Can't Do Without Daily Caller
For accurate, honest and thoughtful news, I check the Daily Caller several times a day.
You should too.
You should too.
App doesn’t work anymore
The app doesn’t work anymore. An error message shows up now when you click on an article. I’ll have to delete
Screw your!
First your app sucks. It was not easy navigating it. Now you’re lying and throwing innocent ppl under the bus over the milo column? If you don’t like milo, drop him but don’t lie about it and fire Rob Mariani 🖕🖕🖕
The app sucks
I've been with the daily caller since before the days they had less that 30k likes on Facebook. I was excited when I found the app and have been patiently waiting through numerous iterations to get the bugs worked out. Over the past year the app has been crashing some 5-20 times a viewing session due to super obtrusive ad pop ups, with no fix in sight over multiple updates and iterations.
I like to read the news as soon as I wake up, hoping some outrageous event will jolt me out of bed and let me get on with my day. Coffee without the coffee if you will. Recently however the app, if it doesn't crash, puts out the most insanely loud video ads. After waking up the whole house again this morning, it was the last straw. Time to find a new app.
I like to read the news as soon as I wake up, hoping some outrageous event will jolt me out of bed and let me get on with my day. Coffee without the coffee if you will. Recently however the app, if it doesn't crash, puts out the most insanely loud video ads. After waking up the whole house again this morning, it was the last straw. Time to find a new app.
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Very functional app and has great esthetics.