Best dictionary app I’ve ever used
I’m all the more amazed this exists since I seem to recall that all the EPWING readers on PC use a single bug ridden closed source x86 32bit Windows DLL that hasn’t been updated since the 90’s, yet this app can open every dictionary I throw at it, on 64bit ARM, and without a single crash or bug so far.
Keep up the great work!!
No Family Share Allowed. A Wrong Description.
I think Apple has to clean up family share description across apps. It so very misleading and if so it would be better to disable family share all across and not to show it on app description.
Additionally the dictionary file import process description seems to be somewhat outdated. Using iCloud should be the first option.
So all in all the developer has to make more serious efforts to make those items as updated and accurate as possible as long as it is sold as a paid app.