MovieStarPlanet User Reviews

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  • fix your game!!

    dude i’ve played this game for YEARS and it seems like you guys put no effort anymore. the constant issues with NO FIX !!! mobile is barely playable a lot of the time, its very glitchy. the trade system glitches colors, you can’t change colors on lots of clothes/items on mobile, you don’t get near the amount of features as you do on pc. no backgrounds or at least guestbooks on mobile. guestbooks are a important part for trading it makes no sense why half the stuff on pc isn’t on mobile. also you guys don’t fully fix the problems. chats still don’t refresh at the top it’s been that way for MONTHS !!! half the items you search in shops don’t show up even if you’re searching its exact name. and the friend glitch going on right now still isn’t fixed. still don’t have all our friends and cant search for people. another thing is CLOTHES !! WE WANT NEW CLOTHES !!!!!!! stop reusing the same themes and the same items. we want new things, it’s not hard to find what’s trendy online clothes wise. you put so much into msp2 AND NO ONE PLAYS IT !!! i have tons and tons of msp friends i talk to outside of msp, none of which play msp2. IF U FIX MSP OG YOULL GET MORE MONEY !!! more people will play if it’s not so laggy and glitchy and you’ll get way more money, we give you a lot of money and get not a lot of effort in return. lots of players on msp1 post suggestions within the app, pls listen to them and your game will improve !!!
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    This game a lot of fixing to do, I’m a mobile player to this game and idk if pc is any different but the lag is OUTRAGEOUS. You guys keep making updates to the game such as Easter updates, chatroom updates, and more. But one update I’m not seeing is you guys fixing the lag. You guys have been saying for a long time you’ll fix the lag but you guys never do. Another problem I’m having is why don’t you guys actually take action against trolls, bullying, harassment, etc? It’s ridiculous, I once got banned cause a couple of trolls were reporting people for no reason but when I actually report someone for doing wrong THEY DON’T GET BANNED?!?! Even if they did they still have access to make another account and continue to harass others, the report button is completely useless. Also you guys tag out the most useless things smh, I went to type in then word “so” but I wanted to exaggerate it and type in “soooo” BUT TOU GUYS TAGGED THAT OUT?!?! Like what is the point of tagging almost everything, you guys tag social media words as if it’s a bad word smh I can’t even say the word discord on there. Almost everyone I ran into were above the age of 17 in that game, so why do we need safechat still, it’s not like it’s 2015 were it was all kids playing. This needs lots of fixing.
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  • About to lose a long time player

    So I’ve been playing this game since 2015. I recently made a new account after rediscovering the game. I actually got it to a higher level than my original accounts on the game. I got it to level 19 and I logged into the account recently and was immediately kicked off. Every time I try to log back in it said that the servers were down, and I even tried logging in on my laptop. The servers were down there, too. The only way the Apple work on my phone is if I turn off the Internet and use my cell phone data. Someone got into my account that had over 40,000 star coins and 350 diamonds. I contacted support on Wednesday got a generated response and I’ve heard nothing back since. they’re using pictures of me that I have posted on my account saying things that could get my account permanently banned. I have sent receipt proof that I bought VIP on my account and it’s still not being taken seriously. I tried to have my friend help me get the account back on today (Friday) I was able to login for five minutes and see that they completely drained my account. Gifted away a lot of my clothes. Greeted away all of my diamonds. Bought peoples wish list to the point where I literally have 100 coins if that. support was no help at all. I am at the point where I’m so disappointed I don’t even wanna keep trying but I’ve literally spent more on this game than any other game.
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  • Be mindful

    I want to start off saying that I’ve been playing this games since 2015 yea a while I stopped playing 2 years and just came back to check up on my account one thing moviestarplanet corporate should do it at least let people play a small fee to get an account unlocked and be mindful that when moviestarplanet was on a regular website people would hack into peoples accounts and rob them for everything in that person account then when the account is locked it’s noway to retrieve it and
    That’s not fair especially if a person worked hard on that account I get corporate is trying to be cautious but it’s not fair losing an account that had valuable rares on it because someone hacked my account now it’s locked because of someone who hacked my account now it’s locked super frustrated TAHTS why I stopped playing the game you get l locked out and warning for the most crazy stuff and again for people who rare trade there people on account who will spam report your account for rares and get your account locked out on on purpose BE MINDFUL when playing this game honestly spending 70$-80$ for a year vip is wild to me for an vip outfit that comes with it in my opinion if someone had year vip in that term they have vip they should get each new month vip outfit for free instead of playing another 70$-80! For a new outfit agin a SUGGESTION MOVIESTARPLANET for you guys to help there should be a fee to get an account unlocked
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  • Not fun anymore, nothing new & so many bugs

    This has been my favorite game for years so it saddens me to say this, but this game just isn’t that fun anymore. It feels like the people who run the game don’t care about it anymore and have gotten lazy with it and this is why the game is not nearly as popular as it once was. We want new fun activities, events, and clothes. Instead we have none of that and everything has been the same for years and the newer clothes are either recycled (have been in other themes before so technically not new) or just not worth buying. Please just look into what’s cute and popular these days so we can enjoy it again; i’ve seen so many users leave for this reason alone: nothing new is going on so it’s not worth staying. Not to mention the amount of lagging and bugs that have not been fixed. There is so many glitches to the point to where I cannot even play on PC i log in and I cannot do anything (I emailed about this multiple times last year and it has not been fixed) and none of the messages people send me show up in the inbox, I have to log into blockstarplanet to see them. The last message dates up to one year ago so I cannot see any new messages (I also emailed about this and i’m not surprised that it also was never fixed)

