No Face Id
For the love of god please stop trying to scan my face using your own program and just use apple's FaceId... every other app uses it fine, why are you guys reinventing the wheel????
Too much information
Too much information and it makes application slow. Shame of that.
정신나간 앱
신분증 인증 하는데 마이크 권한을 주지 않으면 다음 단계로 넘어가지 않는 정신나간 앱.
This app won’t let you to submit photo of your government issued ID card unless you give the app permission to us microphone as suggested by the app. Insane.
This app won’t let you to submit photo of your government issued ID card unless you give the app permission to us microphone as suggested by the app. Insane.
앱은 매우 느리고 방금 본인확인 했는데 또 하라그러고 각종 오류에 정말 최악
it couldn’t recycle this app… i felt after using it that we have to remove this app..
버젼낮다고 아예 안열림
예전아이폰에서는 사용불가
앱이 열리지도 않아요
지우고 다시 깔아도 안열리는 앱
해외체류자분들 우리은행으로 가세요
해결되지 않는 인증절차로 고통받지마세요. 이번에 한국가서 남은 돈도 다 옮길겁니다. 진짜 화나서 정말...
Sooooooooooo bad
This app is not usable. I cannot even open it. Korean IT tech is so behind. I can’t believe the biggest bank in Korea has such a horrible app.
It’s not user-friendly even for native Koreans
I want to recommend getting developers and designers associating with this app fired.