▻Sudoku User Reviews

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  • Ads were getting worse.

    It started as a cool app. Seeing a single page ad was tolerable, but then came ads that bypassed the silent phone feature and blare out. The developers ended up stopping that, but then came two clicks to stop and ad, then video clip ads. So, it ended up faster to close the app and restart it. Good until they started adding features like having to develop a self pic. I don’t want to do that, so not I get this request popup every time I restart the app. Arrrgh, I just want to play. I would possibly notice the ads more if they didn’t consume my time so much.
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  • Relaxing

    When I need to away from the whirlwind of my life and let my brain reset at a slower but very focussed level, I play a few rounds of Sudoku. The brainwaves change. I’ve been doing it for a few years now. No in-game purchases or competitors; just me up against my personal bests. However, trying to find a nickname for this comment that’s not already taken is a nightmare. One more try and if it doesn’t work, I’ll delete my review.
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  • Needs better spacing

    I'm 80 years old and like this program with one major exception for us older players. When setting possibilities, the numbers are well spaced out and easy to us. Wen actually trying to put a final number into a square the numbers are crammed together and it's very easy to hit the wrong number and end up with an unintended error.

    There are occasional problems with the app calling a correct response wrong. An example of this is a matrix only one open space and the app calling the only missing number an error. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Another problem is that some puzzles don't contain enough information for thee user to solve it logic sudoku is supposed to be a game of logic not ones guessing ability.
    I totally dislike the new looks - all of them. All the lights and colors are very distracting. Please make one of the look options the original look.
    There are 2 bugs that bother me in the new version:
    1. The pen switches from the note to the entry mode without being touched. This usually happens after several note entries are rapidly made
    2. False errors - you put in a number and get an error. You enter the same number a second time and it's accepted.
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  • HANDS DOWN best Sudoku app!

    When my old iPad was no longer supported for this app, I downloaded & tested out about a dozen other apps. I JUST want to play Sudoku. I don’t want/need “jazzed up bells & whistles,” just make GAME PLAY useful w/as little frustration as possible, thank you. ONLY Sudoku app I’ve found that does THAT. I deleted ALL the alternatives & just played “old fashioned” paper & pencil Sudoku.

    Returned to iPhone last week & am ECSTATIC to discover my FAVORITE Sudoku app available again! Forgot what a PLEASURE playing Sudoku could be!

    Find the perfect settings for how YOU like to play & forget all those others! All I need is to have current digit I’m looking for HIGHLIGHTED on board & remove optional numbers below when I’ve found all of that digit = easy to please 😁 so why was that so hard for all those other apps???
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  • Lots of fun

    I have used this app for years and still really enjoy it. It does have the occasional glitch which can be annoying when it marks something as wrong and lowers your score by mistake but other than that it is reliable and fun.
  • Miserable, money grubbing!

    First off, let me say that I have loved this game and that this has to be the only game that I actually consistently played. However the pop ups have made my enjoyment of the game non existent....in fact, they only serve to aggravate me to the point that I’ve stopped playing the game for weeks at a time. I frequently give up playing after one or two games because the ads and the pop ups just take so much from my enjoyment of the game that it’s just not worth it. No more.
    I’ve been playing it for years, and in fact I have paid to be rid of these ads. However after one of your upgrades this fact was apparently lost and in spite of having paid, I am again stuck with ads. This I find not only poor business practice but rather typical of the underhanded manner in which Apple finds ways to take money from unsuspecting customers.
    I was so desperate to play that I was willing to pay again, just to be free of those ads! However..... when I looked for a way to pay for the game, none was evident, which means the ad revenue is way more than what you get from me when I pay!
    Well, I’ve had enough. This customer is not satisfied. You’ve taken my money from me and continue to force me to watch ads. Unless you restore my paid up status, I will no longer play this game.
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  • Sudoku - very addictive

    Nicely thought out and presented. Does everything it should for basic games. I find the rotation of the elements of a column or row when completed a little annoying, but I can stand that.
    It took a long time to get used to the highlighting of the numbers when ready for insertion, rather than 'pencil-in' mode, and that caused a lot of frustration initially, but now I'm used to it, it's great. Far too much of a time-waster!
    I get fed up with it telling me that I haven't selected a square when I know I have. I don't know whether this is a fault on the programme or the operating system, but it's very annoying - however, it hasn't stopped me from playing yet..
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  • Audio ads - no thank you

    I never bought the ad free version of you app since you do not seem to care about my complaint that the tile size for selecting numbers is too small and they are too close together for my fingers. It’s frustrating to get penalized because your finger hits an adjacent number in error frequently. Today though. I am ready to dump this app all together, 5 times in a fairly short period of time, an audio ad started playing while I was playing the game, not in between games like the other ads. My phone was muted, but still the sound played, you may think I have no choice but to be bombarded by sound as even when I am choosing to play with my sound off, but I can delete your abusive ap and never download another app created by you. Maybe you will take this seriously, maybe not. I am going to give you a few days to change your policy before I delete it.
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  • Best app by far!

    I love this game, it is addictive. I have tried numerous apps for this puzzle, this is my favourite by far. I have down rated from 5 stars to 4 stars, and not because of the ads. On some games I have played there seems to be a delay before the number selected moves into the puzzle. As the higher the score is achieved the quicker the puzzle is solved, this can be frustrating. Still a great game though, cost nothing, not a complaint, more of an observation.
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  • Sneaky ad audio

    I re-downloaded this Sudoku game that I used to play years ago. Minutes into play, I begin hearing a commercial out of “nowhere”. I’m in a place that requires silence and my phone is muted, but still, a commercial at full volume and no way to stop it. I check all my open apps but it wasn’t coming from any of them. As I close them one by one, I discover it’s coming from Sudoku. No option to mute it. I play several other games that serve ads - developers deserve to make money! But to run full length audio commercials at full volume even while a phone’s volume is turned off, and give no option to mute the ad, is rude, obtrusive, and something I’ve never seen in other games. I often play games when there’s a bit of time to kill in places where silence is necessary or expected, like professional settings. I am deleting this app.
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