Wonderful citizen science
The app has a few good features but it’s also quite clunky in some areas.
The good:
The ability to upload while offline.
Suggested ID, and the option to limit this to local species.
Commenting and discussions.
The bad:
You can’t download your observations for access while offline.
You can’t sort your observations by anything except date added. Making it super hard to find species. I’d like to sort by name, either binomial or common.
You can’t view your observations as a grid in the iOS app, only in the browser.
The search is abysmal, to search your own observations you have to go to ‘explore’ then tap ‘search my observations’ then unless you have the binomial name memorised I find it impossible. It also suggests plants that you haven’t even ID’d.
The ability to follow others or see those you follow is only is the web version, not the app.
All in all, I’m a fan but the app could do with some work.