User Reviews: Law Of Attraction Prosperity Game

Top reviews

  • Update please

    I have been using this app for 169 days and it has been very eye opening to see that - as my "bank account" grew - I didn't even know what to "spend" it on after a while. How will the universe ever provide me with millions and millions if I can't even dream big? That being said, I got bored with the simplicity of the graphics. It needs a few updates: 1) put decimal commas in the amounts, as my account grew I could barely tell the zeros apart 2) the spending tab should have the lay out of a check book so you can balance and carry over and put AMOUNTS on it 3) to put more FEELING into this, it would be great if you could upload photos of your "purchases". These small tweaks would make the app so much more interesting!
  • Really fun!!

    I ran into a bit of a snag once I found out how to manually change my balance; I couldn't think what to spend all my money on!! ;P But it only took me a few moments, and it was gone. I like being able to switch back and fourth between just accepting the deposits, and adding to the balance. My first goal is to make $111,000,000 per year, so sometimes I figure out how much that would be a day. Yesterday, I bought magazine subscriptions for myself, family/friends, and donated a bunch(about $8,006,000 worth!)!! Today, down payment on a full dresser motorcycle curtesy of my Godfather. Thanks for the game! (It would be nice to see what I spent per item, but I've figured that out, too! Just enter in the amount in the description!)
  • Fun!!

    This app is fun! I love seeing the amount of money double every day and feeling that I can spend this money on anything that I want! Maybe I'll buy a car! Anything and everything I ever wanted I can have. The best thing is that there will be more money tomorrow deposited in my account.
    It's a lot of fun got to get
  • Helps getting excited about $$

    This app did make money feel more abundant. It's easy to be looking forward and expecting when it keeps coming every day. The one thing I did was to add dollar amounts into my item descriptions so I could see a running tally of purchases and savings. This helped A LOT as it is encouraging to see my savings building up and how much I'm spending on different things. Also good for when spending on items over multiple days, i.e. remodel $3,400 one day and remodel $1,200 the next, etc. as I spend a bit more each day on ongoing projects it is nice to look back and know where I'm at. In the beginning I liked spending everything each day and doing big projects a little at a time rather than having to wait a long time to do the whole thing and this trick helped me do this. However, that is only in the first month or so of playing as soon you have WAY more than big projects so its no biggie :)
  • Love the game, hate the payers

    I loved the concept of the game when I first heard about it from Abraham. At the time they had you put $100 in your pocket and mentally spend it thorough your day. At first I was excited that someone put it into app form and enjoyed it the first few days. The problems started after a few deposits, they kept getting exponentially larger each day, this started making the game intimidating because I was not able to spend it all. Now I have so much money it would take me 24 hours to find enough stuff to spend it on. Now maybe my imagination is too limited, but I really don't want that much stuff in my life because eventually it just starts to become clutter. I would then have to employ Abraham's de-cluttering process.

    I would like to be able to set how much money is deposited each day, e.g., a minimum of $1000 up to whatever you wanted. I know this is supposed to expand my expectations and attraction, but when it becomes intimidating and I stop using it, then it does no good. Well, at least till I can afford that house :)
  • Great app but could use some work

    Great app! It is fun having a notification that says you have money to spend each day. I like how it follows the check game from the law of attraction books.

    A few suggestions would be to have the past purchase show the amount you spent on each purchase. Also every time you spend money it should have then option to upload a picture of what you spent your money on. That way a visual person could ease into the feeling of spending vibrational money easier.
  • Hhhmmmm

    Overall a great ap that really opens the mind to what is possible. I like to let money accumulate for larger dream purchases. Did not give 5 stars because new money is loaded in the wee hours and "announces itself" with my text tone. :( waking me up. I use my phone as my alarm so turning sound off is not an option. Also wish there was a way to organize purchases instead of just a random list.
  • Allow to see money spent!

    This is a fun app but when you scroll you lose past purchases AND you can't see how much you spent on each purchase. Would be great if you could see those purchase and if you could scroll through! Also the checks can be hard to read. Would be nice if the background was more plain like most real checks. Overall though a fantastic way to improve your vibration so it gets the job done!!
  • Fix bugs please!

    I like this app, but there is a major bug that needs attention. When I "browse past purchases" once I scroll, I lose some purchases. And if I keep scrolling, I can lose them all. The screen becomes blank or I lose the words and just have the lines. Browsing the purchases is not as fun as it could be. Some kind of sorting would be fun, or categories.

    Other than that major issue, it's a neat app! Thanks!
  • Great app

    I love this app but I have a couple of suggestions. Both have to do with the review of purchases.
    1) it would be helpful to see the $ amt spent for each purchase. I like to total what I am giving to various causes for example.
    2) sort the purchases with the most recent on top, especially since those will have the higher dollar mats. This keeps me in the feeling of prosperity longer

    Otherwise great job!

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