Not useful
I bought this app for the specific purpose of tracking a cruise ship that a friend was on. I don’t usually buy apps, but I really wanted the full function of this one. It had found the ship on the free version and after I bought it the next time I opened the app, the paid version cannot find the ship anymore. However, the other free app that I have for tracking ships find it no problem. I would like to know if there’s a way to get my money back.
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Not all the features I like
I can’t look ships up. I have to manually go where I think it is to find it. Large ships are often a very small icon and hard to see.
Getting to be a disappointed user
I had high hopes for this when I upgraded from the Lite version, but the thrill is quickly leaving. The first thing I found was random boats traveling at 1177MPH. The developer acknowledges this is a bug. Now, with Crab season starting in Alaska I have been watching all the Deadliest Catch fleet moving into the area, but now ALL of Alaska has lost AIS coverage for this app only! This is a hobbiest viewer app, nothing more, and now one of the key places to follow boats in the US has been lost on this app. Why? Additionally when on the Calif coast looking at marine traffic I can also clearly see the oil platforms that I have already requested be included because they are marine obstacles and nice to locate on the map. There are a very few that show on Ship Finder, but they come and go randomly. Maybe there for a day or two, then gone for weeks. That’s useless too
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Family concerned
I purchased this app upgrading from lite version, expecting to follow the trip of our mentally challenged family member. This was his first cruise. He was so exited. Sadly there have been times when this app states that the cruise ship the “Celebrity silhouette” is not being tracked. We are now using a free app and have had no problem at all. Disappointing. On the upside when the app is tracking the information is very good. Sorry I hate complaining.
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That apps is useless and not good at all
Not that useful
Downloaded and soon realised this is pretty useless for any purpose other than seeing the names of ships in a city port. The big limitation is its dependency on terrestrial receivers connected to the internet - no receiver nearby, no ships show but one doesn’t know where the terrestrial receivers are not located! There could be ships present or no receivers. Pretty useless.
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No improvement over sf lite. Paid for the app and it won’t find vessels in sight of me! I’m in Cabo San Lucas and it doesn’t show any ships at all. I want my money back
Missing half the ships in the St Lawrence seaway
App is getting much worse!
To add to the frustration of not ‘finding’ ships I can see in front of me with my own eyes, now for the very few that actually show up, they disappear entirely. Ghost ships I guess. It’s hard to imagine an app that was less worth the waste of money. This app literally does nothing it was supposed to do.
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Ship finder
Je vois 9 bateaux mais l'application mentionne qu'il y a que 3 bateaux.