i2Reader User Reviews

Yuriy Melyushin

Top reviews

Nice to see an update, but still missing important features

The single most important missing feature for me is the lack of a progress icon - to indicate if a book has been read, or how far into the book progress has been made. Stanza does this so well.

Also, there are lots of ways to customise the display, but there doesn't appear to be a way to stop indented paragraphs. Personally I dislike them. Please make this possible to change in preferences.

It would be nice to be able to copy colour settings from one heading to another (eg make h1, h2, h3 the same as h0, etc) - it is almost impossible to get them to be the same otherwise.

It is great that book summaries are shown in the library, but the app still doesn't cope with bad HTML and so the display is often full of code and text mixed up.

It is rather frustrating that the library insists on separate sorting for upper and lower case titles. This does not work for English titles, so please make this an option if it is desirable for other languages. (eg "a Lovely Day", should be sorted with "A Rough Life", etc).

Some of the settings options, like Page Geometry, have what looks like Russian text. A lovely language, but not generally understood by your English users.

Please, please, please answer emails sent in.
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Особенно листать неудобно. Нужны размашистые движения. Нет скролла вертикального. Если лежа (например в кровати)читать, то приходится приподнимать, или держать над складкой одеяла. Те кто ее делали, наверняка не пользуются ею. Зря купил.

upd. А теперь вообще перестала работать. Стартует, пытается открыть книгу и вылетает. И есть прога и нет ее. Не покупайте!
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Useless on new iPad

Text is all blurry. One star till it fixed.

Doesn't work

Selection of text does not work for Thai language. Can't select words in text.

Broken features, support lacking

Bought this for the Calibre support, too bad it can only sense the server not actually download anything ( Stanza works just fine in same environment ). The developer site looks like they have all but abandoned this app ... Apple really needs a "try before you buy" system.

Всем читалкам читалка)

Расскажу сугубо субъективно: закупился почти всеми читалками и файлмэнеджерами в аппсторе, включая ibooks и pages, поскольку приходится и много читать и работать с текстом. - это приложение, всё же оказалось вне конкуренции, поскольку имеет детализированную настройку текстового обозревателя; хотя оно и не приспособлено для редактирования, но в качестве читалки даже после работы в pages оно пока что самое удобное. Станза и айчиталка и рядом не курили) Пару слов разработчикам и три вопроса: первую версию купил ещё в инсталлере,- и ,канешн, версия которая была, и,наверное есть(?) для джейлбрэйкнутых, которая была за 30 бачей( которые я честно перечислил вам), всяко пижже и на порядок функциональнее чем аппсторовская. Продолжаете ли вы поддержку Вашего , мною любимого, I2Readerа, и можно ли ждать докрутки легальной версии до той , что была в сидии и инсталлере или придётся взламывать мой свежеприобретённый 4s? если придётся ,- можно ли перенести лицензию 30 долларовой версии на мой новый аппарат? С уважением, лояльный читатель О.С.
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On balance worth it

This is a very polarizing app: people either love it or hate it. My experience with it has been good; I'm now using it more than Stanza. It's extremely fully featured and does, unlike how some reports here would have it, work with Calibre as well as several other methods of uploading books. Its Styles feature is very powerful although its italic and boldface are buggy. The memory limitation is dumb, but for me the worst feature is the total unresponsiveness of the vendor. You send messages: they completely ignore them.
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Answer to Stanza Refugee's Prayers!

Good app could be great with better documentation. Frustrating for me because I know functionality I want is there just don't know how to get to it. (wifi book transfer from Calibre, box.net use of dictionaries etc.) Can anybody please help!

Has Problems

After a few pages, the page back stops working. Going back to preferences and reseting the tap zones, sometime will start it working, but it will do it again soon.

Piece of crap!!

I am extremely pissed. After 3 hrs of fiddling and searching for help online i have discovered a few important things. This program has NO support. This program fails to do ANYTHING it advertises. The publisher won't even list it clearly on their website.

It does not work with Calibre. It will not group by author. It crashes like a drunk's bumper car. Save the $5 and look elsewhere for your stanza replacer.
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