Bookmobile Audiobook Player User Reviews

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  • Best audio book app

    I have been using this app for a minimum of 7 or 8 year maybe ? When they used to charge 2.99 for the full feature 😄 And I go back and forth between it and some other app, that doesn’t have the same features I need: bookmarking, sleep timer, and timed rewind and fast forward. That being said, there seems to be a secret inbox folder that pops up in my iTunes library where there are books that I can not access from the app, but they just take space on my phone. Other wise perfect app.
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  • Simple and easy

    And then it started to misbehave. If I receive a call while it’s playing it will sometimes glitch and have moments of silence every few seconds. The only way to fix it is to re-install the app. Which also means noting your place in the book and re-loading it. And fast forwarding to get back there.

    Adjustable FF and RW controls, remembers my place even if the app is closed out, works with the bluetooth in my car. I'll be paying the $ for the unlimited version. Nicely done. Update: it even remembered my place after an iOS software update. Nice.
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  • Doesn’t work properly with lock screen controls

    I used to really like this audiobook app. I still like most of its features and find it intuitive. However, the app does not properly start at bookmarked locations when I toggle off/on from the lock screen or using my earbuds. The same problem occurs when rewinding (e.g. 30 seconds); if i rewind from the lock screen it rewinds random amounts of time, clearly not recognizing where i am in the noom. Needing to unlock the phone to control it from within the app, rather than using my earbuds or the lock screen controls, makes it very frustrating to use.
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  • Useless

    This app used to be the best. I have used it for many years. Unfortunately it has become very unreliable. The app constantly loses your position from where you are listening to your audiobook and repeatedly starts the chapter over again and again. It used to do this occasionally and was just a nuisance, however it is become more and more frequent to the point the app is simply too annoying do use since it will not hold your position and resume were you last left off. Useless junk.
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  • Unreliable & Buggy

    Used to be my favorite app but has become buggy to the point of being unusable. For example, resets to random parts of the book every time I hit pause, and basic features like fast forward only work intermittently. I tried all of the troubleshooting tips on the website (none worked) and emailed customer support (no response). Finally I gave up and deleted the app.
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  • Waste of my money, won’t remember where I stopped

    I liked how I could load up my podcasts and books via WIFI but IMHO this app has a HUGE failure, it fails to remember where you left off and keeps restarting at the beginning of the chapter or podcast. Seems I should have read other reviews first. I also like how they state in their support docs that if you give them 1 star you’re basically dead to them. Seeing as I’m apparently already dead to them (zero response from their support) I think I’ll stay that way.
    Apparently if you want the app to remember where it leaves off you have to open the phone, open the app and then stop it from there. Yeah, sure, no problem.
    Fix that flaw and you get five stars and a glowing review. This bug makes this paid app worthless to me.
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  • Support has diminished

    This app does not seem to receive the support it once did. Lack of dark mode support means using it at night is painful. Also often restarts chapter instead of resuming at latest bookmark, requiring that you open the bookmark list and search for the latest timestamp.
  • Needs a new update

    I love this app, but it has a serious issue. My Bluetooth earbuds won’t pause this player, but it will start it back up. Also if I have a Bluetooth device connected, it will resume from a previous point instead of where it should. It’s almost like the app has a different memory than the control center screen, hard to explain.
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  • Used to be my favorite, too buggy now

    I’ve been using bookmobile for several years now and I totally appreciate how feature rich and useful it has been.

    Unfortunately in the past year or so, the app has become impossible to use; every pause/play, especially when switching playback outputs (ie BT headphones and wired CarPlay) sends the app to different location. It’s fortunate that the History feature lets me find a previous spot to continue from, but the overall usability has deteriorated so much that I now seek an alternative.
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  • Great player. A little buggy with current iOS

    A great player but a little buggy with current iOS. Not quite sure what may have caused it, though I am not shocked as security updates often cause weird problems. Seems to get out of sync and the UI doesn’t always match reality (wrong chapter, wrong book, etc)

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