User Reviews: GarageBand

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Top reviews

  • New Acoustic Instrument: Piano Master

    Give your music to rock and let it flow! First, the audience is the level 6-MAXIMUM. Second, the listener can hear the piano music sound. Third, the speaker can help you understand the rhythm. Forth, the music sounds are very similar in tone. Fifth, the music itself can also be very powerful as it moves through your mind. Sixth, the listener tone will change over the course and your brain can hear you. Seventh, the foreign tone will become more pronounced in your ears as the listener responds. Eighth, the interviewer lefties have been using your words in their speech as if it were written with your ears. Ninth, the interviewer responder is the most likely person who has the best sense and ability for a response. Tenth, the fumble frequency is a good indication for your ability. Eleventh, the best is to keep your opponent on track. Twelfth, the second time around is when the fumble frequency increases by two points per round. Thirteenth, the fumble rate increases by two percentage points per round in each quarter. Last, it would have a slight drop to a little bit higher if you could have seen a bit lowering. Piano Master is a band like instrument where you join a piano, and then play a piano solo for the first few minutes. Have fun and Enjoy your day!
  • Garage Band

    I’ve heard of this app before from teachers, friends, and family, and I decided that I would give it a shot! When I first downloaded the app, I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like, but now that I have it, I am highly impressed! This app is so cool in so many different ways! Let me tell you about this app!
    Garage Band has many different styles of music and different instruments. You can download different styles of music for free! This will give you access to more instruments, sounds, and more! My personal favorites were 8-bit Legends, Trak Girl, Soulection, Tom Misch, Oak Fedler, and Chinese Modern. When you choose one, you can play around with the sounds and instruments and pick which ones you would like to play in your song. When you hit the record button, you can click which sounds you want to play at that moment and the tune. You can get a little creative and play around with the tones, tempo and more! I am a dancer, and I liked having the opportunity to make some fun songs to dance to! All of your Garage Band Songs will be saved in files. Another good thing about this is that you can share your songs with other people through iMessage, email, Airdrop, Notability, Notes, Freeform, and more!
    This app is really cool and fun! You should give it a try and let your inner music maker shine! ☺️
    Look for more reliable review at ⭐️five star reviews⭐️
  • Honestly great

    I’ve made a dozen songs on Garageband (and a lot more unfinished little sound snippets) , and it’s honestly a great entry-level DAW. It comes with plenty of sound effects already, but Alchemy Synth changed the game for me. As my introduction into the art of turning knobs until something sounds good, GarageBand’s Alchemy Synth boiled it down to the basics——Hundreds of presets that give me a few options to tweak. The limits of what I could change about each preset helped me broaden my effects knowledge rapidly as someone who’d decided that it would be fun to try covering Megalovania in GB a few years ago.

    At this point, though, I’ve reached a ceiling of GarageBand; The lack of ability to cleanly automate things other than volume (and pan, with some work) has started to put walls on what I can make, so I’ve decided to move over to Cubasis 3. This isn’t to say that GarageBand is bad, though——It did for me more or less what I wanted it to.

    Seeing how it’s completely free, very easy to use, and packed with features, I’d say that GarageBand is an excellent choice for someone who wants to compose quickly and efficiently without needing to go into higher-level settings. However, for people looking to meddle with more odd things, it may not be the best choice.
  • CRAZY POTENTIAL, but lacking some basics.

    If you’re looking to get into producing, GarageBand is definitely one of the easiest things to start with. It’s relatively easy to pick up and is simple to navigate. It takes MIDI input (at varying success rates) and the edit menu is generally very good for fine tuning (except for guitar tracks, with the 6 strings of the instrument having completely different midi tracks??) What it tends to lack in is more basic synthesis patterns. The closest I’ve been able to get to basic synthesis on this app so far without plugins required downloading a sound font pack. Even then, I found myself having to fumble with equalizers and distortion to get a moderately OK sounding sawtooth wave. The fact I had to go through that alone to get a basic wave is annoying but it’s not too bad when you take into consideration the ease of installing plugins into GarageBand. (Although a built in virtual analog synthesizer would be awesome, something similar to the Yamaha Reface CS in terms of simplicity and variety.) I do wish there were also more built in effect pedals. I frequently find myself wanting to use HP/LP filters and if the synth patch I’m using doesn’t have those built in I just have to deal with it. Overall, I’m very excited to see what the future holds for this app and I recommend it as a good platform for beginners through intermediate.
  • Tuning, and time signatures

    Hello! I love this app and I use it all the time to jot down music ideas I get through the day. One thing that I struggle with, though, is working around 4/4 or 3/4 or 6/8 when I’m trying to work in other time signatures. Things don’t meet up on the ones anymore and it’s a struggle to wrap my head around. Also, when trying to develop ideas in other tuning systems, like just intonation, it’s extremely tedious to 1. Record one midi string note 2. Merge that to itself so it’s just audio 3. Put that audio into the sampler 4. Adjust tuning by using the fine tuning feature 5. Merge new sample midi with itself so I don’t change the tuning for note a when I’m trying to change the tuning of note b.
    Can you add some way to make each sample track individual so when you adjust things like tuning, it only adjusts that one track and not all other sample tracks? Ideally I would like to have a feature where you can slide each individual note in a midi string track +/- 50 cents. Maybe even adding something like the current articulation feature but for tuning on each note. That way we can slide our notes up and down to the exact vent we want.
  • Farts

