User Reviews: I Hear Ewe

Top reviews

  • Accessibility

    I love this app! It is rare to find a preschool educational app that is fully accessible with VoiceOver. This app is fun for ALL children, including child who are visually impaired or blind. Thank you for creating such a fun, quality app!!!

    From a very happy Teacher of the Visually Impaired
  • Favorite toddler app

    Love this app.
  • Doesn’t work

    This app worked for like 5 minutes and now the description and animal noise doesn’t work at all.
  • No sound anymore

    My almost 2 year old loves this app but the last several times the sound won’t work and I have to close it and then open it several times to get it back but tonight it just won’t work at all. ☹️
  • No sound!

    I downloaded the app and it worked as soon as I downloaded it - I was thrilled because it was exactly what I was looking for, animal sounds and vehicle sounds in one app! Yay! But sadly, I could not get it to work again. I tried turning the voice on and off, my volume was turned all the way up, and I even deleted it then downloaded again - nothing. So disappointed.
  • No sound on this app

    I can’t get the sound to work on this app. To the person who thinks a ton of reviewers can’t use their iPads...yes we know how to use our iPads. It isn’t muted and the sound is all the way up and every other app is making sounds except this one. I don’t see any options anywhere to fix this problem. I deleted and redownloaded and still have the same issue.
  • Pre-K

    Great app that the young crowd loves! I loved the fact that the app creator has a blog where I found out more about my iPad. I like many other uninformed adults didn't realize the top orientation button also mutes some sound effects but not sound from movies, videos etc. The app works flawlessly!!!
  • Kid still loves it 1.5 years later!

    I think I got this app when my son was about 18mos, it is like the old speak-n-say toy but with buttons. There is a screen for animals, other animals and one for vehicles. We use it on the iPad and iPhone and have never had problems. It’s been 1.5 years so we have updated the software in the meantime. Now at almost 3, my son doesn’t play with it as much, but every once and while he will play with it again (like rotating toys).
  • I Know How To Use My iPad, Do You?

    I find all these reviews about there being no audio to be humorous. This app's audio works just fine when your iPad does not have its audio mute setting engaged or the volume is turned down. If you don't have any sound with this app, learn how to operate your iPad's mute and volume settings. If you say to yourself, "But I never changed these settings!", then I say to you, "Think about it, you're giving your iPad to a 2 year old. Don't you think they pushed the buttons?"
  • Great App - Poor Design for Little Hands

    Both my children (3 1/2 and 16 months) have loved this app, but I'm writing this review as I've had to reset the app for the fifth time in 3 minutes because my son hit the Information button in the bottom right corner RIGHT WHERE HIS HANDS GO TO HOLD THE PHONE!

    Are my kids the only ones who consistently send the app to its setting screen and change it to Chinese and/or hit the button to go to the Clearwire website? (Connectivity is always off when the kids get the iPhone, so they just get a blank page and an error message.)

    This poor design - placement of the button or inability to lock out the settings screen - means this app is something that they use for about 45-60 seconds before I have to intervene and get him back to the app.

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