    I feel that this isn’t too much to ask just please put effort into your game again.
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  • Incredibly laggy, glitchy, filled with bugs, just awful game

    The game is filled with more bugs than I can count. If you’re going to spend money on a game like this go to high rise. Also, the game is dead and empty. Filled with small children or people in their late teens and early twenties who only play because the game was popular when they were children. There are predators YES disgusting predatory, dangerous men who pose as teenage boys in every single chat room waiting to prey on little girls. I can not go into a chat room without one of the “boy” avatars trying to friend me and ask for my social media, my number, etc. *KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM THIS GAME!* The only reason I play this game is to talk with old friends I used to play with as a child (I’m 22 and know how to keep myself safe on this game) MSP I wish you would not let people create male avatars the issue is too big. Ask yourself what kind of males would be drawn to a game like this that is CLEARLY made for little girls. No boys in their right mind would go near it. If not, rule out every possible suggestion of social media you can come up with. SC is the main one. Every single predator asks for “sc” take that out please and disk/dis/disc (discord) etc. Please care about keeping your users safe. Please.
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  • Such a good game but,….

    I’ve played since 2015, but im using a new account. I’m level 14 & vip. I used to play on pc but as of right now I have no computer access. I made this account on my phone. Every time I open up my piggy bank to get my daily diamonds it says I have 53 diamonds and it turns into 0. Most of the time whenever I want to post new clothes I got in an art book they literally are nowhere to be found. Other than that I experience a lot of lag whenever I’m in relatively low traffic areas. Lastly, whenever I make my art books private sometimes people are notified and can see them one last time before they’re actually private. I love this game but I would like to see these issues fixed and I would like to have those diamonds????? Also one of the funnest things to do on the game is give people items and trade items with people. I wish there was a secure way to do trades, like a way to get your item back in case the person doesn’t hold up their end of the deal. No new features have been added to this game in years it would be nice if y’all would do something to help the community.
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  • Iffy Game.

    To be honest, this game is nothing but dangers for young children. I understand there is a block and report button and all but still this game is very dangerous. This game is supposed to be for usually 13+ and right now, 13 and under are playing. It’s also dangerous because the game allows people to take photos of themselves therefore, this could be dangerous not only the fact that they are showing their identity, but so they are risking themselves and getting in tons of danger. Also I am aware that anything that a character says is inappropriate or could make someone uncomfortable it’s tags it out. But with some, if they spell it all the way out, they let the word to be said. That is not okay, so moviestarplanet should just not allow messaging as a feature on the game all together. This also shows, that if there are really dangerous people out there maybe, they can leak the address, witch means, if it’s a child, the child could be put in dangerous situations under the internet. So, please take part and help this game be a safer place for kids. Thank you to everyone! And always remember, this is supposed to be a safe fun world for children and not anything that will harm the children physically and emotionally! Thank you!
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  • Overall rating

    the game is so good and i’ve been playing since i was 10 or 11 and i’m now 15 almost 16! i love how it’s stayed basically the same all that time and how cool all the features are. and i love how everyone can be unique<3 but some things i would like to improve are for one, being able to reply to a specific persons comment on a post. and another thing is being able to have a bigger punishment and a better lookout for bullying. people have been EXTREMELY rude to me and my younger sister on this game and with me i can take it and i realize that these people get nothing out of being rude but my sister is only 9 and it hurts her feelings that she can’t be herself even online without someone saying something because she’s already bullied at school. there should be more things that are tagged out / a bigger limit of things you can and cannot say. for example if someone says something unnecessary on someone else’s post or something that’s rude even the word “ugly” talking about someone should not be said. (in my opinion) and you should be able to delete comments (if you already can’t) but otherwise the game is awesome:)
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  • :|

    Ok, MSP.

    one thing i don’t understand on mobile is why can’t you view forums or anything like that including MAKING OUTFITS FOR OTHERS. Also, i wish you guys would do your jobs correctly, my account got PERM banned for NOTHING! Also, I got an entire account stolen from me because we were supposed to trade. Yea! I understand, “don’t give your password out” but i don’t care, trade is trade when you swear your gonna do it. I’ve message MSP thousands of times, they never give back an absolute reply. Annoying. Also, ON MY ACCOUNT THAT GOT PERM LOCKED, I SPENT OVER 150+ DOLLARS ON THAT ACCOUNT. 1k+ diamonds, 220k+ star coins. Like CMON. i had to beg for that, lower your prices like Roblox, no wonder y’all tag “roblox” every time it’s said, jealousy. Also, get rid of friend limit, and also add more emojis, they would come in hand. I sometimes think locking accounts shouldn’t even be a thing because we’re the ones actually spending money on the game, anyways i guess punishment is punishment.

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