pretty useless
Response from developer
All subscriptions are auto-renewing by default (App Store's policy, not something that we can select). We try to be very clear about this and mention that subscriptions are auto-renewing several times on the purchase screen, on the Subscription Terms and Conditions screen that Apple requires us to include, and in the app's description (also required by Apple). Instructions for cancelling can be found here: Subscriptions can be cancelled any time prior to their expiration date and will continue to function until the expiration.
New phone
Waste of time scam
recurring subscription
Be careful to cancel
Save your money
Response from developer
You don't need to make any purchase to see the races that have live timing or results available. For a race/track to be available, they must make their live timing available to us (it's free for them). We recommend that you reach out to them directly and ask them to offer live timing with Race Monitor
Not reliable
The free app is better than the $3.99 Race Monitor Plus. It’s rarely reliable and cannot pull up podium information. Difficult to navigate and should be easy to pull information. Stick with the free version as it provides better info.
Response from developer
We maintain 99.99% uptime with our services (globally distributed network of servers), but we can't control the on-site conditions at the races. The race must be able to get their data to us so that we can display it. Often times, that's difficult given the remote locations of race tracks. More details here: The app is free to download and includes unofficial results for free. Two purchases are available within the app: 1) Live Timing Subscription ($0.99/month or $4.99/year) which gives access to live timing which is the core functionality of the app, and 2) the Upgrade to Race Monitor Plus which adds additional functionality to the app
Other than that I like what the app does.
Response from developer
There are two different purchases (Live Timing Subscription $4.99/year or $0.99/month), and the upgrade to Plus ($3.99 one time purchase). The Restore functionality restores ALL purchases (so if you've only purchased one and Restore, it will say the restore was successful). You can verify based on the prices on your receipts. If you have further questions, please reach out to us directly through our site.