User Reviews: Chop Chop Hockey

Top reviews

  • Great graphics....less great controls

    From the very first game that I played the graphics instantly impressed me. With the crisp clean graphics came differing teams that have an impressive array of alterations in Attack, Defense, and Goalkeeping to provide a unique mix up of never ending combinations. On the controls side of the game is the only place where I have any complaints at all. These problems arise from the lack of "Physical" buttons. In order to control characters certain intuitive gestures are used that are easy to remember but are constantly misinterpreted in the game. other then the small issue of control preference I think this is an epic hockey game well worth buying.
  • Good game, but very glitchy

    When the game works it is a great game. I've had this game freeze in the middle of a game. I've gotten a blue screen while I can hear the game continuing and the clock expiring. The strangest one was a few minutes ago when I was playing a game and was winning 2-1 as the time was expiring the opposing team scored a goal to tie and the game ended a second later and the message came up "You Lose". Should have gone to sudden death.

    The point is that there are a ton of bugs in this game. Glad I only spent $1. Don't have much faith in the other "Chop Chop" games.
  • I love it!

    I have the other Chop Chop games and love them all, but wasn't sure if this would be a gem or a let down. It turned out to be a gem! The teams are cool and the arenas are fantastic. Realistic physics and sounds help bring it to life. The controls were a little hard to master at first due to the speed of the game (but it is quick in real life too) and the fact that sometimes my fingers were in the way. That said, it didn't take long to get the hang of it and I'm having a great time playing it now. I hope we get some additional teams and arenas as updates, and maybe some special moves too. For the price, this game is well worth it!
  • Extremely Fun!

    Alrite... there are no rules, no penalties, no offsides, no icings, and not many controls... But that's why this game is so much funn!!! you don't need to know a whole lot about hockey to enjoy this little game! It is literally a pick up and play style kinda of game, and the main objectives is to shoot the puck and check like crazy if you dont have the puck. the graphics meaning like how the player skates is a little to get used to and whether if the player passes or shoots teh puck, however, after about 5 minutes in a game, you should be able to get it rite. I Highly recommend this game to any hockey fanatic or non hockey fanatic as this game is extremely addicitng and loads of fun.
  • Nice unified app!

    I originally bought chop chop ninja and enjoyed it, but after the developer started double charging people for iPad versions I added them to my "do not buy" list.

    I was very pleased to see the new chop chop game in a unified app at a discount launch price.

    Merge your other games into unified apps so I don't have to buy them twice and I'll hapily pick them up too!
  • Another great addition to the Chop Chop series of games

    There are tons of games out there for the iPhone but few of the more involved ones ever seem to get the controls just right. More often than not, attempts are made to mimic a console or computer feel which always feels tacked on. The folks at Gamerizon really get iPhone controls as shown in all of their games. Chop Chop Hockey is no exception, here.

    On top of great controls is excellent 3D blended with their cool cartoon animation style. I particularly liked watching the 3D reflection on the ice while I moved around. Sound was also good with all the familiar effects there.

    The only criticism I could state is that if you've already purchased Chop Chop Soccer, you're in for a very familiar experience. The game play is a little looser to reflect the nature of the ice and the graphics are obviously different (better, IMO) but otherwise, it's soccer on ice... Which isn't really the fault of the developers since that's kind of an easy comparison to make of the two sports in general.

    If you like Hockey or haven't yet purchased Chop Chop Soccer, I'd highly recommend this game. At the time of this review, it's on sale as a new game $.99 and at that price, it's a steal.
  • Cool game but

    I didn't pay for it.. Lol. Not saying I stole it. I noticed that was missing a good dollar from my account and found out this had somehow charged my account. Although I don't know how it happened, I'm not gonna downrate a fun game and "demand a refund" and complain. Instead I'm gonna say this is actually cooler than I thought it'd be. And that you should think about getting it. Hopefully this hadnt happend to you too!
  • Impressive.

    This is a beautifully designed game! Very well thought out. Similar to Soccer, but they added the speed of skating on the ice and the tapping to shoot.
    The tapping to shoot helps so much compared to how soccer works, but to take it one step further, you should add multi-touch so it's even easier to pass. Because a lot of the time I still find myself hitting the puck in the complete opposite direction.
    Other than that, it's a great addition to the Chop Chop collection and definitely recommend it to anyone!
  • Chop Chop is #1 in the league

    I heard about the chop chop series through a friend and I'm happy he showed me this game. But with all good games come some adjustments, and things to add. Thing I would add to Chop Chop Hockey would be, and online mode where you choose either a "default team" (like the ninja's or commandos etc.) or you can make your own team. All the default teams have 11 power bars i guess i should say, the bars that tell how good a team is like the ninja's have 5 powerbars for attack...then you could play against other people. I believe that that would make this game better (you could charge more too) hahaha PLEASE ADD THESE TO CHOP CHOP HOCKEY!!!
  • Super sequel (to be improved a little)

    Ah, here it becomes heavy. The Chop Chop serie is very fun, but with this hockey version it goes up one level. Arenas, music, etc. ... immediately puts you in the mood. The Retina display is great. The game is fluid. And the different camera views makes the game very speed.

    But the handling is not very easy and can be improved to better respond to the screen touch. Although once familiar to them, the movements become a little more automatic anyway. Otherwise a bit more arenas for not tiring in the long run, new options or game modes (multiplayer maybe?) would be welcome.

    But apart from that there are no rules, it's speed, it's beautiful, it's still a success!

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