Tactical NAV User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Top-Notch Navigation App with Excellent Support

    Love the new updates and the Apple Watch app is perfect for what I need it for.

    I wanted to share my thoughts about Tactical NAV because I was impressed when Captain Springer, the app's creator, took the time to email me directly in response to my inquiry about a new feature he's working on. Since Jonathan made the effort to provide me with a detailed response, I felt it was only fair to offer my honest assessment of the app.

    Tactical NAV is truly impressive! It provides everything we need for mission planning and setting up overlays, and its offline functionality is particularly noteworthy.

    I've personally verified its accuracy, which rivals the DAGR and Falcon View, accurate to less than a meter. Some of my mortar guys have used this app to plan and verify targets during a recent FTX that involved some live fire training.

    To wrap this up, I wholeheartedly recommend Tactical NAV to anyone in the military, regardless of branch. However, for fellow infantry soldiers like myself, this app is an absolute necessity.

    Can't wait to see the future updates for TACNAV-X!

    Developer Response

    Hi Ranger, Brother, thank you for leaving such an amazing review for TACNAV. You don't know how much these mean to me, so thank you. Again, I greatly appreciate the review and your recommendation for the app, and keep doing great work in the Army, my man. Hit me up anytime if you ever have feedback for me and the team. Take care, brother! - Jon
  • Phenomenal app: 5 Stars!!!

    Tactical NAV is simply a phenomenal tactical app. I’m using this on both my iPad Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, and it’s easy to use, has excellent features for mission planning, and is extremely accurate. I used to use MilGPS, but TACNAV has won me over with its feature set and its ease of use, along with its customer service. Jonathan has created the best app outside of ATAK, and I can’t wait to see what Tactical NAV will do in the near future. If you’re on the fence, don’t hestiate. Just buy it. You can’t go wrong. And the offline mapping function makes this a gamechanger for me and my soldiers. 5-stars all the way.
  • TacNav is 100% a Must Buy

    Hi Jonathan,

    The new updates to the app are outstanding, so don’t listen to the negative reviews.

    I’ve been using your app extensively for many years now, and the upgrades you’ve made to Tactical NAV have been nothing short of amazing.

    I’m still blown away at how well you designed the horizontal option and the overlay filing system. Again, very well done, and I appreciate you getting those features updated and included in the app along with the offline mapping feature.

    My friends and I have been using your app quite a bit recently, and TACNAV has performed flawlessly.

    So keep up the great work, and continue making those of us stationed at Fort Campbell proud. As other reviewers have said, you’ve made one heck of a tactical GPS app, and you really are a true team player.

    With each update, Tactical NAV continues to get better and better, and best of all, you always listen to our feedback and incorporate our input into the app. I sure wish the Army would do that.

    In sum, please know that you’ll always have the support of those of us in 160th SOAR and 5th SFG.

    Thanks again, Jon.

    ~ Chief

    “Night Stalkers Don’t Quit!”

    Developer Response

    Hey Chief, Brother, thank you so much for leaving a review! I try not to listen to the negative reviews (you can't make everyone happy), so I genuinely appreciate your support. I'm very pleased you and your friends are finding the latest updates to TACNAV useful, because you guys are the reason why I continue to do this, and that's simply the truth. Stay safe out there, and please know how grateful I am for your continued service to our country. Also, don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time in the future—I'm always here for you and others at all times. Take care of yourself, Chief. And again, thank you for the support. God bless you, brother! - Jon
  • TacNav had been a valuable tool

    I’ve been using this app for the better part of a decade for my job. From planning missions to just finding out where exactly I am if I feel my map isn’t updated enough. At one point I taught land navigation and when verifying points out in thick woods, TacNav would always bring me right on top of the points and help me to get in and out quickly. The few times when there had been troubles, the staff has personally responded to my questions and were already solving the problem long before I as a user had even identified. They’ve won me as a lifetime user.

    Developer Response

    Hi Danny, I'm sorry for not responding to this review earlier, but I got busy with coding. Thank you so much for your incredible review and for being a loyal user of Tactical NAV for nearly a decade! It means a lot to me that TACNAV has been a valuable tool for you in planning missions and navigating challenging terrains. Your feedback and experience, especially from someone who has taught land navigation, are genuinely appreciated. Moreover, I am truly honored to have you as a lifetime user, and I look forward to continuing to serve you. Lastly, please hit me up anytime if you have any more feedback for me and the dev team. Have a great Memorial Day, brother! - Jon
  • TacNav is 100% a Must Buy

    Dear Jonathan,

    The new updates to the app are outstanding, so don’t listen to the negative reviews.

    I’ve been using your app extensively for many years now, and the upgrades you’ve made to Tactical Nav have been nothing short of amazing. I’m also blown away at how well you designed the horizontal option and the new overlay filing system. Again, very well done, and I appreciate you getting those features updated and included in the app.

