Bejeweled Blitz User Reviews

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  • Just awful

    In the middle of a match I decided a power up wasn’t working, so I paused the game and selected to go to the main menu. Now because I was wearing headphones I had the in-game volume turned way down. Instead of taking me to the menu however, a video/audio commercial was played where a man yelled “NEED CASH TODAYYY??!!!!” at the absolute full volume of my device.
    Now why a commercial would play when I attempted to go to the menu is one thing, but why such an aggressively loud commercial played when every other one that had played had a completely normal volume, is an absolute failure of the developer to produce quality and to respect their players.
    I understand that these commercials aren’t produced by the developers in anyway, however this isn’t just some random company, this is popcap, and I expected better from a company that used to care about its products and its customers.
    Hey... come to think of it I bought bejeweled on my phone when it first came out on the App Store for 3.99, and it didn’t have commercials, but did include Blitz... So popcap is actually putting commercials in a premium version of their game. Way to go guys. Way to go.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Sorry about the inconvenience. We at PopCap are committed towards driving a healthy user experience and would not want to encourage such videos in the game. Could you tell us the name of the video so we could block it? Thanks, Team Bejeweled.
  • Torn..

    I have played this game from the day it came out. I’m happy with some of the improvements and also not. For example. I bought coins using my money. I have one screen saying I have over 1 million coins and one saying I have 700,00. I bought gold bars to buy chests and I received coins and they don’t add up. The last time and the first time this happend I eneded up losing coins and I eneded up being cheated on my money. I have pictures but there is no prof that there the same day. I love this game but and something like this has never happened until now.. very very disappointed...... how can we win lots of coins for the daily challenge when you receive 1000 coins per game and it costs 100,000. Then I pay for bars and win coins I’m very very disappointed. The challenge is so much and on a day of you have Just enough for 100,000 game you loose all your coins and play a million times just to win 1,000 a game and play for 3 days just to do another challenge/ I don’t understand...
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    Developer Response

    Hello, apologies for this. We're investigating the coin loss issue and will resolve it immediately. Please do reach out to us on for assistance with the lost coins. Thank you!
  • Fun but frustrating

    I’ve played this game for years. Really enjoyed leveling up and getting gold stars for scores, and it’s a good way to kill a few minutes here and there(more like thousands of minutes). I even enjoy the latest update and the gem explorer challenges. Here’s what I don’t like though, I understand the devs want to make a buck but I’ve never spent a dollar on this game and now it seems like the fun is gone if you don’t. Sorry but I’d rather stop playing than spend real money on a game. Devs must also think people are stupid if you think for a second that your fooling anyone with the “randomness” of the prizes after playing a special gem. I’ve literally picked the exact same center prize for at least 10,000 games and miraculously have never received the top prize, I must be the luckiest man alive, and daily spins are exactly the same. I’ve literally spun thousands of times over the years and never once gotten the 1mil top prize..IMPOSSIBLE. If you’re not gonna allow people to win then why even offer any prizes? In short if you haven’t started playing this game I wouldn’t start now unless things are fixed and prizes actually become attainable.
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  • Why?

    I have been an avid player for many years, but I think I am done. Most of your upgrades over the years have been great, but this last one leaves a lot to be desired. The daily events was fun at first but is so rigged that it is nearly impossible to win. The five step events were nice for a challenge but when my hundreds of gems that I have built up over the years are practically gone just to complete a few of the levels now there has definitely been a injustice.

    Last night I was just completing a level and my game flashed and reset. I lost almost a million coins, almost 2k gold bars, 1,700 purple diamond thingys and 8 crystals. The entire game reverted back to playing with the fictional character players. When I logged back in their Facebook it was like an entirely different account, none of the people were listed I play against. All of the past event I won and completed were lost not to mention all of my hard earned items. Not sure what game you are playing but count me out. You don’t even have the decency to reply to my request as to what happened. I have been a loyal player until now but enough is enough!
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  • There is a coin bug that needs to be fixed!!!

