Does not work on iPhone 6+
Do not buy
Crashes instantly. Worthless
Crashes instantly on a 6+. Worthless.
Doesn't even load on iPhone 6 Plus
The app sounds good, but I should've paid attention to the age of the latest reviews. I paid for it, but it doesn't even load, let alone work--just a quick flash of the loading screen and it drops out.
It crashes before it even opens
Have no idea if it works at all
Wasn't lucky enough to see it working as it crashes before it opens.
Wasn't lucky enough to see it working as it crashes before it opens.
Does not work on iPhone 6
Crap app, opens and immediately crashes!
Doesn't work.
Doesn't work. How do I get a refund?
Great app/request
Awesome app. I would like to have a video background. Here is why: I could run around a skid pad, and see what my max g-force is, then I could compare that to recording of an auto cross with g-force overlay. If in the video I see that on certain corners I am loosing traction at a lower force, that means I know where I'm not being smooth enough.
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Documentation limited
Works well but i found it not possible to get help on the functionality of some operational variables, specifically the GeForce alert limit, acceleration alert limit and peak hold duration.
Nice app very useful at Amusement Park
I used the app to measure the G force while driving my car. There were all under 0.5 G. I set my alarm to buzz whenever the measurement goes beyond 1 G. I suppose if I suddenly slammed on my brakes while speeding up to 75 mph it might trigger the alarm. I believe this app might be more useful at amusement parks especially roller coasters. I used it inside an elevator and it measured less than 0.2 G.
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Transparent reporting
Important that user can send report of motion in .pdf file to their PC.