The Scriptures User Reviews

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  • I may have already reviewed this but...

    I have already reviewed this but it is such a fantastic app. So generous of him to provide this free. I have been looking at an alternate that has a much heftier price tag and am a little disillusioned the author even states "don't complain about the price" Why shouldn't I when someone else isn't trying to gouge money out of me. I hope that Mr. Fallin does this same app with the Scriptures in Spanish it would make my world a perfect world. I can't complain that the other reference materials aren't available because the price was right. Thanks again.
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  • Fewer features, but better developed than the ones which cost $

    I've used the paid scripture apps and can tell you that while this one may have fewer features (no bookmarks, hymns, highligting, etc), the features it does have are superior to the paid apps.

    The footnotes/cross-referencing feature is way better than others I've seen. The UI is well designed and intuitive. Updates have been infrequent, but typically add new features which are always well thought out.

    In short, I'll take a free app over a $15 app any day. Especially when the free app offers feature quality over feature quantity.
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  • Awesome!

    Truly and awesome app! It's prefect for getting a quick read in on the go or during sacrament. You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this, and it's awesome that you made it free for us! To all the anti-Mormons, athesits, and others with far too much time on their hands- get a life. Fast. Please, give us the same courtesy that we afford you, and allow us to worship as we please. I spent the better part of two years wading through the morass of anti-Mormon material, thinking there was something I was missing. Guess what? There's not. Most of it is half truths, misquotes, and downright lies, and the rest can easily be explained by reliable sources. So please, save your venom of the uninformed, and leave the rest of us to enjoy this awesome app.
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  • Comparing

    Okay, I'm one of those people who paid 15 dollars for the original application, and then I downloaded this one to compare. This one isn't half bad, and fact it's fairly user friendly. Also it was made with good intentions. That's why I gave it 5 stars. Differences between the free scriptures app, and the paid scriptures app
    1.paid is more user friendly, and allows zooming an verse jumping
    2. Paid has a host of other resources like teachings if the prophet Joseph Smith, and for the strength of youth, and general conference, and the constitution.
    3. The downside Is that it's 15$, but if you think about how much you pay for the paper ones(40ish) then it makes sense.
    In conclusion ( LOL) both apps are great, but the paid one is better.
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  • Updated review

    My 3 complaints in my original review have been fixed in the subsequent update, so I'm upping my rating to 4 stars. The app still desperately needs a button to go to the next chapter. Also, tilt scrolling would be an awesome addition. The search feature is phenomenal. All in all a great effort (and appreciated!). Keep up the good work - I can't wait to see what will come with future updates. Sidenote to all the haters: please keep your anti-Mormon propaganda to yourselves. I'm sure some of your preachers have given you the mandate to smear Mormons anonymously online whenever you get the chance, but this is not the place to do it. iTunes reviews are for the apps, not for your hateful theological criticisms. Thank you. And to Apple, please remove those so-called "reviews" that are nothing but religious attacks.
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  • Great app with tons of potential

    Thank you for this great app. It does precisely what it needs to without all the fluff. The search function rocks! I know version 1.0.2 is in review in the app store. The new version addresses all the bugs that I noticed. I am hoping for some 'enhancements' in the next big revision. Things like: accelorometer support, Zoom and pan, highlighting scriptures, notes support, Ensign and other church literature support, donate button Understanding that Bro Falin is providing this at no cost to us I would be perfectly happy if the app just stayed as it is but I know programmers and there is always something on the horizon for them. Look forward to seeing what it brings.
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  • Ex-morman

    I have not been to any church in a long time but the last time I went to a morman church was even longer. I don't really know what I beleive anymore but to hear people say that these are not scriptures obviously have no clue what the mormon church is all about. Scriptures are the word of god and if u read this then u will see that the word of god does show up. I can not stand how somepeople can try to destroy one religion just because they are a crazy fanatic. Thoughs people feel like they are high and mighty but what they so not understand is by bashig someone elses belief is being judgemental and doesn't the bible say judge not yet ye be judged? You people should be ashamed of yourselves and go pray about your own salvation because you might not be as high and mighty as you thought you were.

    Now that I have gotten that out, this app is pretty good. There are somebthinfs I would add like highlighting and such but it is actually pretty easy to navigate. This app actually might MIGHT get me back into researching what religion is right for me, if any at all.
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  • Great product

    For many years I used a Palm product called Mark My Scriptures and was very pleased with it. Some of the features that I really enjoyed were: 1) A way to quickly move from one volume of scripture to another; 2) Its powerful search feature e.g. Find Next, Find Prev, 3) Being able to quickly move to selected chapters and verses, 4) Different font sizes, 5) Using different colors to highlight text. Some of those feature would be much appreciated and I'm sure that you can knock them out in your 'spare time'. Thanks again. Thanks again for a great FREE app which I would be willing to pay for.
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  • Great App

    I'm quite impressed with this application. It is simple yet functional, just like an iphone application should be. There are some things that it could improve on, like the ability to change text color, size and type or make it a bit more responsive. But these critisizms are washed away for me when you use the search function of this program. Absolutely wonderful. To be able to search the scriptures is very important and this application does it in a very easy-to-use and functional way. Normally, I would have given this application a 4 star rating, but decided that I'd better try to help combat the eventual tide of anti-mormon sentiment standard for many public LDS resources. A note on that: Please review the application based on the application itself! No one cares if you don't like what you read, this is not a book review blog or the like. Is the application easy to use, functional, do what it's meant to do in the way it should do it. Review the application, not the scriptures. I could care less whether you insult the Book of Mormon, it doesn't change its truth.
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  • Thanks for a good app

    I appreciate this app. It is very useful. I would love to see more features and content if you have the time, but want to say thanks for what is already done and given for free. This app is simple and easy to use. Looks very refined as far as formatting goes.

    I suggest modeling future updates after yanceyreader. With it's pop-up windows when clicking on footnotes and ability to resize text, bookmark, and other features it was the best scripture app I have used. Overall, this is a great free app for the LDS crowd and any who are interested in learning more about LDS theology (most of the bashers should learn more and become informed before commenting blindly).
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