Bingo!™ User Reviews

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  • Tournament

    I love playing this game. However, I notice that at the top of the leader board for the tournaments is Mia. Always Mia. Mia who doesn't appear to play more than 2 rounds. How is this possible? Also, what do you get when you get the first bingo?

    I went from 4 stars down to 1. Never got the answer of what do you get for having 1st bingo? Also, price of keys have gone up and the price of opening chests is ridiculous now. It use to be 1 gem for 1 chest...just "paid" 132 gems to open about 20 chests. If this isn't fixed you will be losing another die-hard fan!

    I'm still waiting for the answer to WHAT DO YOU GET FOR HAVING THE FIRST BINGO? This is the THIRD TIME I've asked this question!! Also, shame on you for the price of keys. WE (the players) are not stupid. Did you think we would not notice how the price went up but the amount went down. Then there is the price of chests.
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  • Disgruntled Customer

    I have had this app on my iPad for as long as I can remember and the game play used to be so good! Easily a 5 star game. Best bingo game on the App Store. You could play for hours with no stress or fuss. It’s been a while since I’ve played this and the wholesale changes made since I last played are astronomical and so radical that for loyal game players like most are being ripped off and forced to the IAP’s to play. This has got to be the greediest form of making you pay and I for one will delete app and no longer download apps from Storm8. If we all followed suit they would then change their ways. We all know this won’t happen and that’s why these companies get away with it. Extremely disappointed like most that post. This is only the second post I have ever written so goes to show how strongly I feel against 5his type of behaviour. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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  • Mostly awesome game!

    I’ve been playing this game for over two years now. I never had a problem until recently when my game froze and closed on me and when it came back up all of my tickets I had used in the round were lost and I didn’t even get to play the round. When I emailed them the lady that responded just told me to turn on automatic updates and then never resolved the situation of my tickets. Happened once again today so we will see what happens....
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  • Disappointed in the greed

    I’ve been playing this game for many years but it’s coming close to being deleted. The cost of keys has gone from about 33k coins to 50k and coins seem to take longer to collect. Poor form to make such a change and not even communicate it or compensate with some other benefit. Greedy but it won’t make me buy coins. You just lose players.
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  • Wrong

    Y’all know y’all wrong for doubling the price for keys along with the amount of gems it takes to open chests. That was a foul move and you know it. It’s a shame. This has been one of my favorite games to play for almost 3 years. This has been a game that I constantly log into and play everyday religiously. If this doesn’t get fixed, you will have lost another loyal player.

    I have just used up my remaining gems, tickets, and coins. I see you lowered the price on the keys back to 350 coins but made it to were we have to purchase two at 800 coins. If I only 400 coins I can’t buy a key and the only other option is to use 3 gems, we used to be able to open a chest for only one gem. With gems being so scarce this is still unacceptable. I used to gladly spend my hard earned money to buy gems and tickets but now I am deleting this app along with Clue bingo and monopoly bingo. I don’t know maybe you guys are making more money with this absurd update but with the looks of your most recent reviews you all are losing more players than gaining new ones. Oh well.
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  • Rubbish changes

    I've really enjoyed this came for a long time, but recent changes have ruined it. The price to buy keys has been hiked up overnight with no warning and it now takes three times the amount of gems to unlock boxes. Why change it? Jut trying to make more money out of loyal players 😡
  • Horrible changes

    Used to like playing game but the recent changes make playing almost impossible. The price of buying keys has almost tripled and to open boxes with gems has also tripled. The daily number of tickets is only enough for 1 game on newer cards

    A real shame you have ruined a good game
  • Got too greedy!

    All of my S8 bingo games were my favorites - until now. All of a sudden you decide that you must charge a ridiculous amount for keys and then, when we don’t have enough money for keys you decide that using gems to open cases should cost 3 gems per case instead of one. You can’t earn gems by completing daily or weekend challenges anymore. You get dice or tickets instead. You used to give 90 gems when you completed a word puzzle. Seems that that number was cut in half, as well. Though I have occasionally purchased dice or tickets in your games, I cannot afford to do so on a regular basis. With the changes you have made to these games, it looks like these will not be my favorites anymore. Such a shame you needed to get so greedy...
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  • Annoyed

    Love this game, but all of a sudden the price of keys have rocketed, there doesn’t seem to be many coin boosts so you can’t buy them either. Such a shame to spoil something that wasn’t broke in the first place
  • Enjoy playing but no point anymore

    I enjoy playing this game and want to keep playing but now there is no point. My tickets run out so fast then I have no coins to buy keys anymore because they tripled in price as did using gems to open chests. I'm literally just running everything to zero then can't play. If this is a ploy to make people pay it won't work, we will just play other bingo apps.
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