hold people accountable for their actions and decisions .
I couldn’t have asked for more.
Education is your touch light for the future and therein lies: My choice of this news paper, is educative and refreshing ,it speaks the truth and hold people accountable for their actions and decisions .
I couldn’t have asked for more.
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Poorly designed
I subscribe to the Times and enjoy reading. But the app has three big problems. First, you can’t zoom in to see the pictures or just zoom otherwise. Second, the comments are always great reading and the app makes it’s hard to read them and see which threads are active. It really ruins the fun. Third, still has ads even though I am subscribing. I pay to avoid them and that’s why I use a browser and script blocker instead of the app
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Better than anything in Australia
I live in Melbourne Australia
The NYT gives me far better balanced coverage of world events than any of my local national newspapers
Your articles particularly on the Middle East conflict give me information that would not be published in Australia
Not being a Trump supporter I still value the different perspectives on the US elections
The NYT gives me far better balanced coverage of world events than any of my local national newspapers
Your articles particularly on the Middle East conflict give me information that would not be published in Australia
Not being a Trump supporter I still value the different perspectives on the US elections
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Waking up in Australia
I have a morning ritual that I treasure which includes meditation, porridge, fruit & yoghurt and a hefty dose of The New York Times. I choose a variety of articles so as not to get bogged down in one particular area of obsessive interest. The writing is often beautiful, the perspectives vivid and the overall intelligence of a quality that provokes in the very best way. Very valuable to my sense of being a citizen of the world. Thank you!
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Excellent and trustworthy
By far the best general newspaper around. Great for straight news and the opinion pieces are always worthwhile. I especially like the guest opinion pieces, which often offer more insight and diversity than the in house commentary. The health and wellness sections of the paper are fun and informative.
I read the paper from Australia and my one criticism is that it’s coverage of Australia tends towards the left - which is ok if other views are also given space. This is different from the coverage of UK, Japan or Europe which is more balanced and mature.
Overall the NYT is essential reading in a world where journalism and journalistic values are undervalued. I know many in the US will regard it as a “liberal” paper but from the perspective of the rest of the world it seems very much more middle ground.
The app itself is ok. It would be better if like the Financial Times all articles were available on audio. With automated reading it should not be too difficult.
I read the paper from Australia and my one criticism is that it’s coverage of Australia tends towards the left - which is ok if other views are also given space. This is different from the coverage of UK, Japan or Europe which is more balanced and mature.
Overall the NYT is essential reading in a world where journalism and journalistic values are undervalued. I know many in the US will regard it as a “liberal” paper but from the perspective of the rest of the world it seems very much more middle ground.
The app itself is ok. It would be better if like the Financial Times all articles were available on audio. With automated reading it should not be too difficult.
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