Big Problem
السلام عليكم
اذا جيت تعدل اي شيء بالـ Hex يتغير لكن اذا جيت تحفظ نفس الملف وجيت تبحث عن القيمة اللي المفروض انت غيرتها ترجع نفس الشيء
وكأن لم يحدث أي تغير …
اتمنى تحل هالمشكله
Hey My Friend
available Big Problem if you need Edit Hex
if you need Change Value change But
Returns to the original value
Like you didn't change anything
Fix That if you Can’t :)
اذا جيت تعدل اي شيء بالـ Hex يتغير لكن اذا جيت تحفظ نفس الملف وجيت تبحث عن القيمة اللي المفروض انت غيرتها ترجع نفس الشيء
وكأن لم يحدث أي تغير …
اتمنى تحل هالمشكله
Hey My Friend
available Big Problem if you need Edit Hex
if you need Change Value change But
Returns to the original value
Like you didn't change anything
Fix That if you Can’t :)
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I wasted my money here ☹️
I wasted my money thinking it would allow me to edit a text file synced via iCloud from my laptop but sharing a text file to this app from the files app just caused it to crash! I wasted my money ☹️
Ugly UI and slow
The UI is ugly (can you pick a worse font? and the background is horrible and makes it to read!) and the app is slow.
Crashing and not allowing to scroll it down at the Hex it!
Crashing and not allowing to scroll it down at the Hex it! Page.... either you fix it or return my money
Not worth the 2$
Crashes constantly. How about an update developer?
iPhone XS
Can’t get to work at all on the XS. I’ll be trying to use it and the app just shuts down. Terrible
I feel like my money was stolen
App does nothing but take your money. Awesome....I should make an app like this...
Works great when it’s not crashing can usually get a couple edits in but make sure you save after each bit cause it will 100% crash within 1 min
Within 30 to 45 seconds while trying to edit the program crashes to main menu.
Great app! Does just what I need.
I did a search for "hex editor" on the App Store not really expecting to find anything, but I found this gem. It works as well or better than any hex editor I have tried on any platform. (I think the previous reviewer was expecting a game). This is a serious piece of software that lets you look inside any file to see what is there. Naturally you have to know what you are doing, and the author warns against making changes to files if you don't.
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