    In the span of two weeks time I have been robbed of my coins. The first time this happened was after I posted a tip score on my leaderboard. The game glitches and rewards me with 4.1 BILLION coin, on top of the 200k I had saved up. I was in total disbelief, I had to count the commas to make sure I was seeing that correctly. In fact I was, so I go to repurchase the egg power up(120k coins) and then the game tells me that I don’t have enough coins. Huh??!! Surely I knew the game would correct itself, and my balance would go back to what I should have, NOPE....the game takes my hard earned 200k coins too.
    5/2/18 this game steals my coins AGAIN. I had 220k coins in my wallet , I purchased the egg boost, now I have 100k in my wallet..... play one round....I got rewarded 10k coins(so now I have a total of 120k in my wallet) so I go to make a re-purchase and all of a sudden I am missing my coins...I do not have the boost. I will not be playing this game too much longer if it’s going to keep stealing my hard earned coins from me.
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  • Overly complicated and burdensome

    This used to be my go-to game when I had a minute to spare. Sadly, despite trying the new version for a while, I've stopped playing entirely. Aside from the unpleasantly deceptive pop-ups trying to trick players into paying money and/or linking their FB accouts (why is there not a button for "I don't have one, stop badgering me"?), as well as the various gameplay changes to enforce pay-to-win, the update simply has much too high a cognitive load to be enjoyable. I used to be able to open the app and be playing within a couple taps; now, there are boosters and gems and boosters for the gems, at least four different currencies to pay for it all (and I still don't know what one currency is even for!), which must be navigated and dismissed and dealt with before I can even start playing. The amount of tedious management involved in the game is now far too high to be remotely enjoyable. I hope the changes will be fixed and streamlined in future updates, but if not, I'll sadly have to delete one of my first-ever apps.
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  • Latest version is a dud...

    I’ve played this app since its introduction. But the newly revamped version is crap. Oh, I learned its new features quite rapidly, but I play to win, and when I go in on the first day of a new round and the ‘fake’ players are showing 32 million points, I’m not wasting my money to play. Yeah, every now and then you get a ‘free ride’, after you’ve spent $20 Dollars or so and a consecutive hour.

    ‘Disco Zombie’, ‘Peashooter’, ‘Kokomo Kamari’, ‘Zombie Yeti’, ‘Blazing Steed’... get real, Blazing Steed is even a proprietary gem. Like you folks think we are totally stupid, or what!!! These pseudo players were in the original app, so we know them. But now, they are the elevated, so guess I’ll find a new game after I exhaust the current purchase.

    Oh, and the ‘prize’ at the end? I ALWAYS, for years now, pick the top left button, and I have NEVER won the jackpot points. If it were truely random, I’m literally thousands of games by me, I would have sometime win the jackpot points. I also notice that the bottom right hand button is almost ALWAYS the lowest payout, and NEVER the winner either.
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  • Great new features. open Siri I am a little concerned about your gym pro challenges four instance:

    I like many of the new features and the artwork is beautiful, however I have a couple of concerns still including the new gem pro series has been asking for TASKS that seem all but impossible like getting 12**star gyms in one game. Maybe you meant to say flame gems. I have played for years since the beginning of this game and I have never managed to make over about five star gems and any single game I agree that the challenges should make you work to increase your skills but it is discouraging to set the pole too high. I would also like to see the spins less tightly controlled and also the prize bonuses after playing rare gems to be more random.
    I have never received a 500 bonus or above in any game and I play for hours every day for years. When this happens it makes me feel like I’m being cheated and that you guys think we are dumb. I think you would please your audience by continuing to increase ways to earn coins and gems as your pricing is very expensive and not an option for elders and kids with fixed incomes. You are definitely doing a better job with this update, but I am hoping that you will keep improving our experience. By the way, did you know that many legally blind peoples can play your game due to its bright colors? Just saying....
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  • No Improvement Here

    What happened to this game? I played every single day before the latest upgrade. Either I have lost my mind or certain features just don’t work like they used to. The reduction in the size of the game board was the first thing that I noticed and this change has made it more difficult to distinguish between the different jewels.

    This new version seems to have a mind of its own. None of the boosters seem familiar. It is difficult to determine where to go to find everything that is needed for the successful completion of a round. Players must now look at everything on the board, jostling between multiple layers of “enhancements” just to get a feel for which features are being used in each round. Improvements are supposed to be just that however, this upgrade failed miserably.

    Please rethink what changes really need to be kept and which ones need to be thrown out. Maybe once a week is about all that I want to play these days. Hopefully something will click with your developers and you will return most of the previous features. Not happy 🤨🤬🤯🤔at all!!
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  • Boosters

    I really enjoy playing this game I have enjoyed playing it for years the only thing that I have a problem with is the fact that when you get your boosters it really does not last the whole game.

    If you get extra time added the boosters never show up again especially if you spend 25,000 points to get another extra time they definitely don’t show up during that timeframe either I think that’s not fair because when you play the freebie or the one you pay 10,000 coins for that brings down all the boosters the whole time in order for you to meet the required coins or the booster in that particular game the boosters coming down like crazy but when you’re playing your regular game trying to come up in rank or beat a person that you’re playing the boosters never show up again and you’re charging me coins to get these boosters and yet I don’t get them during the play.
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