This app. is Morse-code decoder, "Valiance Backbone for CW (VBC)" . The VBC is Morse-code decoder which can be used with built-in microphone of iPhone/iPod touch.
The VBC is No.1 morse decoder in Japanese market[at 1.1.2014-1.31.2023]. Please use real transceiver sound. The VBC is able to decode with real-carrier-detection on world fastest FFT . This FFT is effective to avoid static electro-noise, voice, beep sound[square or trapezoid wave].
Please compare VBC’s FFT rate with a high-speed DSP of expensive transceiver and/or a FFT result of other decoding software.
I guess Morse-code signal decoding ability exceeds expensive Morse-decoder machines and personal-computer's softwares. You might be able to use this app. in real Morse communication on HAM radio, especially calling operation.
Let's try it! If it doesn’t work, let’s try default setting with real transceiver.
This app. contains these functions like below.
Morse sound recorder and player / text-log & audio-data mail sender / log time-stump and cancel-stump / connected Morse code distinction / tone zero-in/shift-in indicator / tone frequency measure(±5Hz) / sound level measure / Auto gain control /Audio frequency characteristic measurement & calibration /peak search / manual frequency (double tap on screen)/ auto-speed / manual speed (double tap on screen) / auto-level / auto threshold / manual threshold (double tap on screen) / noise rejection / carrier detect mode / Japanese-Morse-code /signal level slider button/ 5-40 wpm are available.
If you want to know more, watch You tube. Real-DX video e.t.c.
This app is using kishikawa katsumi's PETextView for scrolling-problems on iOS8.* and after.
SETextView Created by kishikawa katsumi on 2015/03/25.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 kishikawa katsumi. All rights reserved.
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What's New in Valiance Backbone for CW
February 19, 2023
Ver 1.51.0
Changed control buttons are easy to see, even on in iPhone's dark mode.
Did not detect the correct tones for a repeater Id... Lame
Response from developer
The VBC has only 2 BAD comments in the world.
There are in USA market only.
You can see real comment.
The VBC is decoding only real sine waves with the fastest FFT algorithm. The VBC does not decode beep sounds (rectangular waves) etc. which are not real carriers. If you would like to decode rectangle wave, you should be off CW DETECT option switch.