iMoodJournal User Reviews

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  • Best one of these I have tried

    I have tried a few of these, and this is the best. It allows you to be as brief or as detailed as you want. It's fantastic for CBT and DBT, it just trying to understand what things are associated with moods.

    It can be used as a tool for just capturing snap shots of your mood overtime, or for more detailed journaling. It's particularly good and making you think what has happened in the lead up to your current mood. I really like:
    1. Being able to change the labels on the 1 to 10 scale.
    2. Being able to use the list of hash tags and create my own, so I can see what things are associated with different moods.
    3. Being able to email and print the summary for any time period.
    4. Being able to edit the date and time of entries, and make entries about things that happened a while ago, but I wasn't able to write it down at the time.
    Using the prompting as well as being able to enter data when ever I want is great too.

    Thanks for a great app.
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  • Imood

    Love this app!!
  • Great for those with mood disorders

    I use this app as part of my self-care for my bipolar II disorder. This app also assisted me in being diagnosed with this disorder a couple of years ago as I was able to show the doctor that I had been experiencing a sustained pattern of highs and lows for many months.

    I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder & have found this app to be of GREAT assistance.
    After 18 years of dealing with this condition, this app has enabled me to see clear positive & negative patterns within my day to day life.
    It is more than just a simple journal documenting moods, it allows you to predict & perhaps prevent certain types of moods as best you can.
    I highly recommend this app.
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  • Excellent Graphing

    I've been using a different using a different tracking app for few months when I found this app. The graphing in this app is excellent. It is great being able to view the mood with respect to a week day and time of day. Very useful in being able to see if particular days (e.g. weekends) are worse than others. The in-app display is great however exported reports could probably use bigger plots.

    Very quick and easy to enter a new mood and the #tags are quite useful to note down key points.

    I do, however, miss being able to record multiple things. In my previous app I could track sleep hours, excercise, triggers, etc. while this can be done to a limited extent with #tags it isn't quite as good. so for now i will use this app for mood and the other app for others.

    I was very excited to hear about csv export, however I haven't seemed to get it to work :/ it just emails with no attachement. Not sure if just me or not...
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  • Love this app - so convenient!

    This app is by far the most fun and convenient to use for mood monitoring and the fact that you can enter a mood state at any time allows for a more concise representation of daily fluctuations. The #tag capability has really enlightened me as to what triggers changes in my mood state and I've only been using the app for a few
    days. Can't wait to log more data :) will be taking along to app with my psychologist tomorrow. Hope it helps in relaying how I've been going. Thanks!
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  • Brilliant app!

    I have recently been diagnosed with bi polar type 2 and had been recommended by my psychiatrist to keep a record of my ups and downs in some sort of diary format. I did this using a diary scoring my moods out of ten and then at the end of the month I would have to transfer the information to a graph which would take time! Then I discovered this app!! It's so easy to keep track of your ups and downs as your phone pings and reminds you to fill it in. It only takes 10 seconds and the great thing is it draws you a graph that you can even print out. Genius!
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  • Excellent. Really well done.

    I use this app to help keep track of my moods as I am tackling depression and anxiety. It is helping a lot. By keeping track with #tags I can see why things are helpful and what is not.
    I love the way this app has been designed. Great interface. The functionality is very well thought out too.
  • Fantastic, just a few tweaks needed

    Love the hashtag function and the 1-10 rating. The bar graph is an excellent way of displaying the info. Two small critiques:

    1. The colour scheme is awful, and that weird smiley face at the start of the app is a little creepy!
    2. I wish the positive/negative hashtag data took into account confidence intervals, because currently you can hashtag something once as a 10 and it will appear on the top of your list, being very unrepresentative about what usually might make you feel good.

    Thanks and I look forward to seeing more tweaks and updates, it's a fantastic app that I've found very useful! It encourages you to reflect upon what makes you happy and sad, which is excellent.
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  • Just great!

    This is so helpful to me. I am not someone who would bother to keep a track of my feelings, so this is a positive thing to do for me. I like the reminders. It's almost as if someone is asking how I feel, like someone cares... It's good to look back at too, as it reminds me what I did on a certain day.
    When I take a photo, I would like to be able to change my mind about it and cancel, i.e go back to previous page and post, instead of having to press cancel and lose my journal entry too-unless I am doing that wrong?
    I would love to be able to choose custom colours for my moods too, then as I look back, I can picture how it felt, if that makes sense?
    THANK YOU for this brilliant app. I think it can change lives by alerting people to patterns of behaviour, the reasons and people behind them and even to get help, if needed.
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