User Reviews: GarageBand

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Awesome app!

    GarageBand has become my best friend. I have been using it for about a year and a half now and have made over 100 songs on it. It is perfect for anyone who has a curiosity about making music. It is so easy to pick up and start using, and the learning curve is nice and progressive. To this day, I’m still learning new things about it! Such a little app contains so much power to create music of one’s own; it is truly second to none.

    The only reason it didn’t get its fourth star is because of bugs I’ve had to work around and one bad one that prompted this review. I recently had a bug pop up that would crash the app before it even opened. I couldn’t use it at all. I had to delete and reinstall the app and when I did, all of my songs were lost, even though they were saved in iCloud. There have also been other bugs that I had to work around in the past (most of which got fixed in the recent update), including reverse recordings not working and the recordings sounding way different than the loops they were recorded from.

    I do recommend this app to anyone wishing to start up in music, but beware of the bugs.
  • NO 2/4 Time template/background

    It is absolutely amazing and astonishing that Apple provides as default time signature rhythm templates NO 2/2 or 2/4 patterns but only a 4/4 template. SERIOUSLY Apple??? Lemme guess re this UX design flaw: the designers are under 30 and listen only to 21st century white rock/pop stuff. This is where either having a UX person with some maturity can be helpful or at least a person with perhaps some actual music education - someone who not only has listened to but has studied the roots of American music much of which is based in 2/2 and 2/4 time signatures. Another way of saying this is that most of the folk songs and music every kid in America has grown up with not to mention the base of most popular music especially blues is based on a 2/2 or 2/4 time signature. Your little hot coders may have figured that mathematically a 4/4 signature can be adapted. FYI: Nope. And that’s why dearest Apple you have GOT TO RETURN TO USING PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE ARTS BACKGROUND as well as the coding chops... or just at least hire UX people over 12 years old. This is such a huge missing basic that I am using it as an example to students in the UX unit of my design and development program. FIX IN NEXT REV PLEASE!!! You have been told about this multiple times. It needs to be moved WAY up on the fix list.
  • Some Suggestions?

    Hello! I’ve been a fan of GarageBand for a long time now- back before the Alchemy Synth and the orchestral instruments were added. It’s been great making music, whether it’s covers of songs or my own creations, but I do have a few things to suggest.
    Key changes and tempo changes. When you’re working on a song, there are times when you realize, “Dang. This needs a cool change!” Here’s what I’m thinking: When you duplicate/add parts or edit them, there’s a switch for key/tempo changes. When you turn them on, the app will ask what key you want to change it to, or the tempo screen will pop up and say, “What tempo will your song be?” or something. 😂
    Ukulele. Please. People may‘ve been asking for this already, but please, please add this in! It’s a cute sounding instrument and for those of us who don’t own one but want to use one in our music, who better to ask than the GarageBand team?
    Otherwise, it’s a great app, and I love using it. I haven’t experienced any bugs so far, and I’m happy I haven’t! Keep doing what you’re doing, guys!
    ❤️ Peace out! ✌🏻
  • iOS 11 Bug makes GarageBand TAP OUT -R.I.P

    Anyone with iOS 11 will NOT be able to use this app until they fix this bullpiss. Absolutely frustrating to say the least. Such a great app, or so I thought because to have not anybody around to protect such an investment must mean it’s not only a low priority concern, it means they have almost no concern for low priority apps. Updates come just like iOS 11 and apps constantly must adjust ect. But for THE company itself to have produced the error without any follow up or even remark of it is just lame. I mean at the end of the day they have the 5$ it seems at this point, I may as well have just thrown away. What is it that that is worth between the clergy and customer if there isn’t that follow up of assurance? Of Insurance! How one day even big companies like apple will rue the day of -Just- when even as far up as they’ve gone can only mean the longer the fall back down to earth back to reality to a day when they may face people at the bottom. We are waiting. Please just fix the app <\3 (1 Star until the app is something anyone on iOS 11 may actually use again.. would give it 0 until so if I could. Other then that it’s an
    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G app.. or WAS.)
  • Great app but some suggestions

    The app is great, and I can use it to write songs with a wide variety of instruments. There are some thing I think could be improved. When working on songs that are longer or more complex, the song "optimizes performance" which can take quite a long time, and happens often on some songs. I also think that the drum sounds could be better, and mote cymbals and drums would be nice. It would also be good if there was a disk scratching instrument, separate from the one in FX, where you could actually have rhythms and control the volume of the turntables. I think that a better metal guitar tone would also be good to have, and notes on that guitar could go lower than they can now. And as always I would like to see more sounds in the keyboards (like a harpsichord) and all of the other instruments, as well as possibly some more instruments. Overall good app but I think these things should be added.

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