Trace User Reviews

kevin calderone

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  • The one game that keeps my attention

    Trace has proven to be a game that I'll continue to play for years. Nuances in the game keep it interesting. For instance, when you "jump" in the space world, you jump higher than the other worlds. The complexity of Trace keeps it challenging. I haven't figured out all the levels, even though I've played this game since it came out, nor have I gotten frustrated... Engaging for all ages, including children as young as 5 or 6 years old. My 6 year old loves to get his character over the exit and then "erase" the floor to fall into the next level...

    TIP: I use the "screen capture" function of the iPhone (or iPod Touch) to save a picture of different solutions. Once I've solved a puzzle, I'll often replay it with a different technique. I can save photos of my various solutions by pressing the home and sleep/wake buttons on my iPhone at the same time. The resulting screen capture is stored in the photos app that comes on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
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  • No other game like it, amazing

    This game is about timing, and thinking creatively. EVERY one that plays 10 levels to get the hang of it (the first levels will take you about 20 seconds each) is ADDICTED and wants to know what challenges the game holds cause its so unique. You have a stickman that you have to get to the target on a one screen area which will have some obstacles, moving hazards and blocked areas, and some floor to walk on pre-set. then you can draw floor anywhere on the screen with your finger and erase it during gameplay (he can't walk through walls made of ground, but you may need it there at the beginning and once he gets past that area you erase it so he can walk back to jump onto something else that's on there! All this while the moving obstacles and hazards are still in play.

    I played all super creative levels (probably about 200 of them?) and beat the game, now 3 years later I'm going to do it all over!
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  • Seriously, best game ever

    Whoever wrote this game wins at life. This is one of the best games I've ever played! I don't mean just on the iPhone/iPod.

    Until I came in here to review, I didn't know the Retry and Back buttons were double-tap. Lol, that was going to be one of my complaints.

    World 3's music is not quite as good as the first two. The main notes that play the loudest can get a little repetitive sometimes, but the keyboard in the background is beautiful. Actually, the music is one of the highlights. Props to the sound guy!

    Collision detection can be off a little bit sometimes and a few of the more difficult puzzles have easy ways to "cheat" to finish the board without doing what you're "supposed" to be doing.

    Bottom line, this game needs VERY LITTLE improvement. I'm just sad that I beat it already. Oh, what's up with finishing the game, developer???!? The ending, or lack of? I did all the levels! That's it? Back to the map?

    Boo. Okay, now that you're happy that I've complained about your hard work, can we PLEASE PLEASE have more levels????

    An idea: drawing an object makes a tool that can help finish a new map? Like, drawing a wheel on a board would make a rolling platform to ride? Make an elevator to ride up and down? Does this make any sense? Maybe for the next version, Trace 2?

    Just a thought...
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  • Excellent and innovative game

    Kevin Calderone has made a truly wonderful game by thinking outside the box. Unlike most platformers, this one requires the player to draw his OWN platforms to reach the end of the stage. It sounds, in theory, like it would be a breeze to win this game. However, the challenges you face become progressively more difficult. For example, I cannot even make it past the final stage of the 2nd world (Plant). The graphic style is a rough, hand-drawn crayon style that goes well with the platforms you'll be drawing in the game. My only gripe about this game is the same I have for many other games on the iPhone/iPod Touch: touch-screen controls just don't work well. Unlike traditional gaming, where your fingers and thumbs rest lightly on the buttons until they are needed, at which point you press down upon them, the iPhone/iPod Touch has no such ability. Thus, the controls have to be on-screen, which means you cannot let your thumbs or fingers rest on them. The moment you lightly touch them, you've activated that control. That said, this is not a fault of the developer, simply a limitation of the device. Normally, I would ding the developer a star, but since this game is free and you get so much play time from a free game, I'll give him the five stars he deserves!
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  • Ithis game!!!

    This has to be the greatest game in the app store that is free. This game is addicting and you cant put it down until you have beaten it all. I only wish it had updates that added more levels or that they had a Trace2. This game should not be free because it is amazing!! If you are reading this..follow my advice and download it now before they start selling it at the price it deserves. Its free, if you dont like it whats the worse that can happen u have to delete it? You have nothing to loose!!! Give it a will not regret it.
    Round of applause to the makers!!
    And btw this game is ssooooo much better than its crappy copycat iDork. 
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  • So much potential, dashed with poor controls!