    Last time I used this one time to my phone and my internet is working so I don’t know what if it works out for you but I’m not sure what what time to happen when you are in town and if you have any one more than you can do it will be fine if I need your money to go eat it again and I’ll give it back when you come home and I’ll give you a mommy call me when you can go to get my internet and I will give you a call later when I can do it on my internet and I don’t have internet connection so I don’t have internet connection so I don’t have internet access so I’m not sure if I can do it but it’s just a mommy I don’t want it on everything I need it for me and my internet connection so I don’t have internet connection so I don’t have internet connection so I don’t have internet connection but it’s a random error 😨 my password was on the queen 🤴 and my friend request was my password to go commit and then why did it go do I have it in the queen 🤴 my phone is yes it was for like my phone and it didn’t let us go.
  • The go to app.

    Garageband intimidated me for a long time but shortly after the pandemic hit i stated a new band and needed to learn the basics for recoding my songs on guitar. Two years later i’m still discovering new things it can do. It’s been a lifeline to our drummer and the rest of the band as i live about 3 hours away from them. Recently I’ve had a glitch where the small interface I’ve used this whole time seems to no longer be supported? Which doesn’t make sense because I’ve used since the last upgrade but today it didn’t want to let me hear or even find the monitor button 🤷🏻‍♂️ momentarily stuck but I’m hopeful I can figure it out, it was just frustrating bc I’d just written one of those songs that come to you all at once and wanted to get it down. Any help would be appreciated.. I’m using an iphone 7+ latest iso and an old iRig original interface.. cheers, get this app if you write music and can’t afford a recording studio lol
  • I love this app!

    When i got my 13 in march it was already loaded to it and at first it was so complex i didnt mess with it much. After i had to wait around a few times i found the things i enjoyed the most about it that far… sadly i had a tagalong in my cloud using data like a crackhead and calling apple and sprint/tmoble several hundred times did me no good and they have been trained well. The first thing they asked who did YOU give youre apple id or imei to… the same stuff happend to two phones one i expected it to happen to the other id had high hopes but it didnt last long and the isd breach caused the device to green screen and paying my bill was also a giant hassle. They claimed i had service so they wanted their money… i still havent paid for august-now and unless i get a few $k ill be getting a flip phone and wearing foil on my head when i turn this 11 on… its connecting to wifi with no carriere service… i feel pretty let down being a customer since 2018 i did enjoy the extras but im unable to afford the trouble involved with any smart phone… when someone tells you iphones are unhackable ask how the imei in every phone is protected… i hate all phones now… it was a waste of money and a useless investment….
  • Pretty darn good

    This app has come a long way. The touch instruments sit in a mix really well, I’ve used GB for remixes handling 1+ gb of stems on an iPad Air 3rd gen and it performs admirably. It hosts AUv3 instruments and effects (for some time now) so there’s really no limit to the sounds you can get in here. The editing is really straight forward and behaves how you’d want it to. There’s re-key and stretch on recorded audio and it works pretty well in my opinion. Honestly, it’s nearly the total package… my ONLY gripes are that I’m missing a proper mix bus, like with a master channel, and I’m missing out on more automation. I know you can automate knobs on the internal instruments but there’s not a way to visually edit that after the fact, which is a bummer. I do understand this wouldn’t be trivial to add. But maybe one day…

    For the price, you can’t go wrong. I’m even really happy with some of the amp sims (both guitar and bass) lately. Also it works just as well on the phone as it does on the iPad, which you can’t say for all universal apps.
  • Hung up my phone call without asking

    Haven’t gotten to use it yet, but i heard it’s good. Only complaint at the moment is that i was on a late night call with my bf, the kind where he’s asleep already and I'm still awake with weird creative thoughts in my brain. I know, cringe, but we just like feeling each other’s presence even we’re physically apart. Anyways i decided to give the app a try cuz I’ve heard good things about it and it’s in one if those dusty folders on my phone of apps i never use. So i open it and a pop-up tells me i can’t open garageband while im on a call. Weird but ok, i’d understand if i can’t record audio on the app but i can’t even enter it? I press “ok” (the only button it gave me) thinking i could just try again tomorrow and IT HANGS UP MY CALL WITHOUT EVEN VERIFYING THAT THAT IS A THING I WANTED TO DO. Obviously i can’t call back cuz my bf is asleep, and obviously it’s not that big a deal cuz I’ll see him tomorrow, but it’s still extremely annoying and frankly RUDE that they didn’t ask first before hanging MY phone call. Thanks for ruining my love life GarageBand. Haha but seriously, please consider fixing that feature. I’m going to sleep.

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