This is to my mind by far the best and most versatile tuner that I have come across. The Trace Tuner is unique in how it measures and displays tuning and it’s also extremely sensitive. It is easy to play and evaluate even very short and quiet notes, invaluable for instrumentalists wanting to check and improve their tone production. You can see several seconds’ worth of history, thus easy to see back with a great deal of accuracy over the passage just played. I don’t know of any other tuner able to do this. It is possible to do basic extras such as changing the overall pitch (A=440 or other values). Moreover, it has the really cool additional feature of displaying an accurate frequency map showing all overtones and harmonics including their respective volume - you can in effect SEE TIMBRE.
No, I don’t receive a commission for saying all this and I have no personal connection with the developers. I have used this tuner for many years now. It is BRILLIANT. Thanks for creating it.
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