Corkz User Reviews

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  • still not there

    Once a year I re-download the app and see if it has gotten any better. Nope. There are too many shortcomings to list.
  • Still a Very Limited Wine Database

    Not a bad program, but there is still a lot to be desired. No attempt was made to create a real database of popular wines. It is clear the designers are awaiting us to do their work. Not cool, but again, not a bad program.
  • Stopped working

    I had this app running on my iPhone 5 and now 7+ for 3 years and was reasonably happy with it. Unfortunately, it stopped working a month ago. Nothing has worked to resurrect it. I contacted the company, but no response.

    I give it only 1 star because i cant get the developer's attention. When it works, i would give it 4 to 5 stars.
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  • Perfect

    Amazing app that is an easy data entry "app" that is backed by a full featured web site called Cellar Tracker. So you enter your personal cellar data via the Corkz app and some of the editing is done via the Cellar Tracker website. The beautiful part of this app is it syncs with all your mobile devices almost instantly. So my Iphone and two Ipad 2's have my cellar information synced all the time. Awesome! and it works perfectly. It took me a bit to figure out that some editing had to be done on the Cellar Tracker website so if you enter data via the app and want to change it, some fields can be changed within the app but not all fields. Your app purchase gives you access to the members only Cellar Tracker website as well, just use the same user ID and password you used to set up your Corkz membership. All seamless and flawless. I find the depth of the Cellar Tracker website to be amazing. Great partnership and wonderful interface. I couldn't ask for more. Thanks for making a FULL BLOWN cellar tracker for me to use on the fly! Love it.
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  • Corkz

    I love this app and use it all the time. I scan a barcode and I get a lot of information about price and taste. It has saved me a lot of money when buying wine.
    A couple of things I wish it would improve on is I would like to add bottles that are in already on the app. More importantly I would like to follow people that have the same flavor profile that I do to see what else they're buying drinking and reviewing.
    And I also wish I could view the winery from where the winds came so that I could see what else they had. I believe this app used to do that some years ago. All in all I love it and recommend it highly. I just think they have some updates and improvements to do. Most definitely worth $2.99!!
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  • Keep Cellartracker up to date more easily

    I’m glad to have stumbled across this app. I’ve used cellartracker for a few years. Its a great tool for maintaining my cellar inventory because of its enormous inventory and customizable values, and it allows export to save my cellar data locally. But it has a disappointing interface, and making inventory changes is clunky and sometimes frustrating. This app solves that. It’s user interface is slick, cellartracker integration solid, and barcode scanner a great time saver.

    Two suggestions for future releases: 1) When editing an existing inventory item, present current values from inventory instead of blank/default values that requiring the user to retype all properties, even when changing only a single inventory value is desired. 2) A label reader would be valuable when bottles have no barcode.
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  • Big flaw, should be easy to fix

    Really nice features and great user interface to interact with CellarTracker database. Barcode scan feature for drinking from your own cellar, however, is deeply flawed and corrupts the integrity of your entire cellar inventory. It scans your CellarTracker bar codes and finds the wine in your cellar, but instead of identifying the specific bar coded bottle, it randomly grabs any bottle of that particular wine. So, if you have a dozen bottles of a particular wine and you scan a specific bottle to drink, instead of logging that specific bottle as drunk, it selects a random bottle from the dozen of that type and you have no way of knowing what it has done until you examine your inventory and find that the wrong bottle has been logged as drunk. Very disappointing, not to mention time consuming to correct. Did they not test this feature at all? Too bad, because otherwise would be a very nice app. Please fix -- this can't be that hard to do correctly.
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  • Take Cellar Tracker with You

    I organize my cellar with Cellar Tracker. So, it is great to be able to pick a wine and then "drink" it and review it with my I-phone on the living room couch, not head to my desk top. It is also great to be able to sort within sorts (eg. List all Pinots and then sort by drinking dates.) Also pretty useful picking wines in a store. (I refuse to pull it out in a restaurant.) I do not use it for inputting wines because it does not have all of the features of CT, but when inputting wines on my desktop or laptop it is handy to use the phone ap as a second screen. Two minor issues. The slide for the wine rating number is hard to get on the precise number; I would prefer a tumbler like it has for cellar location and date. Also, if you have a minor typo when typing wine names, it does not recognize the wine. (Newer version does this sometimes. ???). Also have to get used to newer version prompting for next. Have several times "drank" before finished with input, and there is no way go ho back and edit/add. Overall a great ap.

    Note to other reviewers: if you are not familiar with the quirks of the Cellar Tracker wine reviews, you may be surprised at some of the reviews. Often necessary to figure out who has reviewed what, and ratings and drinking dates are often not consistent with text, but very many, very knowledgable people are reviewing, and scoring very hard. Don't go by the rating number alone.
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  • Great app if you have a cellar

    I would start by saying this app is not necessary if you do not have a wine cellar. This is really meant for someone who wants to catalog a large volume of wine. That said, for cellar owners this is a magnificent application. It provides a great way to review your wine by varietal, region, type, etc. It also allows you to scan in your wine by the barcode. On the negative side, for those wines which you may need to input by hand, it is not very forgiving with typos. This can make wine entry laborious, and for that, I dock it one star. It should also allow you to view by wines that you have reviewed. Otherwise it is an overall excellent app and I highly recommend.
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  • Great App!

    Near perfect app. The scanner is very handy, and the info it pulls up has found 39 of 40 bottles of wine that I entered including vintage! All from my beginner's size and ever burgeoning wine collection! I am not surprised that it did not find the un-scannable bottle, as it was purchased at a very small VA winery. What I would like to know is, how can I enter that one into the database?

    Also, the pics of the bottle labels are for the most part terrible and look like they have been uploaded by cell phone pics. Is there a way to improve the quality?

    I love being able to have all the information about the wines I own AT MY FINGERTIPS! That is amazing... Helps immensely when shopping at the store. I don't see any problems with the drink feature. Works well for me.
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