    My friends and I have been using your app quite a bit recently, and TacNav has performed flawlessly. I also appreciate how dedicated you are to providing excellent customer service because every time I’ve emailed you about the app, you’ve responded to each email within 45-60 minutes. That is unheard of from a developer. So keep up the great work, and continue making those of us stationed at Fort Campbell proud. As other reviewers have said, you’ve made one heck of a tactical GPS app, and you really are a true team player.

    With each update, Tactical Nav continues to get better and better, and best of all, you always listen to our feedback and incorporate our input into the app. I sure wish the Army would do that.

    In sum, please know that you’ll always have the support of those of us in 160th SOAR and 5th SFG. Thanks, Jon.

    “Night Stalkers Don’t Quit!”

    ~ Chief

    Developer Response

    Chief, Hey brother, thank you so much for updating your review! I try not to listen to the negative reviews (you can't make everyone happy), so I genuinely appreciate your support. Also, I'm thankful to you for leaving such a thorough, detailed, and sincere review as well. Reading feedback like yours is what keeps me going. Moreover, I'm very pleased you and your friends find the latest updates beneficial, because you guys are the reason why I continue to do this, and that's simply the truth. Stay safe out there, and please know how grateful I am for your continued service to our country. Also, don't hesitate to reach out to me again at any time in the future, even if you want to check in with me — I'm always here for you and others at all times. Lastly, take care of yourself, Chief. And again, thank you for the support. Let your friends know I appreciate their support as well. God bless you, man! Sincerely, - Jon
  • Awesome but..

    The offline as a subscription is kind of frustrating. I’d like the option to just buy it out right and have it when I want rather than adding another “bill” to the list.. maybe this could be a thing? That’s the only reason why I’m 4 staring it. Other wise 5/5


    Hey Jon,

    Absolutely makes sense from a business standpoint. I appreciate the transparency. I can only imagine from a software side as well from cost. I used the software overseas as well as stateside and it’s awesome and couldn’t recommend it enough to my boys. It’s a little tough to figure out at first but after messing with it a bunch it’s helpful. Awesome work to you and your employees making excellent tool.

  • Abysmal app for the military end user

    Nonexistent documentation and support. Opaque user interface. Sluggish performance and no added functionality over millions of similar competitor applications. Worst of all, there’s a new meaningless update literally multiple times a week that this developer has chosen to require users to install before continuing to use the app. Users should at least have the option to decline an update, particularly from as lackluster and incompetent of a programmer as this developer has demonstrated theirself to be. I would never in a million years use this in any application while deployed and I regret having bought the premium version.
  • Amazing tool

    Serving in the Army I had a few leaders who always went out of the way to ensure that their subordinates knew the ins and outs of Land Navigation, Mapping reference points, and other intricacies. With this app, a whole new element exists. It puts it all in the palm of your hand, consolidated and interactive. The many feature of this app are simplistic and it has a user friendly interface that is thoughtfully laid out. While I have not operationally used this app yet, I have played with this app enough to see its value. I have had several leaders who have done nothing but rant and rave about Tactical Nav both downrange and not. I look forward to using this to teach, train, and develop future generations of soldiers and hone my own skills.

    Developer Response

    Hi Porkins19d, I hope you're doing well, and I genuinely appreciate you leaving such a fantastic review for Tactical NAV. Also, thanks for your service as well brother. Furthermore, I'm thrilled you find the UI/UX easy to use (that's what I strive for). I'm continually refining the app based on user feedback, and you will see some significant updates coming to TACNAV very soon. If you ever need anything in the future, have a feature request, or simply have an idea about improving Tactical NAV, please feel free to contact me at any time. You can reach me by email at jon@tacticalnav.com. Thanks again, and I hope you have a wonderful day when you see this. Take care! Sincerely, - Jon
  • Awesome App with a 5-Star Developer

    So first off, this app is great. You can save precise grid coordinates, fully customizable down to the pin style and color. You can add notes to the coordinate, and then export and send coordinates via facebook, text/sms, or other options.

    Here’s the best part: I had an issue on the iPhone version not including a way to currently navigate to a grid via your native maps (Google or Apple Maps). I contacted the dev which opened up FB messenger and he responded almost instantly! He’s prior service Army and is happy (actually ASKS) for feedback! Get this app, pay for whatever portions are good for your needs, and if you find something it lacks, tell him and he’ll add it to the next version!

    Developer Response

    Hi R3BLOX, Hey brother, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your review right away — I got busy with the family and development, so my bad. Bottom line, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your kind words about the app and the support you're giving me and Tactical NAV. It's very much appreciated. Between you and me, I continue to develop this app for outstanding people like you (and other users as well), so please know that I'm always here for you and am truly thankful for your feedback and input that enables me to improve the app for all of us. Please feel free to contact me directly at any time, and I hope you have a wonderful day when you see this. Take care, man. Thanks again! Sincerely, - Jon
  • Customer support A+

    Had an issue in regards to using the offline features on multiple devices. I contacted Jon and within an hour he informed me he was working an update so that the app and its content stays with your Apple ID but currently not there yet. That’s the bad news. Good news is that he reimbursed me for purchasing it on multiple devices. True team player and excited for more improvements to an already great app!


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