User Reviews: Camp Finder

Camp Finder
Camp Finder
Camping Road Trip, LLC

Top reviews

  • Very helpful app.

    We use this often while traveling. Great info and has been accurate.
  • Awesome!!

    This app is great! It has helped my boyfriend & I so much during our road trip. It is easy to use.
  • Amazing

    This app is fantastic, for camping around the U.S. GPS locations of campgrounds built in makes it easy to select and locate a campground on the fly, and as well the accurate information and reviews make sure that I always get exactly what I'm looking for when I pitch my tent
  • Pretty good app

    I used this app traveling cross country. It helped us find campgrounds and told us how far they were from the interstate. I wish it had some photos tho to tell what the campgrounds really looked like.
  • The First Place I Check Looking for a Campsite

    I use this app all the time. It will only get better over time as more people enter reviews, which is easy to do.
  • Easy to use

    I've been using this app for about 4 months now. So far, it's been accurate and easy to use. I like that it provides phone numbers, directions, links to the actual website. The only downside so far are the lack of reviews and pictures of the different campgrounds. Not sure why there aren't more reviews as I found it really easy to provide feedback and upload pictures from my IPhone.
  • Excellent App!

    Best features - actually shows real campgrounds, including government locations, and provides information on dates of operation. Very pleased with this app. Well worth the purchase price.

    Picked this app up this weekend for an impromptu camping trip. Was able to identify multiple potential camping locations at the different places we travelled. The "near me" feature rocks. I'm incredibly impressed

    Sure, it's not perfect and doesn't have everything; but for what I was expecting, the application far exceeded what I planned on getting.

    I hope the database continues to add locations. And as more people use the application, there will be better information on particular campgrounds and parks.

    All in all a worthwhile investment.
  • Simple and easy to use - even better with version 2.0

    I downloaded Camp finder for an upcoming trip to Rocky Mountain national park. Having played around with it a bit, it's simple, easy to use and quick. Has everything you'd expect - concise information about campgrounds, links to google maps and location, etc. And will get even better as it becomes populated with more reviews and photos. Looking forward to putting it through it's paces on my trip!

    Updated! Since I wrote my last review, I've used Campfinder (successfully!) for trips to the Rockies and the Smokies. Yes, you are dependent somewhat on having cell phone reception, but it worked well for us most of the time and was very useful in the Rockies when our intended camp grounds were all full and we had to improvise.

    I like that with Version 2.0 you can review directly on your iPhone - I'm much more likely to do that while I'm sat by the camp fire than when I'm back at work the following week!
  • Hate to spoil the party, but...

    ...before you decide to rely on Camp Finder, think long and hard about how important accuracy is to you. If you're cycling into the distant wilds of the US, like I was, Camp Finder was not only nearly useless (no cell service in the boonies; that's why they're called the boonies) but downright dangerous. It misplaced one campground by 30 miles, which on a bicycle at 7pm with light fading, could be a Very Bad Thing. Since it gets its info from Google, an error in Google is an error in Camp Finder. (The errant campground was apparently caused by a spelling error in the name of a small town in Vermont. Google listed the same town twice with different spellings, so "150 State Route XX, Allsburg VT" was also called 150 State Route XX, Allsburgh VT...30 miles north.)

    And where cell phone service is spotty, the app is painfully slow. So slow it'll time-out repeatedly.

    If you're in an RV with a nice 4G connection, 30 miles is a mere inconvenience. Not so on a bike. Camp Finder is great if you're looking for a campground in, say, New York City.

    Maps are a much better solution. I learned my lesson. Oh--Camp Finder is useless in Canada, too. Even 1 mile away in Canada.
  • Awesome app!

    After a recent trip to Utah this app paid for itself. I never reserve camping and our planned stop was booked three months in advance. We found a new location on the fly in moments.

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