
About iStatic

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • February 1, 2019
  • January 17, 2025
  • 11.4+
  • 4+
  • 11.72MB
  • iPhone, iPod
  • American English

Developer of iStatic

iStatic screenshot #1 for iPhone
iStatic screenshot #2 for iPhone
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What's New in iStatic


August 28, 2023

- It is now possible to choose whether to mix noise with audio from other apps. - In exclusive mode, noise can now be stopped and started from the Control Center.


Reviews of iStatic

could be perfect with a bit off work

as a professional musician who works alot of late hours and thus has to sleep during daylight hours and also suffers with tinittus this exactly the application I have been waiting for (well almost)....I've tried various "sound sleeper" products thru the years and also 3 other Iphone apps such as Ambiance,Isleep,Hush etc...and all of them fell short in a couple of ways..number1 as a musician I am extremely sensitive to loop points..the "brown noise in ambiance is actually quite a nice sound but I hear two repeating pitches which artifacts of the loop point and it repeats about every 5 seconds very annoying....so generating white to pink noise on the fly is the way to go in my opinion..but you need a low pass filter to cut some of the hissy hi end that is in white noise...this Istatic does both things right here...now for the things that need fixed...even when I turn my ringer off my phone rings while I'm sleeping with the Istatic App running...even if I turn the ringer volume all the way off in the settings app.. it still rings very softly and worse the white noise stops which wakes me up....it needs a "do not disturb" mode for when you actually want to sleep and not be awoken...and maybe a choice for when you may want to hear the phone....till then I will still sleep to my trusty 1975 Minimoog synthesizer set to pink noise and a low pass filter to get rid of some of the highs...would give this app 5 stars if you fix the walking me up part....also a very minor thing is the color(low pass filter) slider is very hard to adjust..you have to push really hard on the phone to activate it..i thought for awhile it didn;t work at all...once I got it set to about 30 percent from the begininng of the bar your app makes the perfect sleep sound
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Alternatives to iStatic

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Does iStatic offer an iPad version?

iStatic is not iPad-compatible.

Who created the iStatic app?

The creator of iStatic is Paul Evenblij.

What is the minimum iOS version for the iStatic app?

The minimum iOS version for the iStatic app is 11.4.

What user rating does iStatic have?

Unfortunately, iStatic has not been well received by users, as evidenced by its low rating of 1 out of 5.

What is the category of the iStatic app?

Istatic Relates To The Lifestyle App Genre.

What is the recent version of iStatic?

3.1 is the newly released version of the iStatic app.

What is the latest iStatic update release date?

iStatic updated its app on January 17, 2025.

What is the exact date when iStatic came out?

The release date of the app was February 6, 2023.

What is the recommended age for the iStatic app?

This app is rated for ages 4 and up, and contains only family-friendly content.

What languages are available on iStatic?

The following list of languages is supported by the iStatic app: American English, Dutch.

Is iStatic featured among Apple Arcade's game offerings?

Sorry, iStatic is not part of Apple Arcade.

Does iStatic contain in-app purchases?

Sorry, there are no in-app purchases available in iStatic.

Does iStatic provide support for Apple Vision Pro?

No, iStatic does not provide support for Apple Vision Pro.

Are ads featured prominently in iStatic?

No, ads are not featured prominently in iStatic.