    I almost hate to write this review because I actually like this app a lot. I can't believe that it's free because there really is some good value here that I would be willing to pay for. The artwork is brilliant in its minimalism (you're controlling a stick figure!). The idea is very cool too. Simply move a figure to a designated goal by drawing bridges and platforms while avoiding obstacles. For the first half of the game, it really executes well too. The problems come in the later levels where precision and exactly control of the figure is necessary. It is difficult to draw the platforms with your finger exactly where they need to be. But that could be forgivable if it weren't for the terrible character controls. You have two on-screen arrows for moving backwards and forwards. You also have a triangle for jumping. Getting these three buttons working together, especially in the later levels, can be maddening. The figure may not jump when you want it to. It may keep running, even after you've let up from the arrow "button". Additionally, the amount of screen space that is responsive to the button controls seems unnecessarily small. Altogether, this game is great in some regards, but infuriating when the controls don't work the way they should. Hopefully, a future update might address some of the issues, but until then, the app that shows so much promise simply misses the mark.
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  • Brilliant, Unique, Delightful

    Much of the charm in this game is that such simple, child-like, primitive graphics belie the thoughtful precision and clever problem-solving needed to succeed. The combination of graphics and challenge and really unique input required makes it a DELIGHTFUL game. It is my favorite game and I just wish there were more levels. I sometimes laugh out loud at the genius of each new level and at the way the "Chalk World" hurls dangerous words at my little protagonist. I am not the most dexterous of game players, not speedy and slow to learn the best key combinations in video games. I am usually out tasked at the beginning stages. BUT here, only part of the challenge lies in exacting key combinations. Accurate tapping is helpful only after the early levels teach you about the best moves. And all of it involves spatial reasoning. There are multiple ways to deliver Little Stick to safety. When I finish all the levels, I'm going to go back and improve my times. I'll be playing this game for months to come. But one day I will want to pay $15 for "Trace Redux" or some other sequel. I think there could be a "Cake" world. And a "Desk World" and more. Who is this Kevin Calderone!? Thank him if you know him.
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  • Addicting

    Oh God, I typed a long detailed review, and then lost it when Itunes timed me out D:> The graphics are kindergarden, but that's kinda the point. You basically draw and erase paths so your stickman can traverse different types of obstacles. It starts off as easy as it sounds, but the difficulty rises like stairs. You'll pause and ponder on how to advance. The music is catchy and relaxing, so you won't feel the need to mute it to concentrate. As someone already said, you'll plan to stop after completion of the current level but will keep playing on. Before you know it, you've killed 20 levels without taking a break. Drawing and erasing isn't as precise as I'd like, but I have big fingers. Don't know if that's a factor, but it's probably not helping. Also, different characters to choose from would be nice (/nitpick). Bottom line: 4/5. It won't wow you like some of the top tier games, but it's very addicting. Couple that with the low, low price of ZERO currency, and you've no reason not to download this.
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  • Totally cool and frustrating

    This makes me swear like I have Tourette :o) I can't believe it's free, really, when it has so many levels and requires some really complex thinking on some of them. The premise is fun, and I thought Line Rider was fun, but this takes that a step beyond. Instead of drawing your world, it's been drawn for you and you need to draw the means of escaping the pitfalls of each level...step into the light! I'll decide to play a little and if I'm not alone, a crowd will begin to form around me to see why I'm swearing, lol, and then everyone has a suggestion as to what needs to be done to get the little guy through. Oddly enough, this free game has gotten more than a few people to buy an iphone, which I thought was funny. So, while I had no clue what to expect when I got this, I am really glad I did and I absolutely love it!
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  • Fantastic, fun, original

    I didn't expect to like this game because I'm not very fond of the graphic style... but this is a truly GREAT game. It's fun, addictive, FREE, and outplays many paid apps. The game is divided into short segments that may take between 20 seconds and a few minutes to complete... perfect for those moments where you only have a little time. The levels get increasingly difficult without being impossible. Where this game really shines though, is in its ability to utilize the iphone's interface in a new and original way that is truly iphone-specific. This game wouldn't work on another platform. You owe it to yourself to download this free game and check it out.
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