User Reviews: Nursing Timer

Top reviews

  • Perfect for breastfeeding and diaper tracking

    Love the visual and reporting/summary aspects of this app. It helps me keep track of feeding frequency, length and breast used. Also keep track of wet/dirty diapers. So easy and simple to use which is a must for FTMs who can't remember what happened 30 min ago.

    Now using for my second child and wish it was easier to go back to see the nursing schedule of my first child, the export output is not as intuitive as the interface.
  • Useful but needs many improvements

    Generally it is a good app that I have used for both children. There are many things that could be done to make this app amazing, including:
    When the time is set, it would be great if you can scroll through The hours and minutes continuously.
    It would be helpful that you can set the timer for pumping and bottlefeeding or breast-feeding at the same time.
    If it kept track of the total time of a feeding whether it's bottle or breast-feeding.
    If it kept track of quarter ounces up to 3 ounces.
    If I had an option for loose, regular and hard stools.
    If you could note when a nap started even after the timer has started.
    If there was a section for daily notes.
    If it showed a calendar format option to scroll through feedings, etc. easier.
    Amongst other things...
  • Simple, does everything I want it to do

    This ap is exactly what I needed - a clean, simple way to track nursing and pumping. Timer for each side, days' feeding at a glance. I like the unobtrusive look (but he few ads at the bottom aren't too distracting) and the dark setting for nighttime feedings, and the fact that it keeps timing even if you accidentally close the ap. I don't use the sleep or diapers trackers, but probably would have if this were my first baby. Great ap.
  • Really great

    This is my first review of an app, but this app has been amazing for me and my newborn. My baby has a hard time switching sides during feedings, so I do every other breast every feeding. This app is the only way I'm able to keep track of where he needs to feed, know how long it's been since a feeding so I can anticipate the next one, and be able to easily answer pediatrician questions on his feedings and bowel movements. It's also so easy to use, which, at 3 am comes in handy
  • Very useful

    I've used this for 4 months. With my second & third child I used an Itzbeen to keep track of which side. Now I love this ap for my fourth! It's easy to click on a side to start the feeding & you can even go back to the homepage after you've started the timer & it won't lose your feeding. I only use the feeding feature. Also love that it has a dimmer for the screen for night feedings.
  • Wonderful, but get on the Apple Watch!!!

    This is the best nursing app out there? I've used it consistently for three years now. I recently purchased a different app just because I need one handy for the Apple watch. PLEASE make this app compatible with Apple Watch!!! Also, would be nice to have a place to rate feedings, and make notes (e.g., pulling off, stuffy nose).
  • Best for breast feeding timer and log!

    Used multiple apps and this is the best! Also, it does NOT use a ton of storage on phone!!
  • Exactly what I needed

    This is exactly what I needed. Keeps track of which side and how long you nursed last and also how many wet or poopy diapers baby has had. Recommend this app.
  • The best baby schedule tracking app!

    This is the best nursing/sleep timer out there! I only wish there was an option to track solids.
  • The cure for mom brain

    I'm on kid number two, and have used this app every day since kid number one was born. I mostly use it for nursing, as it is so essential to know which side baby is on, when she ate last, how long, etc. I love the nighttime dark screen. I wish that it started timing from the end of the feed instead of the beginning. But great app, especially since it's free

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