User Reviews: Stratus MLS Mobile

Stratus MLS Mobile
Stratus MLS Mobile
Stratus Data Systems, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Problem with sign in

    I cannot even sign in with this app. Very user unfriendly, similar to its web version which is the same issue if you change your computer. Also if you click forget password, it crashes every time. Still trying to log in as of now.
  • Mls stratus app

    Please update this App. It does not allow you to search for condos. Also it does not show the taxes from the listing.
  • Real estate salesperson

    Many bugs. Whenever you try to open a doc in a listing it shuts off. You need to able multiple listings to be emailed to clients. Could be a good app but needs improvement.
  • Agent

    Not mobile friendly! Every time I try it says error wrong I'd or password. I've changed password several times and it still doesn't work. Very frustrating. I have not been able to use this for a long time now!
  • The update still doesn't work

    I still can not access MLS after the last 2 updates.
    I have to bypass the mobile app and log in on my phone web page ☹️
  • It's Working! Yay!

    Is it too good to be true? I hope not. Thanks for fixing the app! I've really missed it!! Thank you!!!
  • Is it just me? Crashes on opening.

    The app won't even open. When I click on the support button on the review page in the App Store it comes up "URL not found ". The program is useless.
  • Crashes on opening AGAIN!!!!!

    Don't update to this version. The app constantly crashes AGAIN! What is the PURPOSE OF PAYING DUES FOR THIS KIND OF LACK LUSTER APP?!?!?!?!!
    Your IT team should be embarrassed by this. All the money MLS makes and you can't update an app to work properly? Do everyone a favor and higher some 10 year old kids who can do this in seconds.
  • Crashes on opening

    Don't download!!

    Why am I signed out when I close app??
    Why am I signed out when I multi task?
    Why did you remove the search bar on the top????
    This is a JOKE

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