Why take the fun out of a simple game?? Please stop stop stop!!! Dropping the screen so I can get eaten by ghosts. It’s not fair and not fair game. This is the only game I like to play and whoever is behind it please stop!!! You’s take control of the pac-man and go other ways than what I want to go. Stop stop bothering with me playing. Don’t drop the screen. When playing pac-man the screen is always being dropped so I don’t see . Allow me to play freely and the ghost eat me naturally. It doesn’t feel good when someone takes control of my pac-man and turns me into the ghost on purpose. Let me run into the ghost or the ghost eat me. But don’t do it. It’s not any bugs !!! Someone is constantly controlling my pac-man and gets me out. Stop dropping my screen!!! There’s nothing wrong with my phone. Someone is doing that. Please leave me alone and allow me to play freely and stop running me into the ghost and stop dropping my screen!!! Please post my review
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Response from developer
Hello Sofiya,
We do apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused you. If your screen drops during your play, trying not to touch the bottom part of your screen will be helpful. If you still experience the issue even though you do not touch the bottom of your screen, please feel free to send us more details through this link: https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Thank you,
Pac-Man team