Bookmobile Audiobook Player User Reviews

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  • Crashes often slow and hard to use interface

    The functionality would be great if it was responsive and stable. It crashes when I start it then on the second start it stays up. If you change the speed it takes almost 15s to make a change and you can only change it by .05 at a time. So if you want to go from 1x to 1.25x it will take over a minute of patience for it to happen.

    If they fix their shoddy interface and stability issues this would be worth 3.99.
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  • AWESOME app!

    This is a truly great app. I’ve listened to many mp3 audiobooks and lectures thanks to it. My one wishlist item is SIRI control. I am so used to using it, but it doesn’t seem to work here. Wherever I try (because I am so used to doing it with podcasts while I’m driving), it starts back to the beginning. Kind of annoying, but otherwise a great app!
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  • About halfway to useful

    You can load a book on CD, but the tracks appear in the app in semi-random order. You can then manually rearrange the tracks, but they won’t stay where you put them. I give it three stars because they seem like they’re about halfway toward something valuable and I’d like to encourage them to keep trying, but it’s a pretty useless app in its current state.
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  • Great book reading app

    This is a really good audiobook book reading app. It’s great to be able to skip ahead and it keep tract of your location within your book.

    I like the ability of using mp3 files from my music folder... very well written...
  • Clumsy, confusing, “feels engineered”

    I only got this app so I could play zipped mp3 audio books without having to go through iTunes. It does that well, but it’s a complex process that requires using the web browser, a URL, or another device to push it. The app BookPlayer does it much better, and the UI is easy to navigate. The UI in this app is atrocious and confusing. And I am a software engineer, too, and can see this is like something I would make for a personal project...
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  • Latest version introduces an AWESOME bug

    I have been using the paid version of this app for a long time.

    Latest update broke the ability to copy from the newish iOS cloud file app to bookmobile.

    Would be nice if the dev just INTEGRATED the iOS files app into bookmobile because, hey, I wonder if people host their own audio content on the iOS cloud and then listen to the same content across a family of iOS devices.

    iOS: we just made sharing your content across devices. If the app dev is too lazy to integrate the hooks into iOS, you can still manually copy the content over to the app.

    No one:

    App dev: Let me break that fundamental copy functionality in the latest update.

    Everyone: ...

    App dev: And I still won’t incorporate iOS files into the app.
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  • Waste of money

    This app allows you to change the order of your audiobooks, which both the apple iBooks app and the Audible app do not let you do. But when you get to the end of a book, it just stops. If you are in the middle of a long drive, or a long workout, and you set the order that you want the books played, you want the app to at least have the option of a mediately going to the next audiobook.
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  • Versions 8.* buggy

    This app worked very well until update 8.0: now it regularly skips the end of iTunes audiobook tracks, which unfortunately makes the app almost impossible to use. (I have audiobooks with many short tracks). Adding iTunes audiobook has also always been very buggy (very slow and I often need to do it several times, because the first times introduce duplicated tracks). Apart from these two bugs, the app is great and performs much better than Apple book app which completely drains my battery.
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  • Player has become unstable since 8.0 update.

    Good audiobook player with intuitive interface, range of useful controls, and reliability issues.

    1. Playback spontaneously resumes (from pause) if app is open when screen is turned off
    2. App randomly selects new playback position when resuming app. Frequently resumes in incorrect position after using sleep timer.
    3. Switching to a different app while audio is playing, then switching back to player results in one of two failures:
    a) audio pauses
    b) audio temporarily pauses and then resumes from a (seemingly) random automagically created bookmark.
    4. Endless supply of pointless automatic bookmarks obscure identification of correct pause point after app chooses random resume spot.
    5. "Delete old bookmarks" seldom deletes any of the numerous pointless automatic bookmarks.
    6. "Delete old bookmarks" NEEDS to actually do something; eg. Delete ALL POINTLESS, AUTOMATICALLY CREATED BOOKMARKS except "Last Position", itself which NEEDS to start accurately reflecting the last playback position so as to resume where previous playback ceased.
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  • It was good for a while

    I really enjoyed this app but lately it auto plays at random times. When Bluetooth connects/ disconnects when I push the power button. It’s not every time either. I went online and tried a fix that was mentioned on the site it did not help . Then I noticed the last update was 7 months ago. With a note that a bigger update was coming, but that was 7 months ago. Too bad. I used to enjoy this app. If it ever gets updated and I notice it will change this review but for now it’s just too frustrating too use.
    Also reorder does not work as someone else has mentioned
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