ABC7 Bay Area User Reviews

ABC7 Bay Area
ABC7 Bay Area
Disney Electronic Content, Inc.

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    Horrible updated app. The old version was much easier to use and read and someone should tell me where the traffic info is now??? I used to use every day to see how traffic was on entry to Richmond/San Rafael Bridge and traffic doesnโ€™t seem to exist on app that I can find. Will be deleting ABC app and hopefully will find NBC or CBS to be more user friendly. ABC IS NOT USER FRIENDLY ANY MORE!!! TERRIBLE!!!

    NOTE: I gave one star rating because it wouldnโ€™t let me post with NO stars which is what they deserve.

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  • Pls fix your videos ABC Ap

    Itโ€™s frustrating to watch the videos that I end up just reading the news. When playing the videos, it starts with the ad then stops. So I click on the play button again then another ad plays on top of the news playing ๐Ÿ˜ก
  • Awful new version; Unusable!

    I HATE this new version of your app. I donโ€™t like the constant scrolling necessary to find a story i want to read. I liked the old version much better, where it showed a list of stories. Now I canโ€™t find the traffic, weather, or 7 On Your Side. What was the point of this new version? If it was to ruin your app and make people want to delete it, you have succeeded. I am relying on other local news station apps instead and will delete yours. I was using your app every day, so I am extremely disappointed in what youโ€™ve done to it.
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  • Old app format was superior

    The format of the old app made it easier to scan the news stories of the day quicker. The format of the new app feels like it forces you to view each news story one at a time instead of being able to quickly scan through all the stories all at once. The new app looks pretty but itโ€™s functionally worse than the old app.
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  • Horrible New Version

    The new layout is just bad. The prior version gave you an overview screen where you could quickly scroll through and select the articles you want to view. In this version, they minimized the overview into a small pane on the left, pretty much forcing you to swipe past each story. It now takes you longer to scan through the news.

    Further, itโ€™s just ugly. There is nothing visually exciting about this latest version. Not sure how, after viewing the prototype, the review team decided this would be a win.
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  • New app fails to impress

    This new app is horrible. I much prefer a 'list' of headlines vs the cumbersome scrolling needed to scan the various news artcles. Really terrible this new app is. It was fine before, now it is unusable. I am now going only to Fox News because they have not gone insane by producing an unenjoyable app like this one.
    Why fix what aint broke! Boz Scaggs said it correctly.......
    "Put it back the way it was, you have broke a faithful heart, and you've torn it all apart, you let me down..... when it was up to you".
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  • Annoying future update info

    While I have enjoyed news from this app in the past, I will not be using it in the near future. When reading a story it forces the reader to read about their new and wonderful future update to come. The window that appears to give you this wonderful news does not have an x to scip
    this and get on to the story I was trying to read. There are other good sources out there.
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  • Only 3 stars because riddled with ads

    The only other local news app I have does NOT have an ad to start report.
    One can view each news video in the app free and clear. Wonderful. The ads are embedded in less obnoxious fashion. But ABC 7 can't stop at the less obnoxious ads. They have to go all out with a 30 second ad beginning every single video in the app. And the majority of stories have a video. Yes I know I can just read the story under the vid but not everyone wants to do that every time when there is in fact a video. The video ads are so frustrating I'm using the app less and less. GET RID OF THE NEWS VIDEO ADS!
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  • Like the app. Issue with weather

    I really like the app for its weather, but there is an issue with the advertising banner. It should stay at the bottom but itโ€™s at the top and gets in the way when scrolling through the weather. Looks like a glitch and app needs to update for bug fixes
  • Keep getting a black/blank screen after watching weather

    I usually read this app first thing in the morning. It definitely has the best weather and traffic reporting vs. other local news apps. The cons: not a lot of newness, lots of stories from days ago stay on the main page. Also every time I wtch the weather video forecast it ends and I get a blank/black screen with no way to get out of it and back to the app unless I quit and reboot the app.
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