The Scriptures User Reviews

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  • I'd give it 5 stars with a small change

    This is a good app and certainly very handy. However, it needs one little improvement to make it flawless. It needs to to be capable of searching the scriptures by book, chapter and verse all at once. For example, one should be able to type in the search bar John 1:4 and that would you straight to it. It's not very practical having to go to the book, then the "author", then the chapter, and then scroll it down to the verse you want, especially when there are 40+ verses on one chapter. Like I said, this little enhancement would definitely make this app absolutely perfect.
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  • Strong Start

    Very good start. There are obviously some things that users want to see (i.e. markable scriptures, bookmarks, Sunday School manuals, PH/RS manuals, sizable fonts, Ensign articles/conference talks, etc). I really like the search feature. The results are organized beautifully. This feature would make it difficult for anyone not familiar with LDS scripture to find inconsistencies between the Bible and other Holy Scripture revealed by God through prophets of the latter day. Especially since He doesn't change, so prophets today only make sense! Good work! Looking forward to updates.
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  • Better than the paid-for versions

    Even though I have one of the $15 versions of the standard works installed on my iPhone, I keep this one around because it's so much faster and easier to use and read. In retrospect, this free app is better than the paid ones.

    I do wish it included a couple of additional sources (latest general conference, or the basic manuals for gospel doctrine or RS/Priesthood), I would rather have the speed, stability, and simplicity of this app than all the glitz and glitter of the fancier ones.

    If you're new to the iPhone or iPod Touch, this is the version of the scriptures you want. Don't waste your money on the other ones.
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  • Great

    This is great it is a way to have my scriptures with me all the time and I love the updates on it but one thing I'd like to have is a way to highlight scriptures and words!!! That would be amazing different colors of highlights that'd be way nice!! Another great app would be the hymn book!!

    And I have to say one thing to all of you that say that Mormons are not true Christians what I want to know is have you ever met any in my line of work I have had the privlage of working along side many of them and without a doubt they are more Christian then any one so give them a chance listen to them as they will listen to you. Be like Christ and accept everyone not just those who can make you a higher social status. Just understand jesus will accept all so should you and I!
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  • Great app, but needs one thing refined.

    I like this app and the fact that it's free,but there needs to be a way to be able to navigate within a book from chapter to chapter or from text to text (ie. From Moroni ch. 10 to Luke ch. 2), instead of having to exit out of the current book to the main menu and select the scripture you want from there. Using the navigation reels is great, but expand that feature a little.

    Also, isn't it interesting that those who claim to be TRUE Christians seem to be the only ones that act so UN-Christlike and put down the Mormons. I wonder why Mormons don't publicly single out other religeons and put them down? Must have something to do with Mormons being actual Christians. Hmmm...
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  • Great!

    I really love having the scriptures on my IPod. It's so easy to read a chapter or two at lunch and of course it is at a great price! :) I would like to make a request that someone more technologically savy than me create an AP of the LDS Childrens Hymn book that has both audio, both with piano and singing and without others singing, and sheet music. I am a primary teacher and I love music in the class room, and most of the lessons have a hymn from the book that the children can learn. Just bringing a dock and being able use my IPod would be a huge plus and would make singing these song so much easier. I sure could use it and I am sure that there are plenty of primary teachers out there that could too, if they knew it was available. So please please please someone look into this! Thanks!
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  • An excellent resource

    I was in a Priesthood meeting when the Bishop all of the sudden asked that I give the scripture to open the meeting with. I didn't have my scriptures, but DID have the iPhone app. I knew a scripture that I wanted to share, but couldn't think of where it was. All I had to do was search for the word on The Scriptures app and I found it in no time. This app is also great, because I have kids and not only have to carry them around, but all of their things. Adding my regular scriptures gets heavy. Thanks to this app, it adds no weight at all! One suggestion, would be to have the ability to highlight certain verses as favorites, and even type notes or impressions about the scripture. The one thing I miss is not having my regular scriptures because of my notes or highlights. Regardless, this app is awesome. From one software developer to another... thank you for making this app free. I know you are bugged with suggestions all the time. This app rules, keep up the great work!
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  • Bravo! Tyndale Would Be Delighted

    William Tyndale, martyred for printing the Bible in English, would be exultant at this. I appreciate reading the scriptures in bed with the lights off and in great comfort. I've read the inspired Book of Mormon through in two months time and shall continue to use that text to help "cleanse the inner vessel," intent on qualifying for the day the Lord expects the Gentiles as well as the house of Israel to obtain faith as the brother of Jared and then have all the revelations unfolded to view (Ether 4) and hence get out from underneath the "condemnation---the scourge and judgement" that Ezra Taft Benson testified we have "felt" and of which we yet suffer.

    Thanks Lee for making this freely available and such a great product.
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  • Best scripture free app

    This app is great I don't get looks for carrying my bible everywhere with me because now I could just be looking at my phone while I'm on the bus or in class. Plus it he that book of Mormon on it and I could read it without anyone knowing. I don't see anything wrong with that book. All through it's pages it tells of jesus Christ born of the virgin Mary and how he and only he will save us from our sins by suffering for our sake. Same as the bible! Just different group of people writting it down as directed by God, just like the bible. Any way there are lots of apps that will give you the scriptures but you will never beat this one when it's free. Besides there should me a mission to provide all the other features free with it if you think that they are so necisary. This is the best free scripture app out there!
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  • One of the best apps

    I was looking for this apps for a while. I kept on finding the one you have to pay for. But this one is great. I use it so much. They are great for seminary. I world highly recommend this apps. It's well worth the free price. Oh people if you could, please try to keep your nasty commits to your self because it's not needed. If you are someone that is getting this apps for a joke and leaving nasty commits get a life. Because some of those things that were left were wrong and is not needed. Thanks. Oh by the way this apps gets a 5 out of 5. It's nice to know that you can read these books any time you want.
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