Outdated and clunky UI
Sentences Define
Antonyms could be listed at the bottom of each completed entry as well…with more sample sentences, as well.
I miss the old-school dictionaries, (American Heritage, Oxford), that employed this expanded format. Allow the nuances of words to be understood.
Response from developer
This app has all the text the book has. Antonyms are in the optional thesaurus. We will have a feature coming soon that may interest you, though.
This is the gold standard
This dictionary is the best one that is available and provides me with all the details that I want. When I look up the word, I don’t want to just know the meaning I want to know a bit about it. This dictionary goes above and beyond.
The company is strongly supporting it, which makes me very happy. Recently, there was a problem that turned out to be a bug in the operating system. The company and Apple fix it very quickly and so now I have my Dictionary back. As I want to be writer, this is one of the best tools I have.
Response from developer
There is a bug in 17.2 beta. We have reported it to Apple and also released a work-around (although it took ages to find the problem) in version 15. Please download it. That is what happens when you use beta software.
App developers are on the ball—thanks Enfour!
Response from developer
There is a bug in 17.2 beta. We have reported it to Apple and also released a work-around (although it took ages to find the problem) in version 15. Please download it. That is what happens when you use beta software.
Developer doesn’t respond
App developers totally dropped the ball—thanks Apple!
But come on enfour! Recompile this program, so it works properly under iOS 17!!😩
Response from developer
There is a bug in 17.2 beta. We have reported it to Apple and also released a work-around (although it took ages to find the problem) in version 15. Please download it. That is what happens when you use beta software.
iOS 17 breaks it
Response from developer
There is a bug in 17.2 beta. We have reported it to Apple and also released a work-around (although it took ages to find the problem) in version 15. Please download it. That is what happens when you use beta software.